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Anutin: Thailand is ready to open up to foreign tourists


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I can remember in February, when he called me and all other Westernes for dirty........I have cancelled my expected 5 weeks vacation in November and December....I'll hope that many will remember his words and spend as little as possibel there next time they arrive.....You are just a dirty Farang in his eyes and probably in many other thais, but our money is very welcome...

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14 hours ago, Sheryl said:

WHOImost definitely did not say this.


They would never issue such a blanket statement for the whole world when there are obvious differences in the situation across countries and even regions within countries.


People with agendas of their own are deliberately distorting words spoken by one WHO official in an interview (not an official WHO position statement ...one individual talking) and further distorted what that person said.


"Nabarro said, “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus.” Note the word “primary” here. He did not say, “do not advocate lockdowns as a means of control of this virus.” Nabarro continued by saying, “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.” Note the words “rather not do it” as opposed to “should not do it” or “will not do it.”



Well, then they actually did advise the world not to lock down: "...we'd rather not do it." "The only time..." That time is far over now. 

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Thai,s  are not stupid  no matter  what  the Gov  say  

They  see  the world  news  it is obvious this virus  in some countries  is still  out of hand

They  wear  masks  out of  safety  not  fear 

As to mass tourism  the man is a  nut  job  

Surely  he  sees the news  too  this Virus is not over  and is adapting to warmer  climates  now 

It  is  so obvious his  intension  to mass tourism  is with his  pals  with  money  ..... China

Thailand  has not even had a first wave  virus  yet  ...very  lucky  I think  your climate  was a factor  ...but  Virus  mutate  and  care must be taken  not to tempt  fate  .....your  people   or  your money   up to you  Thailand ...You  must  wait  for a  vacine that works  

good  Luck Thailand

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I thought this guy thought we were "too dirty" to be allowed entry into Thailand?? He must be the most xenophobic individual in the land & has proved that in his media statements. I for one do not forget his rants about us & now he's welcoming us ............. this guy needs telling that only those desperate & have families here will return now. The rest of us will go elsewhere ............... it's a fact that we are not welcome here & the recent events have confirmed this ......... we've got the message now & the "golden goose" is well & truly cooked, if not burnt!

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17 minutes ago, TERMINATOR3AB said:

Thai,s  are not stupid  no matter  what  the Gov  say  

They  see  the world  news  it is obvious this virus  in some countries  is still  out of hand

They  wear  masks  out of  safety  not  fear 

As to mass tourism  the man is a  nut  job  

Surely  he  sees the news  too  this Virus is not over  and is adapting to warmer  climates  now 

It  is  so obvious his  intension  to mass tourism  is with his  pals  with  money  ..... China

Thailand  has not even had a first wave  virus  yet  ...very  lucky  I think  your climate  was a factor  ...but  Virus  mutate  and  care must be taken  not to tempt  fate  .....your  people   or  your money   up to you  Thailand ...You  must  wait  for a  vacine that works  

good  Luck Thailand

How do you wait for a vaccine for a "virus" that has not even been purified (isolated) yet? Besides, this Corona Virus is a flu. Nothing more, nothing less and all the fear mongering in the world will not change that.

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Thank you Mr Anutin, but I will not be back until at least next year in December.

  I do not have the money that I used to and it will take until next year to enjoy

2 or 3 months anywhere in the world. Oh, Yes, the virus made it to all countries

in the world. Surprise!  Oh and this Flu as some call it has killed lots and will

kill lots more, but of course some will just cay it is like all other flues. I guess we are now all

experts of the covid 19 corona virus. Are we experts of Ebola, or SARS as well?

  I won't go to Africa, where the Ebola virus started to find out first had that it is still 

around.  I am thankful that I did not get SARS as well, or MERS.  I will leave it up

to the others who feel that they are experts to see if they want to do a research on

the other mentions viruses. God luck fellow travellers, I do hope that you can get

to Thailand sometime this Winter, as it will likely be as long or cold and snowy as

usual, at least here in some parts of Canada.


