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Cabinet gives green light to new 120kph speed limit


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How about the many new roundabouts; no one seems to know they must give way to the left and some thai's drive excessive speeds straight across. Their be flying over the roundabouts now with the new approved 120k speed limit, so what was the point to build them in the first place. 

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5 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

The country with the highest road deaths and they increase the speed limit?  Brilliant, that will surely help.  Next they will lower traffic infringement penalties........oh yeah, thats right, they already did that lol!



Thailand is like 4th highest behind a few African countries.

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1 hour ago, ChrisKC said:

Seems to me the Thai Government doesn't understand the driving culture of its own people!

Why would you expect them to? As I understand it, they get around in armored chauffeur-driven limousines. With tinting as deep as a full ink bottle.

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17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I think I need to go into the undertaker business and rent out refrigerated caskets.  Looks like the investment will pay off nicely.  Have not found anything that says it is a Thai only job.

Isn't that one of the jobs farang are not allowed to do ? 5555555 Sorry, I only read your last words upon typing. Maybe it's not mentioned anywhere as crematoriums are part of the Temple, and i'm pretty sure you would need a special licence to own a Temple..:cheesy:????

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18 hours ago, YetAnother said:

thais cannot drive as it is; now this ridiculous govt is green-lighting them driving Faster ?!

It's so stupid that now you will have slow vehicle's, and fast vehicles competing for space on a 120kpm road, there will be as usual maniacs tailgating slower vehicles and taking extreme risk to pass them. 


What's new, that's what they do now, only now cars will go even faster and me first mentality will kill even more innocent people 

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41 minutes ago, jomtienisgood said:

Isn't that one of the jobs farang are not allowed to do ? 5555555 Sorry, I only read your last words upon typing. Maybe it's not mentioned anywhere as crematoriums are part of the Temple, and i'm pretty sure you would need a special licence to own a Temple..:cheesy:????

Not own anything except a storefront that rents out the casket refrigerators.  The families do not buy them.  They rent them for the length of the lying in state at the house, and they are just delivered to the house where after the casket has been removed from inside the house for the barbeque, err cremation the casket refrigerator container is then returned to the shop.  Just like the chair and table rental companies, unless the local Amphur has them for free.....


Think about the possible conflict of a car driving 120 kph approaching a Scooter doing only 80 kph, or even a motorcycle doing 100 kph.  I see a booming business as road deaths increase unless they create a designated Motorcycle/Scooter lane, that we know would be used by cars anyway.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Not own anything except a storefront that rents out the casket refrigerators.  The families do not buy them.  They rent them for the length of the lying in state at the house, and they are just delivered to the house where after the casket has been removed from inside the house for the barbeque, err cremation the casket refrigerator container is then returned to the shop.  Just like the chair and table rental companies, unless the local Amphur has them for free.....


Think about the possible conflict of a car driving 120 kph approaching a Scooter doing only 80 kph, or even a motorcycle doing 100 kph.  I see a booming business as road deaths increase unless they create a designated Motorcycle/Scooter lane, that we know would be used by cars anyway.

Maybe a good idea, especially with the speeds you mention you'd only need small caskets. 555555 

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So the new limit is almost 75 mph/120 kph. Isn't that near the norm in many European countries?

I very much doubt accidents are caused by the legal speed limit as if that were the case, Thailand should have a 30 kph speed limit imposed immediately. Whatever the official limit, people ignore it in Thailand.

Poor driver education is the real cause of vehicular collisions and many deaths could be avoided if education were improved.

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Actually. It's been 120kph for quite a while. 


A few districts decided to put up signs (about 2 years ago) without legislation to 90 kph; thereby running Mobil Radar for everyone on a Tom Tom, Google Maps or Garmin/,Loran GPS recievers to be ticketed for going over "The Posted Speed limit" 


This was on Highways 4 to the Hua Hin corridor as well as 1 to Chi-nat and down to Rayong. 


No one was paying the traffic cameras, and when the districts figured out how much they were paying in Ink, paper, printer maintenance and postage..... well.... back to 120kph. 


If you look carefully, you will still find "No Speed Limit" signs still sprinkled around Thailand, in the strangest places.


I believe the government decided to make this policy for the districts who attempt to extort monies from commercial cargo/trucking companies, as well as the van and commercial limo services. 


I remain thankful about the Clarification to 120KPH.





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This is one way to thin the population, I am  agast at this decision, It certainly will not improve the fatality numbers on a daily basis, allow people to grow grass, come in from bordering countries without quarantine, and now this, but hang on you cannot buy online liquor anymore, what the #$%#,

who is running this country!

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19 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Instead of raising the speed limit what about slipping a few patrol cars on the highways to fine people ( and a hefty fine at that ) who start using the hard shoulder when traffic gets busy or to jump ahead at traffic lights.

While your at it remove that “ able to overtake on the left “ ruling , tired of seeing the dangerous antics of drivers zig zagging on Highway 32  !!


Talking of Highway 32 , about a month ago a couple of signs similar to these:




Appeared on the southbound side just above Ayutthaya but nothing painted on the actual road !!

Come on Thailand, these devices are there to educate the drivers about what a safe driving distance should look like, right now they are probably causing accidents as drivers search Google on their phones to figure the signs out !!

Slap a bit of paint on the road and put a few safety videos at peek time viewing, it’s not rocket science !!


Rant over ???? 

Overtaking on the left (undertaking) is highly dangerous, but with some 50% or more of Thai motorists hogging the outer lane at 60/70/80km/hr and refusing to move over despite being flashed repeatedly, what alternative is there?  Get the cops off their <deleted> and onto the roads, and ban these thoughtless individuals.   Won't be many vehicles left on the road????????

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20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Yea, though I drive though the valley of death, I shall fear no (or little), evil, as I am in a Volvo.

I pray for everyone else of course.

You may joke but in a Volvo V70 this year, I have hit 3 wild boar and a deer and they just bounced off - no noticeable damage to the car at all! It was much less of a good day for the poor beasts involved!

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