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'It'll be carnage': British companies dread a Brexit border breakdown


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1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

Oh really?


Seems like you have selective hearing. Please try again, and do try to pay attention this time, there's a good boy.



But did you listen him?

Remainers did but Brexiteers dismissed it a project fear and chose to believe people like Farage who said we would not be leaving the single market.

That was until the result came in and he started claiming we have to leave the single market.

Face it. You were lied to. 

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7 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

have very little to discuss about, 

When most of the things are ok, there is little to discuss.

It was that way before the existence of the E.U., it is now being a part of the E.U..

Will it be the same next year, when the U.K. will be concretely out of the E.U.?

I hope so, but we will have to wait & see.



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I think there is more than a little scaremongering going on in this post and, as is common, blaming issues on IT systems.


Maybe I am oversimplifying this, but free trade with no borders does not mean you can stick anything in a container, bung it on a ship or through a tunnel, take it anywhere in Europe and deliver it and distribute the goods without any IT systems or reams of paperwork. I fail to see a major change as far as IT is concerned.  Goods are scanned and tracked to death for many purposes right now using 'multiple' systems and will continue to be so with additional customs modifications.


Having said that, most governments IT systems have a habit of running very late and spectacularly over budget.


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5 hours ago, scammed said:

i think its great, it creates much needed jobs in england,

now just add some much needed devaluation of the pound and its perfect

Certainly - will produce hundreds of thousands of new bureaucratic jobs - but my question would be what does a bureaucrat actually produce and does it add to the national wealth?


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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Most of the Europeans on here who consistently tell the Brits whats best for them and how they they should conduct their politics have such boring countries that they have very little to discuss about, besides pensions.

We enjoy the best of both worlds: our politics aren’t embarrassing laughing stocks like Brexit or Trump, but we can always look at Brexit or Trump for our entertainment ???? 

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17 hours ago, vinny41 said:

It clear the message from the op is don't buy products from the EU

France has been using the same message for the past 6 months 

Buy Local Fish

French boycott hurting Scottish seafood sector

Park also pointed out that more than 120 non-U.K. vessels have been fishing in the waters north of Scotland while the Scottish fleet is tied up, meaning much of the fish being landed in France is actually originating from Scottish waters. That, he said, has added fuel to the U.K.’s calls for full control of its waters in the ongoing Brexit talks.


Why I cannot understand the British focus on.... F I S H ,  0.12 % of their GDP...  I would worry about the  make" industry and the financial service...

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I do not really care if GB falls to pieces but what I do know is that although the originally conceived

idea may be good, from there it is a major problem, no expansion on the concept, lazy or inept Governments just basically putting off any proper planning or systems, with no real budgeted 

feasabilities on what the outcome will be for the man in the street .Would I call it a disaster, no,

but for sure the general cost of living will go up possibly by 10% each year for 3 years.

This will certainly increase the wedge between the rich & poor & with a ditherer at the helm it will just be allowed to drift along aimlessly.


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6 hours ago, Proboscis said:

I wonder what the people who voted Leave after they were told by numerous Brexit talking heads that the UK could leave the EU but be like Norway (stay in a form of the single market) and therefore there would be no effect on jobs or trade. How do you think they feel now, if they work for the car industry or other supply-chain sensitive trade?


Good luck with your project. Probably the only upside you will have is that you will blame all the damage that a no deal Brexit will do on covid-19. The point about trade disruption is that it does not have a view - it just destroys. A bit like the virus. Some time in the future a government will have to clean up this mess once people learn the very hard way that disrupting trade (including imports!) with our largest trading partner is a disaster.

I took it all in good faith from our Prime Minister of the day that we would be out of the EU, out of the Single Market, out of the Customs Union and everything else he could throw at us. Can't remember him promising anything like Norway, and he was the man.


