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Opinion: Bad review of Koh Chang hotel: The only real loser is Thai tourism


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12 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

I dont know if you are aware you can respond to a review on the platform, it's always advisable to respond in a positive way sit down stay calm then people can read both sides of the story 

I do know, and I agree, and I do just that on my TA page. They did just that. Plus they messaged him privately, shown in my post above this one.



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I write reviews on hotels and restaurants because I think that impartial reviews are helpful for future customers. This guy went over the top with a highly emotive review. Whilst the hotel has gone way over the top by making a complaint for Defamation karma will hit them in the face. The negative impact of their action has only brought more unwelcome attention to their apparent attitude to guests. It could also lead people to doubt reviews of any Thai hotel or restaurant. 

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Opinion: Bad review of Koh Chang hotel: The only real loser is Thai tourism

typical Thai posting standards, they don't look ahead and think about the potential draw back from their stupxx idea/post same as TAT with their weekly/daily postings about bringing back tourism, 1st regardless how stupixx it may be/sound, they post it and then seeing all the criticism and negative feed back they amend it to a even more stupxx one 555


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1 hour ago, French mate said:

Its perfectly fine.

They just need to add a sign at the airport arrival, next from the one stating electronic cigarette is illegal,  that posting a bad review about your trip while in Thailand is an inapropriate behavior who can get you fined and jailled ????

Perhaps even from abroad, as we could cancel any entry visa  and not allow you back if we want.

We are watching you ???? ????️‍♂️

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

I wouldn't be bothered arguing corkage. I'd pay up, just never go back there again.

Yeah, arguing corkage is stupid.  It's standard practice.  If you don't like the price, vote with your feet.  Or just save your stash and buy the bar drinks.  I've done that.
But still.  Criminal charges for a bad reviews when most of your reviews are great?  What was the owner thinking?  Going full medieval on the guy is about as stupid as arguing corkage.
Unless the resort owner backs down and both parties seek resolution out of court, they'll simply be two really sad stories here.
Over freaking corkage.  <headshake>

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2 hours ago, French mate said:


They just need to add a sign at the airport arrival, next from the one stating electronic cigarette is illegal,  that posting a bad review about your trip while in Thailand is an inapropriate behavior who can get you fined and jailled ????

No, they don’t. They can expect that people in this country, locals and visitors alike, have made themselves familiar with and obey the laws, whether they agree with such laws or not. 

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11 minutes ago, robblok said:

Mean spiritive and vindictive nature of Thai culture. It was the American who was vindictive. Posting multiple bad reiviews. Not one but multiple over time wanting to do damage to the hotel. He was the one who started it just because he had to pay corkage. I have paid it in the pas too, some places you have to others you dont. If you dont like it move its no reason to slander a hotel.


Maybe this is a aspect of American culture being mean and vindictive (I don't mean that but shows how easy you can turn around the action of one to tar everyone)

Perhaps the example of mean/vindictive is emulated in other higher echelons of power in American society 

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We have a small hotel. Most of high season we operate on 100% occupancy(except this year).. Customers can be really dumb. Often reviews are hurtful. Have accused me of stealing and being dishonest when it is just not true. All you can do is leave a reply but the hope is that prospective customers realize the bad reviews are often by cranks and the good ones far outweigh the bad. If the customer is too dumb to realize that I don't want them in my hotel cause they will probably be difficult. It is stupid of this hotel to bother. When I book I always look at the bad reviews first. If they are just people being fuzzy and arguing about an expensive bottle of wine or something I will discount them. 

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OMG...I couldn't care less   (most people write this incorrectly, but not me!!!). 


I'm coming next week and will pay 200,000 for quarantine.   100,000 for airfare.  500,000 for hotels (yes, I get lots of rooms)....


Why?  like 99.99999% of everyone......for Pattaya!!!!!!!!


you jokers think people come to Thailand to pick strawberries????   nobody cares about this review if it doesn't affect the rate of a short time.  

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25 minutes ago, robblok said:

Mean spiritive and vindictive nature of Thai culture. It was the American who was vindictive. Posting multiple bad reiviews. Not one but multiple over time wanting to do damage to the hotel. He was the one who started it just because he had to pay corkage. I have paid it in the pas too, some places you have to others you dont. If you dont like it move its no reason to slander a hotel.


Maybe this is a aspect of American culture being mean and vindictive (I don't mean that but shows how easy you can turn around the action of one to tar everyone)


Once again; where is the Thai person in all of this? Perhaps I have missed it. So far I have seen only foreigner on foreigner interaction. Not a single Thai name involved. F&B Manager; foreigner. Person who replied to the review; foreigner.

So what does this have to do with Thais? I haven't looked into it, so correct me if I am wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


Once again; where is the Thai person in all of this? Perhaps I have missed it. So far I have seen only foreigner on foreigner interaction. Not a single Thai name involved. F&B Manager; foreigner. Person who replied to the review; foreigner.

So what does this have to do with Thais? I haven't looked into it, so correct me if I am wrong.

Who drafts the draconian defamation laws in Thailand? Foreigners???

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20 minutes ago, PatOngo said:
23 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

And who owns the hotel

You mean the 49% or the 51%?


In whichever fraction the hotel is owned...  If there is any foreign investor at all which you have implied there is (49%).


Or have you simply failed to think before punching the keyboard ?




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