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Medical experts see Covid-19 risk for Thailand from foreigners


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17 minutes ago, BernieOnTour said:

- that means, they found tiny RNA segments, which not necessarily mean, there is an infection

- for an infection, the virus has to multiply- rtPCR also detects dead virus material

So you could possibly suck in an amount of virus that's not enough to cause an infection and dies before being able to multiply enough yet still be detected by these tests?Is that why they say you need to be exposed for more than 30 minutes or such to actually be exposed to enough viral material to cause an infection which causes symptoms?

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2 hours ago, Zikomat said:

 The idea of walling away from the outside world, however reasonable it may sound, is inhuman in its essence. You there , you may die, we, meanwhile are better than you, smarter than you, luckier than you - we will live on. And this attitude is caused by the relatively week virus alone. I am afraid to imagine what may happen in case of something more deadly and serious shows up. The foreigners might then be exterminated only for being foreigners and all kind of ‘intellectual elites’ will explain to the masses why such treatment is fully justified.

"me too",

I am afraid to imagine what may happen in case of something more deadly and serious shows up.

Yes, I am afraid that this is just a foreplay, kind of exercise. They make this script  last years (you can find the source easely if you are interested). Yes and what will they do, if there will be a real threat?

No, dont call them "intellectual". These guys are everything but intellectual. In former times one would have used the word "cretins" for these kind of folks.


Even this self proclaimed  word "elite" is a joke. but hey - this is how propaganda is working.

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8 minutes ago, dieter1 said:

"me too",

I am afraid to imagine what may happen in case of something more deadly and serious shows up.

Yes, I am afraid that this is just a foreplay, kind of exercise. They make this script  last years (you can find the source easely if you are interested). Yes and what will they do, if there will be a real threat?

No, dont call them "intellectual". These guys are everything but intellectual. In former times one would have used the word "cretins" for these kind of folks.


Even this self proclaimed  word "elite" is a joke. but hey - this is how propaganda is working.

Don't get paranoid. 

It's their country, so they practice Asian medicine. And they're very pragmatic. 

I would advise them even not to let anyone in the country with flu, although Thais (at least in Pattaya) might have got used to it. 

It's not propaganda, it's ethnic medicine. In the South Asia Institute of the University of Heidelberg where I studied they have a special department for that, and they have one in London, too. 

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On 9/18/2020 at 7:30 PM, Pottinger said:

I guess the latest visa category is a non-starter then....


Still, the Thais are no worse than other headless chicken governments around the world, saying one thing today and another tomorrow.


UK , and Boris Bonkers , comes too mind..

  However that said , the opposition party , are still in Labour ..



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4 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

sorry i thought foreigners were called ferang  

 FYi .

Our official Thai Goverment status , is Alien ..

 Enjoy , your retirement . Sweet dreams ..


Edited by elliss
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Prior to the year 1900, medical textbooks did not contain the word virus.  According to these texts, Colds and flu were caused by deficiencies in your diet of potassium and iron (fruits, vegetables, nuts, other).   The mineral deficiency caused cell breakdown requiring extraction of mucous and phlegm via fever, cough and runny nose.


Hence the cold and flu are not contagious. The city of Boston, Ma conducted tests in 1918 during "Spanish flu outbreak".  Studies prooved the flu is not contagious. 


Mucous and phlegm schwabs were extracted from citizens with the flu and inserted into 100 healthy citizen's nasal passage.  Result: 0 out of 100 got the flu.  Many other tests conducted with no infection to the healthy test group


It appears the parasites greedy for cash and power got control of the curiculum taught at medical schools and "virus theory" was introduced in order to cash in on pharmaceutical tablets. Others disagreeing were labeled as quacks, medical licenses revoked. 


"Doctors" who are coincidentally the most endoctrinated and well paid members of society are peddling this snake oil, because of learning "virus" theory.  I know classmates of mine went on to become doctors.  They simply learned from textbook and regurgitated data back.  Indoctrination.  Good people trusting in the system.


I personally have not had the cold and flu for over 10 years after changing my diet to mostly fruits and vegetables, eliminating fast foods and colas, and dropping 50kg.


For the hypochondriacs, please snap out of your stupor.  The parasites don't care about your health.  The parasites care about locking you down, eliminating your rights, and bankrupting your business.





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On 9/18/2020 at 6:13 PM, ThailandRyan said:

More scare tactics, we already know that they will find someone with the virus somewhere, and they also announced a new death from a ministry person who returned from Saudi.  If you would test the public you would see that Thais have Covid already and are asymptomatic.  This is getting so old.  Unify your front and accept what you can not Thailand.  FACE is a terrible thing to loose, but your reputation is going deep into the septic tank.

Breathtaking propaganda, more cases because of more testing, few to no deaths & not as dangerous as influenza -CDC

Repeat the FEAR mantra, & keep the COVID myth alive for Globalist Agenda

Certainly new standards being set to subjugate the citizens from most Govts around the globe as they move on to enslavement of population, its just the beginning for the UN, or will it be the demise , we see .MAGA.

