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Football as we knew it has lost its way


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AFC Bury are allowed 300 fans in the stadium. They groundshare with Radcliffe who are 3 divisions above so Radcliffe are allowed 600 fans in the stadium. Problem is that AFC Bury, even though a newly created phoenix club could get crowds of 1000 but they have to stick to the 300 limit. That's nonsense.


You can't go to watch a PL game at the stadium in the open air but you can go watch that game in an aircon cinema. That's nonsense. 


Last night Porto had fans in the ground for the CL game. The previous week they were away at the Etihad and no fans were allowed in the game.


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57 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

While being a relatively small country

And therein lies the difference Sparkles. A couple of sparsely populated islands is easier to control than one with over 60 million on it.


Since we are watching the games on TV, I'm not sure how much of a difference 2,000 to 0 attendance makes to the viewer. Although I agree it's better than no fans.


On VAR, remember it was the managers and fans crying out for it in the first place. There are far more wrong decisions being ruled out, and right decisions being implemented, but obviously as humans are operating the system, there are still going to be mistakes and controversies. Isn't it a little naive to expect otherwise?

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I suspect the problem with 25000 fans in Old Trafford is crowd control before after and at food outlets at half time....lot of opportunity for bugs to be passed and with things on the rise don't expect a change there...until a vaccine is introduced which I hear is not too far off.


VAR is a joke...badly implemented...the basic use of this technology is however excellent for goalline and game changing decisions....but its been badly misused for bs decision making.

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2 hours ago, RonniePickering22 said:

I suspect the problem with 25000 fans in Old Trafford is crowd control before after and at food outlets at half time....lot of opportunity for bugs to be passed and with things on the rise don't expect a change 

To be honest I completely agree. Nice to see us taking the initiative, but how can all those fans getting on public transport, going into pubs and going into the ground not lead to a cluster?

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4 hours ago, Sparkles said:

What a contrast to the bumbling effort of Boris Johnson and his crew of incompetent ministers not following medical advice and making  the country suffer horrific economic damage and death.


Not only the conservatives who have broken rules and not only the UK who are suffering with this disease both in deaths and the economy. 

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On 10/28/2020 at 6:31 PM, RonniePickering22 said:

I suspect the problem with 25000 fans in Old Trafford is crowd control before after and at food outlets at half time....lot of opportunity for bugs to be passed and with things on the rise don't expect a change there...until a vaccine is introduced which I hear is not too far off.


VAR is a joke...badly implemented...the basic use of this technology is however excellent for goalline and game changing decisions....but its been badly misused for bs decision making.




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On 10/28/2020 at 6:31 PM, RonniePickering22 said:

VAR is a joke...badly implemented...the basic use of this technology is however excellent for goalline and game changing decisions....but its been badly misused for bs decision making.


The underlying issues are perhaps down to respect for the decision makers. 


In Football... ????The Referee’s a W@#ker!!” ????

In Rugby... the Referee is the most respected person on the pitch



In Football, the spoiled overpaid children playacting, rolling around and attempting to cheat argue like spoiled brats and the fans emulate them and behave like brats.

In Rugby, the men want to play hard and fair and get on with the game. The fans are in awe of them and behave respectfully in mixed stadiums.






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Football lost its way a long time ago, IMHO. As a guy who always loved, as a kid, playing the game; and, as an adult, watching not so fascinating matches, purely from territoral interest. It's come a long way from its working class roots.

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On 10/28/2020 at 9:00 AM, Sparkles said:

Nothing to do with players ,clubs or fans the game has serious problems which are not being dealt with caused by incompetent football officials and the British Government.


Firstly the Covid virus which is crippling English football. 2 weeks ago Australia's Wallabies played the NZ All Blacks Rugby team at Eden Park in NZ .The crowd was nearly 80,000.They have zero infections life is back to near normal.


While being a relatively small country Kiwis with the guidance of its recently re elected leader Jacinda Adhern jumped on the virus from day one. What a contrast to the bumbling effort of Boris Johnson and his crew of incompetent ministers not following medical advice and making  the country suffer horrific economic damage and death.


Last Sunday Australian Rugby League concluded their season with 40,000 socially distanced fans at the 80,000 capacity Olympic Stadium.The Gov to are handling the virus is a sensible and logical way


It is beyond belief that a ground like Old Trafford with a capacity of 75,000 could not allow 20,000 people to be admitted in complete safety. Compare that with a crowded public transport hub or any public place ,what is the difference ?

All clubs including the lower league should be allowed to cater for 25% capacity socially distanced crowds. The economic repercussions of this stalemate are obvious, some clubs will fold,other will take decades of debt to recover


VAR brought in to assist referees has turned every game into a lottery. Regardless of your own club winning or losing its also killing the game.

Every match appears to have become a lottery depending on the whim of whoever is refereeing or sitting in the video room.


Classic examples Maguire puts a headlock on an opposing player in the box, stone cold penalty, not given.

Martial taps a player on the cheek who subsequently goes to ground likes he's been shot and gets 3 weeks suspension for "violent conduct," heaven helps us.

Pickford commits "assault" on VVD and escapes without any punishment.


The excuse,  regarding Pickford, they were still looking at the offside. No thought of whispering in the ear of the referee "Go pitch side and have at look at Pickford's tackle" while we get the ruler out and measure the offside.


Referees it appears now are not encouraged to look at the pitch side screen so what is the purpose of having one, why the change from early season?

Referees unlike in Rugby are still only miked up to the video room so the paying public, viewers, commentators have no idea what is going on. 


The incompetence in administrating our beloved game is beyond belief and for the first time I can hardly be bothered watching games and former team mates and friends of my generation ie "old" feel exactly the same. The game we love has been hijacked by fools.





One of the defining factors of c19 spreading is density of population. New Zealand has a pop of roughly half of London I am NOT  IN ANY WAY defending johnsons horror show but comparing NZ to the uk...well can't be taken seriously.  Very similar to the brexit arguement of using Norway as  a 'were all right outside the eu' it's NO COMPARISON..  

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