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Tourism chiefs call for foreigners vaccinated against COVID-19 to be allowed to enter Thailand


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6 hours ago, realfunster said:

Should depend on the vaccine...I recall most have 80%+ success but phase 3 trials in Brazil indicate only 50.4% efficacy for Sinovac. That will be of concern as I assume this proposal will be aimed at their largest market, China.

Just because one's been vaccinated doesn't mean there immune to the virus. Ones body immune system has to except it and its not excepted over night.. There has  to be a time delay after injection

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

An argument against similar suggestions were put by some Aussie big wig who says that even if the incoming travelers are vaccinated they can still be a carriers of the virus on their person without necessarily being infected themselves...Go figure what is the truth here...

Imagine if all policies were directed by that sort of logic ? Would be a lonely desolate world to live in given the sheer amount of deadly virus's knocking about

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7 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

Whilst you may be vaccinated it's still unknown whether you could be a carrier...

Following BBC and French news , the new vaccin does not stop anyone infecting others once vaccinated. The great advantage is if you get the virus it will not be very strong and hence not life threatening thus freeing up the hospital beds. Rather like the flu vaccination really . 

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7 hours ago, shdmn said:

You are not as efficient a spreader though, because you are not sick and therefore you are not coughing and sneezing.    They still don't know for sure if vaccinated people can be hosts and spreaders.  It's just a likely assumption at this point.

I would suggest that Thailand vaccinates it's own first then perhaps consider the efficacy of various vaccines before making a sweeping statement about accepting tourists . Brazilian studies today apparently show the Sinovac efficacy to be around 50% which will be the vaccine of choice from Thailand's biggest target tourist group China for instance. 


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You cannot argue with medical advice.  If ones stay can spread the virus to the population at large, this country must decide what to do.  

Most civilized countries would agree and wait for a substantial proportion of their population was vaccinated too.

WT! is with these golfing holidays for the rich while on quarantine?  I'd rather be dead than play that awful game.  Furthermore, are the courses going to be full of rich people throwing bales of money around to the slack-jawed locals?

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8 hours ago, realfunster said:

Should depend on the vaccine...I recall most have 80%+ success but phase 3 trials in Brazil indicate only 50.4% efficacy for Sinovac. That will be of concern as I assume this proposal will be aimed at their largest market, China.

That is exactly the point, but they will find an exception for the friends

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9 hours ago, realfunster said:

Should depend on the vaccine...I recall most have 80%+ success but phase 3 trials in Brazil indicate only 50.4% efficacy for Sinovac. That will be of concern as I assume this proposal will be aimed at their largest market, China.

Chinese vaccine will never ever be used in western countries. Its fake <deleted> made for poor Chinese. The elites take PFIZER. The main 2 need 6 months test. They won't transmit. It's been well tested PFIZER anyway. I won't listen to anti vaccers here about fake deaths and so on. I listened to 2 key scientists and lm satisfied. But all to your own.

I believe it's fine but 6 months yes no ASQ

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8 hours ago, beau thai said:

pretty sure vaccinated people can be carriers/spreaders.

the vaccination hits the symptoms but cant prevent it hitting and sitting in upper respiratory to be coughed sneezed or spoken to others.

If wrong I would love to be corrected as vaccination pasports would be great for those of us itching to travel. And those in tourism wanting to rebuild their businesses

No rubbish. The virus doesn't live forever lol. More misinformation. You get tested firstly. This <deleted> makes me laugh. More anti vaccers 

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Finally the Tourist Board wakes up to how much money and jobs  are  being  lost on no Tourism 

Hotels restaurants bars and most businesses associated with tourism going bust this happens when one puts all their eggs in one basket 

They need to diversify to attract the tourist back 

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To all the would be epidemiologists on this forum. The vaccine will stimulate your natural defence against the virus and kill it. Ex: measles, polio, mumps, seasonal flue, pox, etc. vaccination will protect you and kill the disease.thus you won't propagate it. So if vaccinated, yes you will be safe such as your contacts!

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