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On 9/18/2020 at 10:45 PM, PatOngo said:

With a population in excess of 65 million, why does Thailand even need to bring laborers from neighbouring countries? Could it be that the neighbours provide better quality, more reliable/energetic labor! ???? 



Because young Thai men are above Gamagon, common labour worker.

Pimp is higher level and has benefits of free whyskey and gambling money to play cards. 

Also Burmese work at extorted pay rates and can be used as Scapegoats 

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The doctor is right, but the truth is too much for some posters who have ranted on

in length.  I think that in 60 days,  when the high season starts, there may be some

more, reasonably priced quarantine places to stay, in more cities through out

Thailand.  I know some retired guys who do not want to spend Winter in cold cold

Canada or Europe.


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On 9/18/2020 at 6:16 PM, johng said:

Sharp rise in infections because of a sharp rise in testing for infections ?   

lets hear about how many of those infections require hospitalisation or result in deaths  and how many have mild or no symptoms.

Look it up, it’s public knowledge 

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6 hours ago, Mark Nothing said:

Prior to the year 1900, medical textbooks did not contain the word virus.  According to these texts, Colds and flu were caused by deficiencies in your diet of potassium and iron (fruits, vegetables, nuts, other).   The mineral deficiency caused cell breakdown requiring extraction of mucous and phlegm via fever, cough and runny nose.


Hence the cold and flu are not contagious. The city of Boston, Ma conducted tests in 1918 during "Spanish flu outbreak".  Studies prooved the flu is not contagious. 


Mucous and phlegm schwabs were extracted from citizens with the flu and inserted into 100 healthy citizen's nasal passage.  Result: 0 out of 100 got the flu.  Many other tests conducted with no infection to the healthy test group


It appears the parasites greedy for cash and power got control of the curiculum taught at medical schools and "virus theory" was introduced in order to cash in on pharmaceutical tablets. Others disagreeing were labeled as quacks, medical licenses revoked. 


"Doctors" who are coincidentally the most endoctrinated and well paid members of society are peddling this snake oil, because of learning "virus" theory.  I know classmates of mine went on to become doctors.  They simply learned from textbook and regurgitated data back.  Indoctrination.  Good people trusting in the system.


I personally have not had the cold and flu for over 10 years after changing my diet to mostly fruits and vegetables, eliminating fast foods and colas, and dropping 50kg.


For the hypochondriacs, please snap out of your stupor.  The parasites don't care about your health.  The parasites care about locking you down, eliminating your rights, and bankrupting your business.

not that I would say, it proves anything but

If I actualy ever had a "flu" "cold" , it must been decades ago (I guess mor than 30 Years), but not shure I ever had it.

In my adult working time, my motto was: If I feel the need to not work (without having whatever symptoms  ) I go to a doctor to get the sick leave slip, befor (!) getting ill. So no need to get ill. Interisting: My wife also never got a "flu" or something like that.  (after (!) the marriage).

If you want to know, what my lifestyle is, ask me. I do not pretend to have the "Stein der Weisen (Philosopher's Stone ?). It is just as it is.

I think, a healthy livestyle helps a lot. but  I am absolutely not fanatic with this .(mostly a good portion of using  my muscles daily - like bicycling and walking, garden work. yes not sport. eat for the most part (far from 100 %) healthy food like vegetables and some fruits. Avoiding proceeded food (very important) . I like tasteful food and for me, real tasteful (natural taste) is healthy .Junk food is unhealthy and taste like <deleted> or nothing . Unhealthy food mostly contains unnatural  ingredients with an addiction effect (sugar, salt, even cheese (I like cheese!, I would even see white rice and Wheat flour in this context)

That what I do not like about  the medical business : 99.9 % is treatment of illness and they are in fact not even good in this. But what is way more important and in fact is much more helpfull for having a good life and to live a long life is how to avoid illness. But they made nearly all of their money for treat ment of deseases. it is a proven fact, that the medical profession does not help a lot to have a healthy and long lifespan. Just look, where people get very old. It is not because of the medical system. this is a fact very easy to understand, but most people fail to recognise it. We pay a big part of our income for insurence but in fact get little for that. I think nearly 50 % of all medical expenses are for our last 12 month of living when, in fact the  most important parts of our lives  are allready over. And now, it is the same with covid19. Someone was writing, that in Australia they are paying (?) 1 Billion for saving one life (mostly costs for the lockdown etc. That is obviously insane, but many people cant understand it. Or focussing on the "rescue" of people, which are mostly allready in their last 12 month of their lifes (statistically). With all this effort, you could do so much for the welfare of the 75 years before. So many people worldwide will die or allready dying cause of the lockdowns and economic results of this nonsense. This is a fact. Why is that fact mostly not mentioned in the media? A decline of lets say 10 % of the world economy will have a desastrous effect for millions of people (about 1 Billion people). You can read and find it if you want. WHY do THEY not care about it. These are facts but the hype of million of CASES is just a media hype.

