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Cannabis Removed from Drug List


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10 hours ago, Donga said:


Most cannabis smokers don't become drug addicts, just like most beer drinkers don't become alcoholics.
Cannabis induces a relaxing, pleasant feeling. Alcohol does too, but tends to more volatile. So even with non-alcoholics, intoxication can cause much more harm in disputes, violence and driving accidents. No comparison in societal harm.
The experience of Portugal, Canada and recent US states that have legalized cannabis is overwhelmingly positive.
Don't be afraid of recreational cannabis, though agree with ramr - ideally don't want the super strong stuff being choofed. Not necessary, and just like too much alcohol in one sitting, it doesn't make sense either.

I don't see the harm with the  "super strong stuff" , alot been made about it in the media which is mostly bs and at the end of the day, it's still only pot. Anyway none of that for us, just a nice bag of crispy sunleaves ☹️ . In the last two years it seems the  progress is pretty much backwards.

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7 minutes ago, Keesters said:


Don't need to. I have a 'fine life' without it. Those who feel they need it should get one. 

shall i carry your chariot into the stadium for you ? can i take you out for a glass of fine wine or perhaps a single malt whisky ? 

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14 minutes ago, mr mr said:

shall i carry your chariot into the stadium for you ? can i take you out for a glass of fine wine or perhaps a single malt whisky ? 


No need my friend. I can do everything I need without assistance or aid from anybody or any substance. 

Edited by Keesters
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13 hours ago, ramr said:


I doubt he/she would, since 95% of the arguments of this type usually sound stupid when you actually have to say them out loud and then defend them logically.

I actually have more respect for this viewpoint when it's also applied to alcohol and even other mind-altering drugs like coffee.  I'd disagree with it, but at least it would be consistent.  Go Mormon or go home!

And hell, if you wanna go deeper and ban things that artificially jack around with your dopamine and/or serotonin, you could do a lot worse than banning sugar (in all its guises), social media, and TV.  Except for "medicinal purposes," of course.  Would love to see the doctor's note for that!


Just what Thai drivers need, Some legal killer weed to go along with the booze and Yaba slow their thought process they are far too educated and have such high driving ability at the moment .

Edited by findlay13
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6 minutes ago, CraigInBangkok said:

It may help remove the stick that got stuck

I really don't understand people wanting to take cannabis other sick people, that is my view and my opinion. 

In England we called people who took it for just getting high smack heads. 

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1 minute ago, CraigInBangkok said:

Well, I am from England ... and  heroin addicts are known as smack heads and there are names for people like yourself also. 

???? Go on then what's that people who can do without illegal drugs. 

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1 minute ago, Kwasaki said:

No alcohol is use as a defense for the use of cannabis. 

What in the world are you insinuating? Your reply just shows how little you know of this.

Are you saying that alcohol is not more dangerous?

In that case you should probably check the statistics of death from alcohol and compare that with the yearly number of death as a result of cannabis use.

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