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Legally registered Cambodian workers


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My wife employs two legally registered Cambodian workers on her land.

She has been told that they are required to take Covid tests, at a cost of 7,000 Baht each person.

I am aware that unregistered workers are currently required to do this at the published price of 7,200 Baht.

However, I am dubious of the veracity of the information supplied to my wife, suspecting possible dubious goings on!

Can anyone please provide any actual confirmation of this, coupled, if possible with Thai documentation.


Many Thanks

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I had received a reply from the ever helpful Ubonjoe, before my double posting had (correctly) been deleted. He appears to be of the same opinion as myself, in that it is only those un-documented workers that need to take this rather expensive test for Covid.


Unfortunately am unable to access the website, so am not a lot further forward.


Any assistance in this matter will be gratefully received.

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I cant confirm this but I just asked a visiting foreign worker employment agent relative. They said a new law was released yesterday requiring all visa renewals from today to have a covid test.


They said covid tests are available in Ubon for B 4,500 and bangkok B 3,200.


Immigration was also asking them for B100k per foreign worker visa renewal.

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Thanks Farma!


Unfortunately this is not helping me get to the bottom of this. As stated, I do appreciate that unregistered workers are required to take what appears to be an extremely test.


My wife's registered workers have been here in LOS since last March, and as I stated are fully documented. 

Unfortunately, a link provided by Ubonjoe doesn't appear to work.


Can anyone please provide any enlightenment? Preferably with any links to a Government edict.

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