You can read about the huge number of CASES in India (never in relation to the huge population there - about 1.2 Billions). Do you read about the desastrous  consequences the recession has to the hundreds of millions of the poorest in India?

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This tread has taken so many twists and turns!  The mind boggles!  Back to what the doctor said which may or may not be correct, which may or may not Be true.  It is what he believes as true....or is he saying what his paymaster wants to hear. Oh to be a fly on the wall! 

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12 hours ago, Suua said:

Thanks FFF.....nail on the head.

Sandy.....wake up.

What FFF said is spot on,  and thats not including the untested. The dictators are not allowing testing on a large scale, it's impossible to know how many people out there are +ve....period, full stop.

Remember 95% of cases only display mild flu symptoms. How many people do you know that have had 'flu' this year?....I know of at least 7 friends.....they're trying to protect their 20%+ GDP tourist income. Blindingly Obvious!

Not allowing tourists to visit is a very good way to protect the tourist income. Makes alot of sense

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I believe he is right. Thailand should consider very seriously if this is the right time to open up for tourists. Europe and USA are both chaos when it comes to Corona virus. Previous experiences show that just one infected person in an airplane can infect 15 others in the plane.

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10 hours ago, Mark Nothing said:

Prior to the year 1900, medical textbooks did not contain the word virus.  According to these texts, Colds and flu were caused by deficiencies in your diet of potassium and iron (fruits, vegetables, nuts, other).   The mineral deficiency caused cell breakdown requiring extraction of mucous and phlegm via fever, cough and runny nose.


Hence the cold and flu are not contagious. The city of Boston, Ma conducted tests in 1918 during "Spanish flu outbreak".  Studies prooved the flu is not contagious. 


Mucous and phlegm schwabs were extracted from citizens with the flu and inserted into 100 healthy citizen's nasal passage.  Result: 0 out of 100 got the flu.  Many other tests conducted with no infection to the healthy test group


It appears the parasites greedy for cash and power got control of the curiculum taught at medical schools and "virus theory" was introduced in order to cash in on pharmaceutical tablets. Others disagreeing were labeled as quacks, medical licenses revoked. 


"Doctors" who are coincidentally the most endoctrinated and well paid members of society are peddling this snake oil, because of learning "virus" theory.  I know classmates of mine went on to become doctors.  They simply learned from textbook and regurgitated data back.  Indoctrination.  Good people trusting in the system.


I personally have not had the cold and flu for over 10 years after changing my diet to mostly fruits and vegetables, eliminating fast foods and colas, and dropping 50kg.


For the hypochondriacs, please snap out of your stupor.  The parasites don't care about your health.  The parasites care about locking you down, eliminating your rights, and bankrupting your business.





You're aware of progress in medicine? 

And you're aware that by calling humans "parasites" you're using exactly the same language that German Nazis once used against the Jews? 


Why did you actually leave Thailand? Who forced you to do so? 

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 This is the latest from The Ministry of Public Health.

"Foreigners must also have quarantined in their country of origin and have health insurance for international travel and a specified minimum amount of money in their bank account as well as a record of not visiting crowded places prior to their departure.
During their domestic quarantine, visitors must have been tested twice for Covid-19 at the beginning and end of the process.
If both tests are negative for the virus, they will be allowed to travel to Thailand".


How do you prove you have self quarantined in your own country and keep a record of not visiting any crowded places prior to departure.......

Who comes up with this stupidity.

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3 minutes ago, NE1 said:

 This is the latest from The Ministry of Public Health.

"Foreigners must also have quarantined in their country of origin and have health insurance for international travel and a specified minimum amount of money in their bank account as well as a record of not visiting crowded places prior to their departure.
During their domestic quarantine, visitors must have been tested twice for Covid-19 at the beginning and end of the process.
If both tests are negative for the virus, they will be allowed to travel to Thailand".


How do you prove you have self quarantined in your own country and keep a record of not visiting any crowded places prior to departure.......

Who comes up with this stupidity.

Domestic surveillance is up to your home country, of course. Guess they come up with specific forms pretty soon. Although Greenish European lawmakers are quite slow when it comes to intercontinental travel. 

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15 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

My figure of covid related deaths is right there at the beginning of my post,it's about 3600 which seems to fit as a better number than the 59 this administration has determined

As already said, pure assumption, but whatever floats your boat.

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14 hours ago, Suua said:

Sandy.....wake up.

I wake up to the garbage on this forum every day.

Why do people try and convince themselves that things are much worse than they really are, you really think that countries like the UK got it right.


Boris Johnson is spending the weekend considering whether to tighten Covid-19 measures in England, after saying the UK was "now seeing a second wave".


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16 hours ago, nchuckle said:

'Contrast' - another word for you to look up. Contrast the respective avoidance measures ,economic impact and costs  to achieve the commonality of fewer deaths . Or are you still struggling to grasp that deaths (or avoidance thereof) is the common theme.?

You are quite free to believe that a covid test will improve the driving skills.

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