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Tourists on the new Special Tourist Visa will have to arrive on charter flights


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11 hours ago, DLock said:


I missed that "minimum" of 90 days.


And now another gem of :



....ha ha ha...so Thai Airlines misses out on even these well - healed  1,200 tourists.


Well thought through Cha Cha.

Unles, of course, Thai Airlines "rent out" their planes to companies, no doubt run by relatives of the government, who have travel businesses, just as the STV being run by Longstay. 

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8 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Don't forget the 18,000 baht for the three Ovid-19 tests at the customers expense.

So travel the $3,000,000 travel insurance i already have PLUS. My full coverage work health insurance  isnt enough ??  I got a quote for 45,000b to  60,000b from thai insurance  ....good God ????

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6 hours ago, FalangJaiDee said:

I know ASQ is between 1k-2k. How much would a ticket cost on the scheduled chartered flights from...*COUGH*...the USA?

My guess is flying first to europe.  Then connecting to a chartered flight on a different booking

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Firstly, the airlines will be empty on the return if the have to stay a mim or 90 days !!!

second. The cheapest ASQ at the moment is 29,000 !! Another rip off.

then covid insurance underwritten in Thailand

Plus 90 day accommodation has to be paid before visa application.

Mega bucks and who is going to come !!!

Nobody with these ridiculous limitations. 

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12 hours ago, ezzra said:

You get the impression that there are hoards of tourists chomping at the bits to come to this paradise called Thailand, charter flights 90 days minimum finger printing insurance and 14 days quarantine, the ultimate destinations, come one come all...


    However that said , 

      Many farangs/aliens,  are not as stupid , as Thais are led too believe, we are ..

      Plan B , may well be an option , sooner than expected ..


Edited by elliss
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3 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

your link is full of spy bot and probably a fake news.

Thailand will have to stop his blackmail with that before to become very poor and obtain a very bad reputation world wide with this kind of practice to make no difference between tourist in holiday and expatriate foreigners who have business or family or retirement.

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7 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

I think its the standard Thai inter quarantine flight. They will just run more flights or fill up more seats.

MRToMRT got it right I think :

I think its the standard Thai inter quarantine flight. They will just run more flights or fill up more seats.


So we have to get the clear to fly, Covid-free test, and then sit in the plane with untested Thais being repatriated.   Let us note the large percentage of people on these flights who are found to be Corvid positive on arival in Thailand.   Who's up for that ?

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10 hours ago, Flying Saucage said:

I think you are 100% right with this.


But I like to add that very likely there is much more to it. They cannot be so stupid to believe that this scheme will work, they cannot be so stupid to believe that it will help the economy in any way, except maybe some rich friends among the elite who own some of the quarantine hotels.


I am sure that they create this scheme WILLFULLY TO BE IMPRACICABLE! The real point is, I assume, that they DO NOT WANT TOURISTS ANYMORE for now.


Keep in mind the close relations between the Thai junta government and China. Keep in mind the watches of the little general. For me, it seems obvious that this scheme is made only to appease the populace for a while and to show the Thai tourism industry that they are doing something to help, while in reality their plan is to ruin the industry willfully, to make it a cheap bargain for Chinese investors, plus a few rich Thai investors of their clique. A win-win-win situation for the junta, some others in the elite, and especially the Chinese. That's one reason also why the create all this panic and paranoia regarding Covid.


After the outbreak of the pandemic, China quickly realised the opportunities resulting from it. So, they had a talk with their Thai junta friends then, and this is the result now.


Your post, NanLeow, fits well into this plan. 


I assume some more luxury watches are on the way to Thailand right now.




The collapse of the economy is a global plan, a reset of the entire economy of the planet is being prepared This is the plan of the elites who rule the world the covid is just an excuse 

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We will have all been upset to see the result of this lockdown on the thai people in tourist resorts out of work. The news of this will raise hopes of a return to normal without realising the pathetically small numbers planned to allow entry to the Kingdom. It has to fail and must fail.

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