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Johnson lashes out at EU as he clears first hurdle for Brexit treaty breach


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6 hours ago, Lormak said:

The spineless Dutch cannot comprehend the steely determination of an Englishman under duress.  We never give up, never give in

There are moments when given in is the wisest solution.

Every country experienced that in its history.

See the source image

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7 minutes ago, luckyluke said:

There are moments when given in is the wisest solution.

Every country experienced that in its history.

See the source image

Well  this could now  be their Albion moment to find out ????

Edited by david555
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(So ...back in line...? lowering the tone and rewrite it , as " a good jolly fellow " should be ……???? )




Boris Johnson signals compromise with Tory rebels on Brexit Bill 
Prime Minister holds 'constructive' talks with senior MPs and tells them he will act on their concerns 

By Harry Yorke, Political Correspondent ; 
Amy Jones, Political Correspondent and 
James Crisp, Brussels Correspondent 
15 September 2020 • 9:08pm 


Boris Johnson has signalled a possible compromise with Tory rebels after a minister suggested that elements of the Brexit legislation that triggered a revolt could be rewritten. 
The Prime Minister met senior MPs shortly before a vote on the Internal Market Bill on Monday evening (see video below), during which he assured them that he would act on their concerns. 

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18 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Trying the "no speeka da Englessh" get out line?

English being my 4th. language. I  do my best.

Google translation is not always the most accurate.

However pretty sure you understood what I intended to express. 

Which I think is the most important in a conversation between people with different native languages.  

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8 minutes ago, transam said:

Well an American cartoon expressionist and Trump, hmmm, is it from Fergusons children's books... ????

I don't know that book …...are you still reading those …? only reading to your grandchildren ….I may  hope  ????

Edited by david555
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4 minutes ago, david555 said:

I don't know that book …...are you still reading those …? only reading to your grandchildren ….I may  hope  ????

You don't know, post a cartoon with the guys name on it and you don't know. Own up, its from your children's book collection, it's OK, I used to like the Beano, many, many years back...????

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

Don't put your foot in their trap , it is only a way to try to cut your posting more ….. they tried that long ago to me too , at no result , and my English writing is far worse....


They understand very wel broken English , as the remainers do very good  , only brexiteers act as not understand , when they don't like a post and have no reply available  

I guess than something similar to the "Haha" emoticon, so often used.

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3 minutes ago, david555 said:

Don't put your foot in their trap , it is only a way to try to cut your posting more ….. they tried that long ago to me too , at no result , and my English writing is far worse....


They understand very wel broken English , as the remainers do very good  , only brexiteers act as not understand , when they don't like a post and have no reply available  

Most of your EU stuff is just baiting cr_p, virtually nothing of substance, plus I don't think you have ever mentioned your own country, why is that, or have I missed it...?????

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

Maybe you should also not forget it was nationalism in Germany and other countries that started it. Europe was preventing this in the last years making an united front. Now its the UK with its nationalist causing trouble. Maybe you should learn more from history then just who fought who but what causes war and see that nationalism is NOT a good thing.

its the eu and its failed experement in social engineering that has led to this current situation.

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2 hours ago, puipuitom said:

Remind the economic situation the UK was in the beginning of the 70's, ( the sick man of Europe) when they begged and got a EU membership. Pity, we should have listened to Charles de Gaulle

the sick man of europe,true,what a terrible price this country paid for standing up for itself and consequently europe in 1939,and yes charles de gaulle did us a favour in initially preventing us from joining,even he realised what a three card trick the eu was,oh sorry it was the "common market " at the time was it not?

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56 minutes ago, transam said:

Most of your EU stuff is just baiting cr_p, virtually nothing of substance, plus I don't think you have ever mentioned your own country, why is that, or have I missed it...?????

Than you are not as clever as other brexiteers , I call my self a European now , as the game Brexiteers  like to play the game from divide and rool ….., did not work and shall not work , we 27 can have some differences , but not in this Brexit game , united we are .


And let me now give you latest from Brussels where the opinion is no it shall be a no deal as much we would like different , the expectation  is now for no deal . 


You can hear it very soon on your news and  Sky news 

Edited by david555
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5 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


That's a fair point actually. But both Brexiters and Remainers lost all moral high ground during the run-up to the referendum and afterwards.


My eldest daughter was abused verbally and vilified by other students at her university for daring to express different views to the "mob". (She has very different political views to me, as is her right). Those doing the abusing were Remainers.


All because Cameron thought he was being clever and could shut up the Tory anti EU faction.

sorry to hear what happened to your daughter,but a graphic example of remainers showing their true colours.

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1 minute ago, david555 said:

Than you are not as clever as other brexiteers , I call my self a European now , as the game Brexiteers  like to play the game from divide and rool ….., did not work and shall not work , we 27 casly news?n have some differences , but not in this Brexit game , united we are .


And let me now give you latest from Brussels where the opinion is no it shal be a no ddeal as much we would like different , the expectation  is for no deal .


You can hear it very soon on your news and  Sly news 

sly news?that sums it up nicely,well done.

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