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Krabi: Only TWO hotels are prepared to accept foreign tourists


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I understand that this means foreigners under the new visa scheme, who have to quarantine in the hotel the 1st 2 weeks of their stay. Not every hotel is prepared and interested in doing this Mickey Mouse business. I booked in Ao Nang for next week, no problem.

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I'm not sure how much credence to give this news item. There are the big hotels. There are also small hotels and B&B's running at 400 - 600 baht/night, clean, air-conditioned, big bed. Perhaps they are beneath the radar.

I'm just trying to cope with the mental picture of my Thai GF at a hotel that refused me service because I am a foreigner. She would be ripping the staff a new...............starts with a.

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Maybe foreign tourists should boycott the area altogether, plenty of other holiday areas in Thailand.

Xenophobia at it's best (or worst) ! 

Maybe this was a ploy to get all the farangs to stay in the 2 TAT appointed hotels, you no you scratch mine i will scratch yours 

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As soon as you hit the thai gulf i.e. Petchaburi & all the way down through prachuab, chumpon, surat & finally nakon st cool beaches abound. Forget Krabi & the bloody andeman westcoast!! ever heard of kanom, sichon etc  beaches? well one is famed for surfing the other for white sandy unspoiled beaches. wont find that at ao nang!!! ofcuz no bargirls to speak of except in the latter - except now they would be gone ????
Ever heard of sand dunes? Well Chumpon has those @ Tam-Tong-Bang-Boet beach ????

Edited by worldfun
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47 minutes ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Sadly it’s well known to expats who live in Krabi that most of the locals really don’t like foreigners. Many families have become rich selling family land and would be happy if tourism closed down. 

I have lived in Krabi (although I think you are referring to Ao Nang) for 15 years - before the tourist boom here. I and many others would completely disagree with your comment.

Krabi itself has few foreign visitors (mostly backpackers) as it has no beach. It is perfectly happy to have foreigners but lacks tourist infrastructure and may seem unfriendly to such as you.


Anyone who starts a comment with the words "it's well known" is usually blowing smoke.

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If you read the excessively complicated document they make you sign to join this scheme (I have)

The liabilities they need you to accept, the penalties you may incur and the hoops you have to jump through - just to possibly catch one or two bookings. No way!

I declined because our costs (mostly staff) would increase considerably and hiring staff just to let them go again is a non-starter. Also I will not accept that if they send me a case of covid I suffer all the penalties of closure etc. and they reserve the right to penalise me on top of that!


Sad that, as usual, there are three pages of Location/Thai bashing from completely uninformed keyboard warriors none of whom has bothered to put any thought into the reasons why this may happen and automatically assume that hotel owners are too lazy to do business whilst being busy going broke!


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31 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Maybe the hotels realise that if foreigners are allowed to fly into Thailand and go to their hotels it will kiss goodbye domestic travel.


are you insinuating domestic travelers research/check whether a hotel they plan to book e.g. as it's discounted on their travel program has signed up for asq/special tourist program before booking? 

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6 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Sadly it’s well known to expats who live in Krabi that most of the locals really don’t like foreigners. Many families have become rich selling family land and would be happy if tourism closed down. 

Really ......speaking for all the expats in krabi are you?......maybe it’s just you they don’t like.

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4 hours ago, PaoloR said:

If you read the excessively complicated document they make you sign to join this scheme (I have)

The liabilities they need you to accept, the penalties you may incur and the hoops you have to jump through - just to possibly catch one or two bookings. No way!

I declined because our costs (mostly staff) would increase considerably and hiring staff just to let them go again is a non-starter. Also I will not accept that if they send me a case of covid I suffer all the penalties of closure etc. and they reserve the right to penalise me on top of that!


Sad that, as usual, there are three pages of Location/Thai bashing from completely uninformed keyboard warriors none of whom has bothered to put any thought into the reasons why this may happen and automatically assume that hotel owners are too lazy to do business whilst being busy going broke!


In which case, the noted hoteliers would (should) be campaigning and lobbying the government for change in every way they possibly can. If they fail to even try, then they are as you say "to lazy to do business whilst being busy going broke" and deserve the collapse of their business. I would not stand by and let politician put me out of business without putting up a fight, what ever the cost. I would concede that an individual business would have no luck, but if like minded business got together and organised then thats another story.


The article pointed out that a committee went to the location to understand feelings and sentiment - Of course we will not know what folks said, but if this group simply reported on what they heard - then I stand by my former comment. If its all untrue and the tourist industry are knocking down doors in government, then I will of course take those words back. But I've read nothing to suggest that government are being lobbied in any positive way.


Seems like folk are looking for an easy way out of this, but that's not coming. Those who have already closed shop have realised that, the rest are on bended knees praying to Buda or government for handouts. 

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I think this article is full of sh¡t... I know quite a few hotels that are actually currently having foreigners.

Also "Manager Online" is not the media I'd get my information from... biased, unprofessional journalism... if you can even call it that.

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7 hours ago, TEFLKrabi said:

Sadly it’s well known to expats who live in Krabi that most of the locals really don’t like foreigners. Many families have become rich selling family land and would be happy if tourism closed down. 

Gossip, BS, unfounded... Been in Krabi long enough to know...

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On 9/18/2020 at 2:35 PM, Nout said:

Perhaps they are content with what they have and despite the constant iterations by members of this forum about ripp offs and Thai greed it is not the case in reality. This story indicates the real priorities of many Thais. Of course this shocks and confuses many entitled foreigners who think access to Thailand is their God given right. Clearly it is not.

i think they havnt bothered to check actual statistic on covid19,

just sheep's following news gibberish until starvation if leader say so

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On 9/18/2020 at 12:39 PM, bluesofa said:

There's a group of about twelve Thais and three (expat) ferangs driving down from Udon to Nakhon Si Thammarat in November on a merit-making trip for someone who died recently.

We were talking about stopping off in Krabi, but it looks like that's off the menu now. Their loss.

It's about 1,300km each way. Reading this makes me wonder if we'll find anywhere to stay on the way?

The comments are being taken out of context. They are talking about tourists coming in from outside the country, no problem for foreigners already in Thailand.

I was in Ao Nang a couple of weeks ago, a bit deserted but the service couldn't be faulted.

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On 9/18/2020 at 11:33 AM, petermik said:

I,m off to Ao Nang next tuesday for a 3 night stay in a 4* Hotel courtesy of the Governments domestic tourism boosting scheme (with my TGF) of course,third trip since they opened up the hotels late June....better pull my mask over my face completely so they don,t realise I,m a farang....:thumbsup:

We are off again Wed morning, driving up to Khao Kho this time for 3 days.

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4 hours ago, sandyf said:

We are off again Wed morning, driving up to Khao Kho this time for 3 days.


   Keep it too ourselves .

   Was there recently , i did not see any farlangs there .  

    Perfect ...


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On 9/18/2020 at 11:04 AM, Thaiwrath said:

Maybe foreign tourists should boycott the area altogether, plenty of other holiday areas in Thailand.

Xenophobia at it's best (or worst) ! 

While Thai xenophobia is a reality, I don't think it is involved here. For hotels accepting foreigners under the government's latest plan implies that they have to implement the quarantine measures for just a handful of customers, which has a cost and will force them to be closed for domestic tourism. It is just a case of an unacceptable cost, benefit and risk ratio.

Edited by Boomer6969
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6 minutes ago, clarky cat said:

very confused, hotel websites are still offering rooms


do they just turn you away when arriving and pocket the cash?

The article is about ASQ hotels for international visitors, seems there is only 2 in Krabi.

There are other hotels open for business and they accept foreigners (local tourism).

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