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Car insurance question s


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I do live here about 4 years now. I hear more and more stories about falang having an accident and insurance do not step in. I have a car, paid insurance al these 4 years. But if we always in the wrong when a accident happens, why pay insurance?

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On 11/12/2020 at 10:19 PM, ErikG said:

But if we always in the wrong when a accident happens, why pay insurance?


Because ‘the farang is always in the wrong’ is a complete myth perpetuated by 'multimillionaire ex special forces bar stool warmers supping the cheapest chang they can find’.... 


Experiences vary. However, the general response is for the police to take the 'path of least resistance’  i.e. just blame whoever is easiest to blame, its only an accident, then the policeman can get on with the rest of his day !!!... 


Generally, motorcycles don’t have insurance, thus the ‘kind outlook’ is often taken: A driver of a car will have more money and insurance to pay for the motorcycle and thats the way things have been done in the past, whether you are a foreigner or Thai.


Resolving an accident dispute at the scene its rarely about right and wrong and more about obtaining the simplest and easiest resolution. 



IF you are not in the wrong its perfectly fare to ‘hold your ground' and not accept blame - But what’s the point if the other party doesn’t have insurance anyway. In this case, just go with the advice from your insurance broker. 


Its always best to have a dash-cam (forward and rear facing) to use as proof. 


IF you don’t agree with a decision it's perfectly ok to contest the issue.



Ultimately First Class insurance is a must here, everything can be left to them. 


BUT.... be very careful what level of blame is proportioned to you if the other party is injured. 


i.e. (hypothetical situation) a motorcycle cuts in front of you (his fault) and you hit him. The Motorcyclist goes to hospital, incurs costs etc - Insurance comes, sees the motorcyclist cannot pay anything and thus asks you (the driver of the car) to sign that the accident was your fault just to speed up and ease proceedings. There is then a risk that as you have accepted blame you could be held accountable for medical bills and others claims from the injured party. 


Thus, injury complicates the issue somewhat and dash-cams are often excellent proof of lack of fault.







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On 11/12/2020 at 10:19 PM, ErikG said:

I do live here about 4 years now. I hear more and more stories about falang having an accident and insurance do not step in. I have a car, paid insurance al these 4 years. But if we always in the wrong when a accident happens, why pay insurance?


In 20 years, I’ve not once heard of or read of insurance not paying out because the owner of a policy was a foreigner - thats just a preposterous and unfounded claim.


Get 1st Class insurance. Get a Thai licence. 


You are covered exactly the same as Thai driver. You will be treated the same as a Thai driver (maybe language difficulties my confuse the issue, but ultimately you’ll be treated the same). 

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1 hour ago, Jen65 said:

Haaa !  I worked in Saudi Arabia and their answer to any accident was " if you weren't here it would not have happened " !!!!  

Yeah funny Arab motoring laws same Qatar. 

No back lights doesn't matter you drive facing the front. ????

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27 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:


Brakes? I don't want to stop, I want to go!

A bit off topic but in Qatar at crossroads with traffic lights even though they are at red light the Qatarians would shunt you up the back to make you go if there was nothing coming. ????

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