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Video: Schoolgirl mown down on zebra crossing - driver claims she ran out


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49 minutes ago, Andy from Kent said:


Did you mean misconception?    Common mistake with the word misapprehension.

  1. a mistaken belief about or interpretation of something
    The dictionary disagrees.
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90% of people driving here on thai roads have only eye for themselfs and totaly no feeling whatsoever of what's happening around them . That's what happens when you get your drivers license on a parking lot and never have being taken out on the road to learn how traffic works . No driving lessons no classes on how to read traffic or what to expect . And what some of you said loss of face , even if they know their car is half as fast as yours they feel they can still win . Same with motorbikes . Watching their phones and playing with their phones is more important to them then watching in their mirrors and keeping an eye on traffic . And those tinted windows , many of them are so dark you almost cannot see in the day already , what you think about the night . 

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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


This, I suspect is the underlying reason for much of Thailands traffic woes. Everyone things someone else is below them. There is no consideration for the greater good and the attitudes are ‘screw everyone else’ (outside of my circle). 

That's so true.

As long as that attitude doesn't change, everything will be the same.

From high to low, from rich to poor.

They must teach in school everybody is equal.

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9 hours ago, Henryford said:

They should remove the zebra crossings in Thailand. The most dangerous place to cross the road. I have nearly been run over twice crossing them,

Twice, have you learnt anything yet? ????????

Edited by Artisi
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Then the student was hit. She was taken unconscious to Nakhon Pathom Hospital on Tuesday where she is in a serious condition. 


Watching the video hurts a lot that I have tears in my eyes. I experience it way too often that I stop at a zebra crossing and others fly by and almost kill trespassers.


  The worst zebra crossing where nobody stops is right at the hospital where disabled people have a hard time to cross the road without getting killed by an idiot.


  I pray to god, Buddha, anybody that the poor girl fully recovers.


M 5, so she must be 17, or 18 years old. Once you know the quality of the government hospitals and how fast emergency operations are done after an accident then you know the chances she's got. There's no emergency operation if you're not important. 


   The guy should never be allowed to drive any vehicle. If that was my daughter, I'd do all i could to make him pay for what he did. 



Edited by teacherclaire
A Speedy and Full Recovery
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9 hours ago, tracker1 said:

First time I have seen this ad ! but to a Thai driver it appears to mean Jack <deleted> after all some are just learning to pull aside for Ambulances in an emergency situation !

Zebra Crossoings very dangerous , even when I have gottten cars to stop after I entered  crosswalk extending my hand  at least  3 times I have had motorcys  darting in the space between cars almost hit me.

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

No charges have yet been made, said Daily News, as the matter is still under investigation. 


The driver was named only as "A".

His bank account is being investigated, the folks that would pay money for his freedom is being investigate, total BS in Thailand. Can he pay or wei his way out.

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I always start crossing when it is evident that no car could physically get to my point before I'm on the other side. Even then, the following scenario happens to me frequently, which really showcases this mentality: I start crossing, then when I'm already half way across, some <deleted> makes a 90 degree turn onto my street full speed and starts a game of "haha, pay attention and run or you're <deleted> dead bro". 
Disgusting, Hence these accidents we see here don't surprise me at all, especially with kids who have a less developed sense of self preservation and danger.


I also wish automatic cars didn't exist in Thailand. Maybe the half of a brain required to operate a mechanical would serve as an entry barrier to block out a good portion of the retards.

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16 hours ago, Henryford said:

They should remove the zebra crossings in Thailand. The most dangerous place to cross the road. I have nearly been run over twice crossing them,

I agree that the current situation is not safe and more treatments (school zones with slower speed, flashing lights etc...) are needed along with actual law enforcement. 

Based only upon the video, I think a the first step is to prosecute to for reckless homicide... assuming Thailand has this law. If the reckless drivers were truly held accountable for actions maybe there would be a change in driving behaviors over time, if not at least it would save the next victim, if they were locked up.


I was a firefighter for 42 years and seeing something this makes me both cry and Enraged towards the responsible party. My apologies for the rant, I realize I am preaching to the choir.

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Where I come from a zebra crossing is where cars stop to let people cross. Here they run people down and dont stop but hey they make great decorations on the road. Just a cheeky questions?  When the Thais go for their tough test to get their driving licenses are they make aware what a zebra is? Or are the keystone cops aware why the zebra crossings are put there for?

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One problem that some people seem to now grasp is that they are NOT in their home country. 
Pedestrians do not have the "right of way" like they do in places such as the USA. 
For some,  this lesson comes with some pain. 

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Holidaying in Pattaya I risked my life whenever I tried to cross the road on 2nd Road or Beach Road I used the zebra crossing but all the drivers just ignored it they did stop at traffic lights but the traffic light crossings on 2nd road were not working and were not repaired in the month that I was there. This is a strange attitude to have in a city that wants tourists who "Walk and Gawk" and visit the bars, shops and clubs in the area.

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On 9/24/2020 at 11:00 AM, ChipButty said:

Never trust them here 

Yes. Trust is a word/concept you should purge from your consciousness soon after arriving in the Kingdom. It has no meaning here and can never serve you well. 


To paraphrase an old addage:

Don't trust. Verify first, last, and always. 

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On 9/23/2020 at 10:50 PM, lujanit said:

Most Thai drivers have no idea what a zebra crossing means. You take your life in your own hands using one.


In some US States, zebra crossings mean pedestrians have the right of way and drivers must stop.  In other US states, all they mean is that it's legal for pedestrians to cross there.  They convey no right of way.  Same in China where zebra crossings at red lights are common.  But it's the red light that conveys the right of way- not the zebra stripes.  In BKK Chinatown, there are zebra crossings all over, with a red light to let pedestrians know when they have the right of way.


So it's not hard to understand why they're misinterpreted.  Mostly by the pedestrians, though.


Oh, and foreign drivers who think the rules in their home city apply all over the world.  Hometown rules and customs may not even be valid when you cross a state line, much less an international border.


Edited by impulse
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