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Police deployed in Ratchaprasong area amid planned protest, warn against ‘illegal’ assembly after 5pm


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44 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I think the timing is just bad. Thailand can't afford more (economic) trouble right now. I wonder if the students understand that. Maybe they are all sponsored by their parents and they don't need to think about earning a living.

The timing for these events is always bad. They should not happen at all, but human kind does not learn, they keep on giving autocrats power. And then they won't be removed without bloodshed.

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1 hour ago, poohy said:

Not sure where you live, here the students have support, the country needs change on many fronts, let hope it comes and above all for the students safely!

sadly the old guard and their "paymasters" are indeed running scared 

I teach about 60 students at the moment. Not one of them support this government. 

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1 hour ago, IvorLott said:


The students seem to have huge, growing  support. 

Where? In Bangkok I suppose.


Don't see anything like that in Isaan.


Calling for the PM to resign is the wrong target.


If they want real change, they need to call for a new constitution (one more) followed by free elections.


If the PM was to resign...so what? He would be replaced by some other guy from the government, because the protesters have no leader, no political figure to offer in replacement.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Police deployed in Ratchaprasong area amid planned protest


Hopefully the students will be able to maintain the peace and preserve their ‘moral high ground’….even though there are some (outside their movement) who might like to discredit their goals by provoking violence.



Edited by Hayduke
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22 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Am i right in thinking the Red shirts are getting involved here?

I live in an area (formerly) very red, and no one gives a damn.


The locals have more pressing matters to deal with, starting by saving their rice crop, and finding a job for the many who have lost theirs...

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

And do the (student) protesters also have paymasters?

Personally I don't know. But in the past lots of so called demonstrations for democracy were sponsored by rich people who had mostly their own interest and power in mind.


I hope this stays peaceful and I hope no influential people will misuse that for their own interest.


I think the timing is just bad. Thailand can't afford more (economic) trouble right now. I wonder if the students understand that. Maybe they are all sponsored by their parents and they don't need to think about earning a living.

This is another foreign funded regime change attempt to install "our son of a ..... " . There is a new Cold War coming in, and the old playbooks are out.  


All governments should ban foreign funded NGOs and political parties no matter which country funds them. 



Doesn't look like Chanocha is going to back down,  so expect sanctions to follow sooner or later, which will push Thailand further towards China. If there's no new coup, then back to square one...


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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Nice sized crowds gathering already.


That's a lot of people who will have to be arrested. After all, it is called a 'severe state of emergency'. You know the protesters must be scared when the powers that be have to rename states of emergency.

They better get a few more trucks in the crowd is getting larger by the minute

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Nice sized crowds gathering already.


That's a lot of people who will have to be arrested. After all, it is called a 'severe state of emergency'. You know the protesters must be scared when the powers that be have to rename states of emergency.

They better get a few more trucks in the crowd is getting larger by the minute


And get those submarines ready.  They might need them.



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25 minutes ago, gearbox said:

Doesn't look like Chanocha is going to back down,  so expect sanctions to follow sooner or later, which will push Thailand further towards China.

Conversely, these events may provide the tipping point against China's stealth subjugation of Thailand.

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Anti-government protesters gather at Rajprasong commercial area. Octber 15, 2020

A large number of protesters are occupying the Rajprasong intersection, the commercial centre of Bangkok, in defiance of the state of emergency which bans public gathering of five people or more.

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