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Drinkers.. Do you ever worry about the state of your Liver?


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a tad rough this morning..

it's got me thinking

I wonder what my Liver looks like now.

Having been a moderate to heavy drinker most of my life i'm willing to bet it's not in great shape.

However, most of the time I never give it a second thought.

Last night I put a fair amount of booze away but have only been partially hungover.


Do you lot who drink ever worry about the state of your Liver, heart stomach etc?

Also the throat, cancers are very common in heavy drinkers apparently. 

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Depends what you're drinking and how much and how often. A bottle of Lao Khao or cheap Thai spirits will rot your organs faster than a couple of bottles of Heineken a day. It's good to take days off, and have a week or two off every now and then. Also depends on things you eat. 

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I was on 2 bottles of wine 10 years ago (marriage going wobbly and so I went wobbly too). I think if you are worried and care you will try to moderate as I do now...only beer and 1 night on 1 night off.


The real danger is if you don’t care and you build up a resistance which increases your consumption.


No idea where my liver is bye the way.

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I have read a few posts where you talk about having a bottle of wine a day, then other posts where you talk about going out at night and watching soccer and getting seriously drunk , which I assume is on top of the bottle a day, and now this post. If this is correct then that's clearly too much in my opinion.

My 2 cents worth is to get some serious exercise into your body. At the moment your brain is telling your body what to do i.e. cop all that drink. 

The more you exercise the more your body will wake up and feel a bit healthy and may start fighting back against all your drinking. Your body probably won't want to have all that drink and your habits might change. Get out and kick a soccer ball with a friend or hit the gym. 

I have found this worked for me for my issues with too much sweet stuff. Four workouts a week and push yourself once you get basic fitness. 

Get medical advice about all aspects of doing exercise and reducing drinking of course.

Wake up Liverpool fan. I don't think it can be fun for you and your wife for you to be half drunk all the time and presumably out of shape. New Years Resolution and all that. 


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12 minutes ago, Don Chance said:

You can easily be cured from alcoholism by taking Baclofen every day.

A TV Doctor has spoken. I think the local Bar will have better medicine and advice!

Baclofen is used to treat pain and certain types of spasticity (muscle stiffness and tightness) from multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, or other spinal cord diseases. Baclofen is in a class of medications called skeletal muscle relaxants. Baclofen acts on the spinal cord nerves and decreases the number and severity of muscle spasms caused by multiple sclerosis or spinal cord conditions. It also relieves pain and improves muscle movement.

Baclofen: MedlinePlus Drug Information

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Here's the bad news:

Since 1989, the WHO has designated alcohol as a Class 1 carcinogen. Mouth, throat, stomach, liver. Also accelerates other cancers arising from other causes.

There is also cirrhosis of the liver, which can lead to death in quite nasty ways. A guy I used to know in Chiang Mai committed suicide in Auckland after s###ting blood for the last three months of his life. Outwardly, he looked quite healthy, but he had been a heavy drinker for many years.


The good news is the liver will try to regenerate itself if given a chance. Provided the damage has not gone past the point of no return, stopping drinking will let the repair process in.

Personally, I think I have been sozzled about three or four times in my life. I limit my intake to  weekends, and even then it will be a couple of whiskies or one beer. Alcohol tolerance decreases with age.

Perhaps the OP should consider a New Year resolution.

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3 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

No worries, just take Milk Thistle tabs every day, Google it.


I have been hitting the booze almost everyday since I was 17 (in the army, in Germany) I'm now in my late 60s, I regularly drink 6 or more large bottles of beer,followed maybe by some red wine or G n T, absolutely not bothered by all the non drinkers pontificating about the evils of alcohol, I tell my Mrs that I retired he to have fun and enjoy myself in my retirement & maybe last 10 years or so, that was in 2011, still going strong ????????????????

more power to you mate!


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