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Calls for Thais to work factory jobs previously done by absent migrants


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This makes perfect sense, any unemployed Thai refusing a factory (or any other) job during the COVID crisis is letting his/her country down. Why winge about lost jobs in the tourism sector while there are unfilled positions in the manufacturing sector?


And there is so much work, everywhere, that the country needs to get rid of its third world look. Let's think about this, wouldn't that be a nice way to become more competitive as an "up market" destination once COVID is over?


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15 minutes ago, AlfHuy said:

Firsts thing would be to ban all mobile devices, otherwise they can sit there 24h a day and still haven't done anything apart from adding to their Facebook and line.

Used to frustrate the ell out of my ball and chain having to switch back and forth....until she got a second phone!


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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Maybe if you increase the wages a bit they would be more inclined to work there. But face it a production job is not something most people want to do. I know I studied hard to never having to do it. 


Learned from my jobs while studying the things i absolutely did not want to do. So i studied on. So I understand people not wanting to do stupid jobs like that. But higher pay and the fact that they have no job should persuade them.


Those "stupid" jobs are the ones that are feeding us and making our lives better.


Higher pay means that you become uncompetitive and end up going out of business.


Edited by Chelseafan
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They would rather live at home and eat plain rice with fish sauce before such extreme measures were taken.

They can get on the welfare card list and wait it out.


How are they going to get all of these EEC workers?

I hope their skill schools are packed full because how is this EEC going to get off the ground, with billions after billions already committed?

Let’s see how the laziness factors into these issues 

Edited by Redline
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8 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:



One of the factories I source from is having this exact same problem, i.e. finding locals to fill positions.

Peeling shrimp isn't one of the most glamorus jobs for sure but the owner has upped the daily rate from 380 baht to 500 (with additional overt-time and free meals) and still the locals wont do it. 500 baht a day is 14,000 per month (with holiday) which is a decent wage for uneducated locals. Paying this higher wage obviously hits his profitability, he cannot put up cost prices because he still needs to be competitive against local competitors and foreign markets


Additionlly, the US is one of his bigger markets and Trump has just hit him again by removing GSP for shellfish which will make Thailand highly uncompetitive.



Still 500 bt a day while if you can work in a shop selling stuff and getting even more money what would you do. You also don't need much education for selling.


I do get what your saying but still the wages are not high compared to what is expected. In a shop there is a lot of idle time and stuff like that. Just saying that the wage is still not that much. (then again I live in BKK ) and know BKK salaries of ppl in shops and office work that did not require much education too. 


Manual labor would really be the lowest on my list to do. I did stuff like that when growing up. No way that I would do it again if the pay difference was that minimal. Id rather have less money and a better job.

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2 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Some people are clueless about what is happening around them, appears you fit that category.

I am passing judgement, not from a bar stool, dont drink, dont frequent bars.

Impossible to get locals to do menial tasks, even if you pay them well, i know, we have tried, people here who do not already have regular jobs are not interested in work, too bloody lazy.

If they don't take a job when they obviously need money then they are just stupid. But if they have options why would anyone do menial tasks. It would really be a last resort especially when the pay difference isnt that big. 

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5 minutes ago, robblok said:

Still 500 bt a day while if you can work in a shop selling stuff and getting even more money what would you do. You also don't need much education for selling.


I do get what your saying but still the wages are not high compared to what is expected. In a shop there is a lot of idle time and stuff like that. Just saying that the wage is still not that much. (then again I live in BKK ) and know BKK salaries of ppl in shops and office work that did not require much education too. 


Manual labor would really be the lowest on my list to do. I did stuff like that when growing up. No way that I would do it again if the pay difference was that minimal. Id rather have less money and a better job.


The average daily wage in Thailand is circa 650 baht per day so paying workers 500 is very good money especially when the factories are located in more rural areas and cost of living is much lower.


Of course, no-one really wants to do manual labour in such a monotonous job but beggers cant be choosers.


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Guess calling and threatening would work if those unemployed would get social benefits, or had unemployment insurances etc. Even Prayuth lied about helping those poor and unemployed and now he have the guts to call them lazy (even if they are). 

There's not much right going on in this country. 

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