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4 hours ago, Jomtien Holiday Guy said:

I can remember in February, when he called me and all other Westernes for dirty........I have cancelled my expected 5 weeks vacation in November and December....I'll hope that many will remember his words and spend as little as possibel there next time 3they arrive.....You are just a dirty Farang in his eyes and probably in many other thais, but our money is very welcome...

Relax,  who cares what this guy said.  Isn't it a two way street?  The only difference between what most Thai males think of foreign males and visa versa is that the Thai males  get to verbalize it with home field advantage. Well sort of. What about the condescending and worse comments online that foreigners make about Thai males, year in year out. Completely justified by the way

Enjoy you Jomtien-vacation. 

Edited by morrobay
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5 hours ago, Jomtien Holiday Guy said:

I can remember in February, when he called me and all other Westernes for dirty........I have cancelled my expected 5 weeks vacation in November and December....I'll hope that many will remember his words and spend as little as possibel there next time they arrive.....You are just a dirty Farang in his eyes and probably in many other thais, but our money is very welcome...

I feel welcome wherever my Thai and old sailors' friends are. They know me by now. 

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22 hours ago, darksidedog said:

It's those certain measures which are the issue. They have no idea what measures to use, as is evident from the daily flip flop on the proposals to date. The whole thing is just a comedy show.

You may think it is funny but those elsewhere living under restrictions are certainly not laughing.

I doubt you would still be smiling if Thailand screwed things up and went back into lockdown.

I don't care how many things are said or done as long as the virus is contained. People need to accept the fact that life will be subject to "certain measures" until other countries get their act together.

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Need to get rid of those draconian enter hoops or people will not bother to return and I mean all of them, if they get it wrong the tourists will desert this once popular destination for new horizons and the powers that be need to understand that there are very good alternatives.

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2 hours ago, Misab said:

Please wait, We are so close to a vaccine, properly within 3 months, that it would be stupid to open up for all the Corona affected Europeans.


3 months?  Even if that was true, it will take months of trials, getting it to market and getting people immunized.  We aren't all lining up for shots in 3 months.

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6 hours ago, OumarhindaOunsingha said:

Well, then they actually did advise the world not to lock down:


No, they did not. They said they do nto advise it as the primary approach.

It is something to be done when other approaches (e.g. track and trace) have failed, are nto feasible  or not been employed in time.


Nowhere did they say don't ever do it.

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16 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

"We can recover from the pandemic quickly," he said. "The rest of the world has confidence in us and many foreigners want to visit.


    Regarding CIA's Intel and sources only one Jodler from a Bavarian village is willing to go to Thailand after his mom wants him out in the age of 44 to find a wife here.


Hi @teacherclaire


Just in time for Xmas mon amie! We can all be together.


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On 10/15/2020 at 10:11 AM, BritManToo said:

How long ago did this guy proclaim Thailand was ready to legalise people growing their own cannabis?

........ and how near is that to happening?


Now apply that same time period to open borders for Tourists. 

Not enough rain for it to grow. 5555555 

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On 10/15/2020 at 4:48 AM, AbeNormal said:

not only that, there have been severe 2nd outbreaks all over the world and in countries that would be a source of these so called tourists, it matters not a jot what Thailand is ready for nobody is travelling anywhere any time soon

Europeans can travel freely within Europe in most cases and the ones who have not been scared <deleted>less are .

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This madness has already been done before.


These dopes need to realize, as long as tourist have to quarantine for even a week at their own expense (amoungst other things), 99% are not coming.


What part of these T & C's are appealing to tourist, outside the most desperate??

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1 hour ago, BusyB said:

Yes, the country will survive. The question is - in what shape?


The arrests have begun, the rhetoric of '92 is returning. 

“Constitutions and Laws, without Genius and Intellect to govern, will not prevent decay. In that case they have the dry-rot and the life dies out of them by degrees.”
― Albert Pike, Morals And Dogma

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On 10/15/2020 at 11:17 AM, fruitman said:

The WHO had said that lockdowns were not necessary anymore. But today we have new lockdown in Holland for 4 weeks.


Why do some countries not follow the advice of the WHO? They also said that the deadly rate of corona is 0.13% which is the same as a normal virus.....


So who's crazy now?

Is that the same WHO that helped China cover up the virus and send infected Chinese all over the world? 

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