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Calls to ban smoking in condominiums in Thailand


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5 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

if you rent or own it,it is your private space.public area u may have a case.the balcony is a private area too.just leave it alone,u want to smoke in your apt ok


If you want to play your music as loud as you like, is it ok? after all, its your own private area, right ?


If there is an issue with what you do in your apartment impacting others, then the issue becomes one of questionable social behaviour. 

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9 hours ago, robblok said:

In the condo they rent or own people should be allowed to smoke. Common area's its debatable. But to prohibit people from smoking in their own condo is crazy.

and yet last year they banned smoking in all residential dwellings,  they call it family abuse

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I knew someone who died in a condo fire last year.  Went to sleep with a lit cigarette.  Fortunately, only he died, he could have taken out the whole building.


We can't bring gas in for cooking, but allow smoking?  ????

Ban please.

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3 minutes ago, Delight said:

 Why limit it to condos.

Ban smoking in condos and houses.

Seems only fair to me.

I look at it from the safety of others point of view.  A detached house burning down usually only takes out the house, if a condo or a shophouse, etc, they endanger others.


Risk yourself and your family if you want, but not me and mine.

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10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I was a smoker for around 35 years, and quit just under three years ago. 


Ban smoking in Condos? Hell yes!


Ten Reasons to Quit Smoking (in no special order)


  1. You won't smell anymore. Apologies, but there is no polite way to put it; smokers stink. They smell. They reek. Their breath smells like an ashtray. Their clothes are foul and gross. They leave a putrid miasma in every room they occupy.
  2. You will regain your sense of smell and taste. It is truly an amazing thing; I lived and/or visited Thailand for more than 25 years, but after I quit smoking, Thai food became twice as good. Seriously, twice as good!
  3. You won't look like a dried-up lizard. Smoking makes your face/skin look old; quitting smoking means putting 'lizard-ness' off for a decade or two.
  4. If you quit smoking, you don't have to listen to people like me, your spouse, your kids, your friends and complete strangers telling how smoking is bad for you. Wouldn't it be nice if we all shut up? If you didn't have to hear us?
  5. It is easier to pull/keep chicks. Simply put, it is easier to pull and/or keep a hot chick as a non-smoker rather than as a smoker. Nuff' said.
  6. You won't get sick as often. Yes, I know, perhaps smoking helps with c-19 and perhaps it doesn't. But, a non-smoker will catch fewer flus, colds, infections, etc. than a smoker; it is a scientific fact.
  7. You won't hurt those around you. Second-hand smoke kills about 50,000 people a year and damages the health of many, many, many more; don't you want to stop hurting your wife? Your kids? Your friends? Your neighbours? Strangers on the road?
  8. You'll have more breath. Smokers; when was the last time you climbed three flights of stairs without panting or wheezing? Without some shortness of breath? Without stopping for a sec to catch your breath at the top?
  9. Money. Cigarettes are expensive and you get nothing (literally nothing) for your money. One example; by quitting when I did, I saved approximately 190,000 Baht. What would you do with an extra 190,000 Baht? Whooo-Hoooo!
  10. Impotence. It is a medical fact that smoking reduces the lead in your pencil. Further, it is also medical fact that the more you smoke, the more the lead in your pencil is reduced. Simple question; what's better? Smoking or sex? If you chose sex (and you really should have), then it is time to quit.


And a bonus #11; you won't be an addict anymore. Being an addict, whether it is Nicotine, Yaba, Alcohol, Opioids, Meth, Heroin, Crack, or anything else, diminishes a person.


If you quit smoking, you'll be a better person to be around, your sensations and pleasures will improve, your health and appearance will be better, you'll do better with the girls, you'll have stamina again, you'll save huge amounts of money, and your sex life will improve.


If you keep smoking, your stink will drive people away, you won't enjoy food and drink as much, your health will decline, you will become 'Lizard-like', hot girls will laugh at you and throw rocks, you'll be awful in the sack, you'll be poorer and no woman will want you.


Ban smoking everywhere!



Just another holier than thou that wants to dictate how other people live 

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What a crock of shirt!  Smoking is smoking.  It's nothing to do with where you do it.  Round the back of the bike shed at school or half way up the north face of the Eiger - you still cop for the same intake of nasty stuff.  Passive smoking? Ten floors up on a balcony has to be better than sitting next to a 40 a day man in the nearest bar.  Smoking in a condo is fine - as long as both parties are happy. 

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34 minutes ago, RocketDog said:

I agree if other things are also completely banned: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tea, junk food, flip-flops, potato chips, soft drinks, singlets, cosmetics, deodorants, shampoo, spicy peppers, garlic, facial cremes, air pollution, unsafe drivers, motorcycles, and death. All of these things offend some people an/or may be harmful to health. This list could be extended if others offer their suggestions, and all should be heard. 


There should be a single central authority that  sets the bans for all countries in the world with police and military personnel for enforcement. The death penalty is appropriate for first offenders and heavy fines for the second offense. 


Once we start banning we may as well do it right. 

You left out that rotten fish Thais eat 

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1 minute ago, hotchilli said:

Burn all the crops you want but don't smoke at home... now I know they've lost the plot.

who is"they"? nobody is calling for a smoking ban in one owns home, its just the result of a rather questionable fringe questionairre.  Pls stop fanning yr denigrating anti Thai flames.

