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FLIP-FLOP: Immigration backtracks on mandatory COVID-19  testing for visa/extension of stay renewals


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3 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

They are flip flopping on this now due to outrage on social media. Wait and see what the interpretation of the rules is going to be.




“I apologize for the misunderstanding,” Maj. Gen. Archayon said. “It will only apply to certain types of visa, most likely the permanent resident visa.”


He went on to say that the Immigration Bureau will have to wait for the Council of State – an agency tasked with settling legislative disputes – to interpret the latest regulation concerning coronavirus and arrivals from overseas published on Dec. 25.



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It would be a miracle if covid wasnt already fairly widespread among the population however the military rulers policy of only track and trace testing or quarantine returnees has allowed the illusion to continue.


Forcing westerners to test countrywide and the track and trace that follows for any positives will provide the perfect scapegoat for the reality that covid is around us nationwide .........


It will be  the pesky westerners who have caused the new outbreak .... nothing to do with thousands of factory workers returning to the provinces over New Year.


Of course if a westerner has to test when renewing a visa why not test any Thai with some symptoms.?




Edited by sapson
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20 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

They are flip flopping on this now due to outrage on social media. Wait and see what the interpretation of the rules is going to be.

I veey much doubt the outrage is the issue, they are backtracking because the spokesman was wrong and universal visa testing was never the intention.

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3 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:

Me. Is it true that I will need a covid test for my next extension madam.

She. No, that was a rumor started by Dick, the trouble making farang making problems for expats in Thailand. We are waiting for his next visit to immigration to deport him. Have nice day Khun Natai. Kittueng. Joob joob.

Yup, started by RB then picked up by TV as if it was coming from an official source rather than checking with UJ who had already debunked the story.

Then KS runs with it and likely asked the Immi spokesman on the back of the 'noise' being generated by social media. The spokesman, as they tend to do when they have no idea what is actually happening, invented a response that he thought would satisfy his minders, confirmed and embellished the story.

Then, all h*** breaks loose as the other Immi regions get innundated with queries and put out the correct response that it is BS. This gets back to the Immi spokesman and..........rapid retraction ensues with some element of face saving included in the response.

So, looks like all roads lead back to ....... RB.:biggrin:


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1 minute ago, n00dle said:

I veey much doubt the outrage is the issue, they are backtracking because the spokesman was wrong and universal visa testing was never the intention.


Richard Barrow, who got himself all upset about the "cruel" posters on this forum and demanded an apology, is now claiming it was all part of his cunning plan to influence immigration. This is laughable. It was obvious all along that this policy didn't apply to visa extension and reliable posters on this forum pointed this out. So will we get an apology from Richard Barrow for whipping people up into a panic yet again?

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53 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I wonder just how many of us may test positive, and then be taken forthwith to the hospital for isolation until we test negative, even if just Asymptomatic.  Will we then be placed on overstay while hospitalized, fined, and upon being discharged will we be then escorted to the airport and forced to leave since we had tested positive, were on overstay, and did not meet the conditions set forth in the ministerial order of prohibited diseases and thus not allowed to stay in the Kingdom.  Is this not another way to ensure that all of us Falangs go back to where we came from regardless if this is our home or not?  Slippery slope folks, a very slippery slope.


What it means is you need to go out and catch Covid right now, so you will not test positive when it's time to extend.

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If you have a read of the official announcement at https://www.thaigov.go.th/news/contents/details/37954.


"The Ministry of Interior issued Ministerial Regulations prescribing diseases prohibited for aliens entering the Kingdom. Or entering to have a residence in the Kingdom. "  Key word is entering. it appears someone has overstepped the mark and has already apologised for it, sort of.



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And we have a u turn. 


“I apologize for the misunderstanding,” Maj. Gen. Archayon said. “It will only apply to certain types of visa, most likely the permanent resident visa.”


Edited by RotBenz8888
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7 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:


Richard Barrow, who got himself all upset about the "cruel" posters on this forum and demanded an apology, is now claiming it was all part of his cunning plan to influence immigration. This is laughable. It was obvious all along that this policy didn't apply to visa extension and reliable posters on this forum pointed this out. So will we get an apology from Richard Barrow for whipping people up into a panic yet again?


Alas barrow isnt the only one, there is a breaking news post posted by thaivisa after the retraction, stating testing is mandatory for everyone.


Its still up though it was untrue before it was posted.

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1 minute ago, n00dle said:


Alas barrow isnt the only one, there is a breaking news post posted by thaivisa after the retraction, stating testing is mandatory for everyone.


Its still up though it was untrue before it was posted.

I agree. For the sake of people's sanity, this topic needs to be officially amended or closed. 

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1 minute ago, jonclark said:

Oh please be true. The utter chaos that this would spawn would be both hilarious and terrible in equal measure. I bet that the single most common job western foreigners do is teaching. Even if only 5% return need a positive result, school's would need closing and the entire student body would need testing as well as family members and other high risk groups. Hospitals would be swamped.


Probably better to not know imho.

Well, that's what they have been doing all these months till the cat got out of the bag and now they hauling a$$..

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