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New teaching work permit rules?


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17 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Seems particular for your school.  Certainly not a general requirement. 

one of the guys on the Bangkok podcast works for a large uni in BKK

he talked about the same form he had to fill out as being a lecturer  at the uni in the podcast from 2 weeks ago.

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On 11/17/2020 at 11:50 PM, paulwalker30 said:

We have received word from our school office (office of the school franchise highlighted in recent weeks for student abuse)a1605662311079.thumb.jpg.7c41068379cbbab754267bef869ab83e.jpg that all foreign teachers need to be tested for contagious diseases: 1.Physical Examination 2. Hypertension 3. Leprosy 4. Advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis 5. Drug Addiction 6. Chronic Alcoholism 7. Elephantiasis 8. Tertiary Syphilis 9. Virus B 10 Aids. 11. Toxic Thyroid Is this a new requirement from MOE? And how much would these tests cost!

I didn't know that Hypertension, Drug Addiction, & Chronic Alcoholism were contagious diseases.  

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On 11/18/2020 at 2:50 PM, paulwalker30 said:

We have received word from our school office (office of the school franchise highlighted in recent weeks for student abuse)a1605662311079.thumb.jpg.7c41068379cbbab754267bef869ab83e.jpg that all foreign teachers need to be tested for contagious diseases: 1.Physical Examination 2. Hypertension 3. Leprosy 4. Advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis 5. Drug Addiction 6. Chronic Alcoholism 7. Elephantiasis 8. Tertiary Syphilis 9. Virus B 10 Aids. 11. Toxic Thyroid Is this a new requirement from MOE? And how much would these tests cost!

Since when is :#1: Phisical Examination a disease???????  #6: is drinking a bottle of whisky / day considered as Chronic????:cheesy:????????????????????

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On 11/19/2020 at 12:16 AM, alianware said:

This is an absolut discrimination rule against humanity. People who are sick , have hypertonie, diabetic, hiv, or what ever they have are not criminals. 

If you do this test to your thai teacher in school or preffessor in university, than you will not have anyone ! 

They should make the regulation to their politician too if they dare to do it. 

If they implement this, than one day the thai teacher who will work to teach thai language or thai culture in abroad, will have to left as well. 

They block the education growing with ridiculous regulation. 

Looking at the way you write, maybe they should consider hiring you.  NOT 5555555

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When I got my first work permit, albeit 15 years ago, the requirement was a check for:


1.  Elephantiasis

2.  Drug addiction

3.  Syphilis


All sorted out at the local clinic.  Never saw the doctor, the nice receptionist completed the form and doc signed it for 100 baht.  To my knowledge it was a requirement of the Labour Dept and not the school.



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A senior western teacher thought it was a hoot for being tested for STDs.....  Somehow these requirements made it to the wrong desk...


...the kind and thoughtful personnel officer, decided to tell everyone in the office as she left, be sure to get your syhplilis.


MOE on the job as always..


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On 11/21/2020 at 7:33 PM, ThaiFelix said:

When I got my first work permit, albeit 15 years ago, the requirement was a check for:


1.  Elephantiasis

2.  Drug addiction

3.  Syphilis


All sorted out at the local clinic.  Never saw the doctor, the nice receptionist completed the form and doc signed it for 100 baht.  To my knowledge it was a requirement of the Labour Dept and not the school.



And it still is.  Nothing has changed in regard to the Labour Department's requirements.

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