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Please identify this plant.

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Hello All, I recently spotted a rather unusual plant at our local nursery and decided to get one for our garden. The problem is I have no idea what it is called so cannot find information regarding it's care and maintenance. The nursery plant stood about 2.5 m tall and the tendrils hanging from it were about 30cm long. So,  can anyone identify it by an English, Latin or Thai name so that I can learn how to best look after this shrub, bush or small tree. Many thanks. 


Plant 1.jpg

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Seems that this has stumped everyone. After much research, it appears that the Latin name is Gmelina philippensis, Gmelina elliptica, or Gmelina villosa. Common names include Hedgehog, Parrot's Beak and Ching-chai. I found it through the Thai name ต้นช้องแมว which translates simply as Cypress.


It originates from Malaysia, India and the Philippine Islands. It is described as “An extraordinary round shrub with pendant branches, large long leaves and exotic flowers comprised of yellow blossoms which emerge at the end of a tube-like structure of overlapping bracts. The flower resembles parrot's beak. Large yellow pod contains 1 seed. Sow seed in standard potting mix with good drainage. Grow in full light, water freely and feed once a month”.


Additionally, it appears to have some medicinal value. The juice of the fruit is applied to eczema of the feet. It is also used as a leech repellent. The fruit, pounded with lime, is applied as a poultice to the throat as a remedy for coughs.

The extract of the roots is used internally as a stimulant, resolvent, and in treating diseases of the joints and nerves.


The juice of the roots is used as a purgative and in treating fatigue.

An extract of the leaves is used externally as a stimulant, resolvent, and in treating diseases of the joints and nerve.


It has made a fast growing and quite interesting addition to our garden area. maybe members could find this locally if they like the uniqueness of this plant – hope this helps.

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17 hours ago, planemad said:





Seems that this has stumped everyone. After much research, it appears that the Latin name is Gmelina philippensis, Gmelina elliptica, or Gmelina villosa. Common names include Hedgehog, Parrot's Beak and Ching-chai. I found it through the Thai name ต้นช้องแมว which translates simply as Cypress.



Interesting, thanks. 

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