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Thailand to see more visitors, 'signal' for reopening - tourism chief


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Yet another BS from government. They do not want to give any relief money to any business owners. therefore they giving us good night stories.

Why this Thai visa keep on having these missinformation online, I have no idea!!!!

Incompetent Government = Disaster for everyone

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1200 tourists? whoop whoop. LOL
Its all just Internal propaganda with no hold in real life.
I wonder who they think they are fooling?


They are not tourists. They may be foreigners , but like me not a tourust, returning retiree.

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22 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I can believe that they would spend what he says.  The spent money would be initially spent on paying for the Covid testing, the ASQ quarantine hotels and then the hospital isolation unit for when they test asymptomatic which would wipe out all of that money and finish off the vacation spent in Thailand.  However, if they managed to make it out of quarantine for the remaining two weeks of their vacation then they would have about 140k to 340k left to spend or an average of between 10k and 34k per day if what he is estimating they would spend is acurate.


So in his view there might be 154,836 tourists entering the country every week or just under 22,000 per day arriving.  Unless they lift quarantine there is no way they could have that many enter the country every day as there are not enough ASQ's to house that many.  


Add in the other OP regarding 80% of last years tourism expected in 2023, and once again these guys are just pulling numbers out of thin air.  Why even spout this drivel when no one knows what the future brings.  These guys should be Meteorologists predicting the weather, as they might get it closer than tourism.

My thai neighbor just back from England went into hotel quarantine....no charge for thais. 

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet Thailand claims to be in recovery and their currency keeps climbing instead of sinking, go figure.

The money markets take a different view of the Thai economy to the TVF experts, but of course it has to be them that have it wrong.

I for one wouldn't bet on getting any more baht for my pound anytime soon.

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13 minutes ago, sandyf said:

The money markets take a different view of the Thai economy to the TVF experts, but of course it has to be them that have it wrong.

I for one wouldn't bet on getting any more baht for my pound anytime soon.

No doubt the GDP drop  /vs zero tourists is a false number to give the illusion that the economy is doing well.  Every Baht spent by a tourist becomes disposable income trickled down to a local buying food off a food cart or car sales at the dealership.  I wouldn’t be suprised if tourism wasnt 50% of total GDP 

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17 minutes ago, sandyf said:

The money markets take a different view of the Thai economy to the TVF experts, but of course it has to be them that have it wrong.

I for one wouldn't bet on getting any more baht for my pound anytime soon.

You would think that with the macroeconomic term of recession which generally refers to a significant decline in general economic activity, and is typically recognized as two consecutive quarters of economic decline, as reflected by GDP in conjunction with monthly indicators such as a rise in unemployment that Thailand should be in a recession, and with that being said the rate of inflation should be falling.  However, a further contraction in the last three months of 2020 should put Thailand into a technical recession. Look at it this way, the first and most direct factor so far is tourism. Depending on how you measure it, the tourism industry accounts for roughly a fifth of Thailand’s GDP.  With the unemployment and then the current export issues deflation should be increasing, however, it is not.  Capital inflows are rising, the Baht is now more than ever a safe haven currency, and to what end will that have on the economy, but to drive prices upward instead of deflating them.  I am not an economist, but right now with what is occurring the money markets seem to be hedging on the baht.  I wonder how many are actually taking short positions on the Baht and looking for a big pay day when it suddenly collapses due to external forces. Reading the attached link gives one a belief that the Baht is over valued, which even the Thai finance ministers office believes.


Investors Sour on Baht, Trim Long Bets on Most Emerging Asian Currencies: Reuters Poll | Investing News | US News

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On 11/27/2020 at 10:11 AM, DaLa said:

Why is it a tourist dependant economy if its 11.3% of GDP ?

lets suppose turism generates 1 million dollar and I find a diamond worth 1 million dollar. I sell the diamond. The GDP will be precious metals 1 million dollar and turism 1 million dollar.

How many people lives with precious metal and how many with turism?

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet Thailand claims to be in recovery and their currency keeps climbing instead of sinking, go figure.

USD has been diluted by 15% in 2020, that's why stocks are at all time high. Companies (also Apple that has tons of cash) take cheap money and buy back stocks.

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4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

One could say that the Government is complicit with the downfall of the tourism sector in order to let others buy the fallen properties and such at cheaper prices.  Additionally one could say that the daily TAT drivel they post is just a smokescreen to keep the Thai people thinking that the government really cares, when it doesn't give 2 shakes of a lambs tail.


You could be right. But, when you consider the trillions of dollars invested in infrastructure here, one would assume the army is madly despised, indeed. 


Of course what you say about the drivel is true. Nothing bold, courageous, creative or inventive is being done, or planned. Nothing. Zero. The zero Thai army. 

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On 11/27/2020 at 9:00 AM, webfact said:

"We rather hope this will signal the opening up of the country," Tourism Authority of Thailand governor, Yuthasak Supasorn, told Reuters.

Those tourists would each spend about 200,000-400,000 baht ($6,605-$13,210), he said.



You mean that when all the 2 week millionaires rock up at immigration with the 'over $60,000' annual income ticked on the back of their TM6, TAT actually believe them?

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10 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yet Thailand claims to be in recovery and their currency keeps climbing instead of sinking, go figure.

You guys keep saying this, The thai baht against the USD is just about the same (actually a little better)  as it was this time last year.  Today 30.31 last year Nov 28, 2019  30.23   


I just hope it never goes back down to 25 Thb to USD, I believe a good rate to the USD for tourism and exports is around 35-40 Thb to USD.  

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At this rate, in the next 5 months they will be able to start stating impressive recovery figures to the tune of "Thailand sees foreign tourism rebound with a 10,000% (or much more) increase year on year compared to April 2020".

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9 hours ago, ericthai said:

You guys keep saying this, The thai baht against the USD is just about the same (actually a little better)  as it was this time last year.  Today 30.31 last year Nov 28, 2019  30.23   


I just hope it never goes back down to 25 Thb to USD, I believe a good rate to the USD for tourism and exports is around 35-40 Thb to USD.  

Not discussing any other currency here but the THB.  It, theoretically, should be going down like all of the currency, and the price if goods should be increasing. But the opposite is occurring without much intervention by the BOT, or generous stimulus packages being handed out to the people.

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