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1 hour ago, Spock said:

Reading threads like this convinces me that I never again want to make Thailand my home. I smoked for 40 years and quit in 2011, but I have never developed the kind of intolerance of smokers and smoking expressed by so many people here. I lived in Thailand for a number of years, and a large part of the country's appeal was its lack of regulations compared to western countries, particularly my home country Australia.


Now it seems the Thais are actually trying to oudo their western counterparts with the crackdown on alcohol and cigarettes. Last year I stayed in a B&B in the Lumpini apartment city in Rangsit and could not buy alcohol at the 2 7/11 stores in the complex because alcohol sales were banned.. Similarly, you could not smoke in the apartment complex, not in your own apartment, your balcony or the vast grass spaces between the buildings. Anyone living in an apartment in Australia would not be confronted with such ridiculously puritanical restrictions.


To all those expats who want condos to ban smoking even for owner occupiers, may I suggest you return to your home countries if you want to have life regulated by legislation to the point where people who wish to smoke or drink in their own homes are forbidden to do so. For God's sake get a life and allow others to have one too! A bit of stray smoke is not going to do you any harm.


Thankfully there are still countries like Cambodia which have far less draconian rules and regulations than Thailand. The same people whinging about a bit of stray smoke are quite happy to risk their lives on roads which have the 2nd highest death rate in the world. What a bunch of wowsers so many modern expats have become!

It seems to be a trend for people to want to leave their own countries and turn the places they go to into the places they left behind. In this instance its smoking. Nobody would have "piped" (haha sorry) up about unless this story broke . . . . ????

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1 hour ago, RocketDog said:

I agree if other things are also completely banned: sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tea, junk food, flip-flops, potato chips, soft drinks, singlets, cosmetics, deodorants, shampoo, spicy peppers, garlic, facial cremes, air pollution, unsafe drivers, motorcycles, and death. All of these things offend some people an/or may be harmful to health. This list could be extended if others offer their suggestions, and all should be heard. 


There should be a single central authority that  sets the bans for all countries in the world with police and military personnel for enforcement. The death penalty is appropriate for first offenders and heavy fines for the second offense. 


Once we start banning we may as well do it right. 

Absolutely! And add to the list expressing disagreement with the law on forums such as TV!   I think if we put our collective heads together, we can add a lot more sins to the list  Masturbation? 

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7 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

As can be seen from all the previous comments this is a highly contentious subject......


Apparently now in the UK you can't smoke in a car if you have children in there. ????

Would you seriously do that? My Dad did 50 years ago but the sugar/tobacco lobby (ironically joined forces as cigarettes are 50% sugar) told us at the time that smoking and sugar were good for us (and fat was the cause of obesity: untrue too). Fortunately most of us have been educated a bit since and smoking in a small space with children in should be a criminal offence, not to mention appalling behaviour.

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You have to be really smart to understand why people choose to go out on the balcony to smoke. could it be the smokedetectors inside the condominiums? Those who answered that they smoked inside should really have a visit from officials to check if their got smokedetectors..

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I was seriously addicted to cigarettes for twenty years; now smoke-free more than 35 years.  I don't like cigarettes and I don't like to be around them. My choice. But along with the OP, I have never developed the kind of intolerance and hypersensitivity so many are expressing here today.

The thing that amazes me is that the issue can be addressed at the local level, building-by-building, without getting the government involved.  Geezus!  More laws!  More cops!  More bureaucracy!  More erosion of personal liberty!  People used to value liberty.  What the hell happened? Do people really enjoy being told what to do? Or is it that you just enjoy telling OTHER people what to do?

In any event, while I think many of the rules condo associations come with are plain stupid, and can be very inconvenient and annoying, the associations are perfectly capable of banning smoking if they want to, without getting the government involved. If I don't like that, I can, at least in theory, move to a condo that doesn't have that restriction.  If the people in Condo X think that smoking is really wonderful and decide to allow it, why is that the government's or anyone else's business?

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1 hour ago, DefaultName said:

I knew someone who died in a condo fire last year.  Went to sleep with a lit cigarette.  Fortunately, only he died, he could have taken out the whole building.


We can't bring gas in for cooking, but allow smoking?  ????

Ban please.

Have you been watching Marx bros re-runs? Cigs dont explode, gas cannisters do

Edited by Walter Travolta
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6 minutes ago, rexall said:

People used to value liberty.  What the hell happened? Do people really enjoy being told what to do?

I dont think they enjoy it, I think its more of a case of needing it


7 minutes ago, rexall said:

Or is it that you just enjoy telling OTHER people what to do?

Oh they love a bit of that. And weirdly so, they are always correct

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2 minutes ago, Walter Travolta said:

Have you been watching Marx bros re-runs? Cigs dont explode, gas cannisters do

The problem with this kind of thinking is that telling other people what to do (or not do) is always motivated by a noble, rational-sounding reason.  Cigarettes are an easy target. No one is going to defend cigarettes.  Is anyone other than a tobacco company executive actually in favor of cigarettes or condo fires?  Of course not! 

Internal combustion engines suck!  Or maybe they blow?  But in any event,  almost everyone agrees they are dirty, noisy, dangerous and especially, polluting.  How many deaths and diseases does that account for annually.  Ban the suckers!  Heil!


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