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AIS Sim bought by someone else, can I use permanently

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Im currently in ASQ, a member of staff bought an AIS simcard for me from a shop and gave it unused. Ive since used it to register for Line, data etc. Ive downloaded the app and im wondering, can I just keep using this SIM card forever? or does the fact it wasn't bought under my ID mean I cant? On the AIS app there is no other persons name registered, so can I go ahead and use the app to change to monthly contract? Im worried that someone else ID was used to buy it, means I cant or will have some trouble down the line, but now ive registered line,whatsapp under this number I want to keep the number. I dont know the ID or name of staff member who bought the SIM card either. 


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My SIM was bought and registered in Wifey's name in 2004 no problem.


BUT you're not going to be able to change to monthly unless you are the registered owner. When you get out just get another SIM in your name and you'll be good to go but you'll have to use the new number.


It's not that difficult to swap your Line / Whatsapp over.


Or just keep on pre-pay.


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10 minutes ago, Crossy said:

... but you'll have to use the new number.


Or port it if becoming that attached to it in 2 weeks.


20 minutes ago, james12345thailand said:

im wondering, can I just keep using this SIM card forever?


You can, but eventually not knowing the ID number of the person that registered it will bite you in the <deleted> e.g. when the muppets "upgrade" the app and it loses your login details (I've got the ID number from when my current SIM was registered a few years back so got round it but doubt you'll be in that situation).

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Also bear in mind  that you use your telephone number to register for internet banking. May cause problems at a later date.


If you have only used it for two weeks in quarantine, it might be better to change your number / SIM while it is still recent. Pretty  sure you can change your number tied to your LINE account.


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3 hours ago, james12345thailand said:

or does the fact it wasn't bought under my ID mean I cant?

it is the government who want everyone's SIM card registered so they can track you.

This came out of the Bangkok bombing.  

I would keep that SIM card for a backup phone and pay cash to top it up to keep it active and get a new one right away with your proper ID for banking and immigration.



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