Firstly I blame the current situation on the Remainers and their attempts to prevent Brexit, thus the multiple pieces of legislation which prevented Cameron's promise. The blame is shared equally with the EU and their continued attempts to keep us ensnared in their failing bloc, which also extend to disrupting their own trade. To think some of the Remainer posters talk about the UK shooting itself in the foot??????
Nothing there to do with Covid.

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Brexit is, and will be, an unmitigated disaster (no links so don't ask).


Gove has already lined up business in general and hauliers, in particular, to take the initial blame...after that covid will carry the can, whilst general insults hurled at the EU will continue in order to muddy the waters.


As a last resort it will be the electorate to blame ......they are the ones who voted for Brexit.....Gove et al were only obeying the voters.....it's called democracy.

Edited by Surelynot
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37 minutes ago, Loiner said:

Firstly I blame the current situation on the Remainers and their attempts to prevent Brexit, thus the multiple pieces of legislation which prevented Cameron's promise. The blame is shared equally with the EU and their continued attempts to keep us ensnared in their failing bloc, which also extend to disrupting their own trade. To think some of the Remainer posters talk about the UK shooting itself in the foot??????
Nothing there to do with Covid.

Populists fail .... and always blame someone else, even though they are the ones in charge.


They have this very astonishing ability to attack others and shift the blame, and then make even more false promises.


To shift the blame, sometimes, they start wars


Immunity and absence of accountability, that's the problem with the populists in power

Trump: Candidate said he could shoot someone, still win - CNN


Edited by Hi from France
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21 minutes ago, Loiner said:


I took it all in good faith from our Prime Minister of the day that we would be out of the EU, out of the Single Market, out of the Customs Union and everything else he could throw at us. Can't remember him promising anything like Norway, and he was the man.

 In which case you are the only Brexiteer here who did such.


The rest, as I've already said, followed Cummings mantra of "Project Fear, Project Fear......." 

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16 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

What power do you think your country has with about 1% of the world population , while you have been living the good life of Scottish income for decades?

What power do you think we want or need? It's not as if we feel that we need the power to go marching into other neighbouring countries and dominating Europe or anything. We only want to be in self control and trade freely with the whole world.

You Euros do seem to have some funny notions about the UK.

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49 minutes ago, RayC said:

Not that anyone could ever accuse you of acting in a similar manner towards 'Remainers'?


Another member of the 'Holier than thou' club.

Do you not realize your 'chuckle brothers' routine has been well and truly rumbled?


("Ficker than us" doesn't work pal :blink: )

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15 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Four years ago we were told that Brexit would have no effect on our membership of the single market or customs union. Those who pointed out the absurdity of this assumption were accused of 'Project Fear!'


Even after those Leave lies were exposed, it's been difficult to plan when even Gove doesn't know what will be required; other than turning swathes of Kent into a giant lorry park!

 "Set aside 84 million pounds to train new customs intermediaries" Why hasn't this training started yet? 


"Identified 10 potential inland customs sites" Only identified! Surely they should be nearly built by now!


"is launching pop-up sites and a haulier handbook to help" Not launched yet, then! So hauliers still haven't been told what they need to do; only rumours, ifs, buts and maybes!


Yet according to you and others, the government not making clear what will be required is somehow the hauliers fault!


24 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


When did Cameron pull a Boris and switch from Remain to Leave?


Hang on; he didn't!


During the campaign, and even after the result, warnings such as the above about the dire effects of Brexit were dismissed by Cummings et al as "Project Fear;" and you lot believed him!


Now that it's too late Brexiteers are claiming that they knew this would happen all along because of what Remain said in what they were told by Leave to ignore because it was Project Fear!


Such twisting and denial by Brexiteers would be hilarious were the effects not so tragic for my country.

The only twisting and denial I can see is in your posts

you posted "Four years ago we were told that Brexit would have no effect on our membership of the single market or customs union. Those who pointed out the absurdity of this assumption were accused of 'Project Fear!'"


Clearly that statement you made is incorrect 

When Cameron, Osbourne and Gove stated that a leave vote when mean that the UK will leave the EU and the single market

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