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Cabinet gives initial nod to letting passengers off cruise ships


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36 minutes ago, madmitch said:

This is surely nothing more than a statement to falsely show that they are considering ways of encouraging tourism. They know that this will not attract one single visitor to Thailand and they're fooling no one.



Just themselves?

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15 hours ago, Greenhill said:

More confusing nonsense!!  There are NO cruises.operating at the moment & they are unlikely to start before well into next year!!

This is just another case of talking without ANY meaning 

Ringstead bay south of the UK you can see cruise ships anchored at sea, going no-where.

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

If they have been at seas for 14 days and there have been no cases on board, they have effectively quarantined already.

True but how many cruise ships stay at sea continuously for 14 days?

There is also the point that if one persons goes down with the COVID on day 13 they are stuck at sea for another 14 days.  Will they have enough food etc if that happens?

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16 hours ago, yellowboat said:

...  US$100,000 flu insurance?  Why not just beef up travel insurance?  

There seems to be consistent confusion about this US$ 100.000 insurance requirement to (re)-enter Thailand.

1 - That 100.000 US $ insurance needs to cover medical treatment in Thailand, including COVID-19 treatment.  That is the actual wording on the websites of the Thai Embassies.

2 - The 100.000 US $ covid-19 only insurance offered by TGIA is misleading as it does NOT cover other medical treatment in Thailand.  So when subscribing to such a policy you would actually need an additional insurance policy that covers the costs of medical treatment in Thailand.  Conveniently this is NOT mentioned when subscribing to these ridiculously expensive TGIA covid-19 policies.

3 - Almost any travel-insurance policy would meet and often far exceed the 100.000 US $ accident/illness coverage of medical treatment in Thailand.  And travel-insurance is typically available at premiums far lower than a regular health-insurance policy.  On top of that the period of coverage is flexible when subscribing to travel-insurance, while regular health-insurance policies often only provide annual policies.

4 - Several travel-insurance providers INCLUDE covid-19 coverage as part of the affordable travel-insurance package they provide (that often far exceeds the 100.000 US $ minimum coverage).  E.g. SafetyWing does provide such policies and the premium will in majority of cases even be LOWER than the TGIA covid-19 ONLY policies (which by the way do NOT meet the full requirement > see #2).

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1 hour ago, Spock said:

If they allowed Australians in on an economically viable 14 day quarantine/90 day visa, I would leave tomorrow.

When over 50 years of age, you can apply for the 1-year Non Imm O-A Visa which is eligible for the CoE and will provide entry to Thailand.

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This government continues to believe that people will do whatever it takes to holiday in Thailand.


They won't.


People who are not Thai are very aware of countless other countries that are open to foreigners, countries that do not require jumping through numerous hoops.


How long before they start re-assigning the hundreds of immigration officers who now have nothing to do?

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17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:



Looks like some Cruise ships might start operating in December but those sound like European cruises.


Here is a website which shows where there are cruise ships operating as of now.



Appears that the majority are in port and docked.  Have not located one actually in transit from the list yet, but there are many cruise lines.


I must say that for those from this government who believe a cruise ship will dock and then have it's passengers quarantined for 14 days as well as having to have a health coverage of US$100,000 for Covid-19 as well as local health and accident insurance. Then add in proof of advance payment for the anchoring of the liner also having to be provided. Just is not going to happen in my view.  Then the cabinet will allow each Eligible tourists to stay in Thailand for 90 days, after which they will be allowed to extend their stay twice, by 90 days each time.  Does not sound like anybody who goes on a cruise would sign up for this nonsense, they normally stay in port one day for local excursions before they move on to the next port of call.

They will miss the boat if they stay in quarantine 14 days, oh maybe the good Captain Jack Sparrow will do a quick trip around the caribbean , loot a few islands and then come back 90 days later for his passengers. 

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11 minutes ago, Burma Bill said:

And these being broken up in Izmir, Turkey:-


Five cruise ships are seen being broken down for scrap metal at the Aliaga ship recycling port in Izmir, Turkey. With ...


Kinda a good thing.  They are way too big and totally overwhelm cities where they dock.  Sure, lots make money off them, but IMHO, they do more harm than good.




A passenger’s carbon footprint triples in size when taking a cruise and the emissions produced can contribute to serious health issues. On top of the pollution caused by their exhaust fumes, cruise ships have been caught discarding trash, fuel, and sewage directly into the ocean.

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Not the most realistic. 

1 you would need to be insane to set foot on a cruise ship just now. 9 of these behemoths are anchored off the coast near my home in the UK mothballed since March. So there aren’t going to be any coming to LoS


2 I don’t think they quite get what a cruise is. You go from country to country spending a short time in each port. 14 days in ASQ is not on the schedule. Nor will anyone start or finish their cruise here given the onerous paperwork

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18 hours ago, Greenhill said:

More confusing nonsense!!  There are NO cruises.operating at the moment & they are unlikely to start before well into next year!!

This is just another case of talking without ANY meaning 

Only cruises operating I am aware of are from Cairns in Queensland..and these are what you would describe as 'bubble internal'ones catering to locals within the state which only travel around the Barrier Reef.As you quite rightly pointed out the rest of these cruise ships are anchored in Manila Bay in the Philippines rusting as I write!

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It appears, then, that after being on a cruise together for weeks, only some passengers from some countries will be allowed to disembark in Thailand, while those with passports from the rest of the countries will need to wait onboard. Perfect. Depending on your nationality, you are either trapped on the cruise ship for the duration of its stay or allowed into Thailand nine months.

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4 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Well I never, unbelievable mentality! How many cruise liners allow their passengers to disembark this long??

T.A.T really have no clue as to what is happening on the rest of the world. You could count the number of cruise ships operating around the world on one hand with a couple of fingers missing.


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Next announcement:


Govt agrees aliens from outer space can land in Thailand after several thousand enquiries. 


The first spaceship is due to arrive December 3rd.


The usual entry conditions will apply to ensure no one actually comes but the govt can boast they have fulfilled the conflicting aims of opening the country and preventing any C19 entering.

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The people creating these ridiculous proposals clearly haven't ever taken a cruise or have a clue how that industry works.  It seems you have a collection of  uninformed, never exposed Thais creating travel policies without having any knowledge of the world outside of Thailand.

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