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TAT forced to face reality: more than a third of the Thai tourist industry has gone bust


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3 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:
  • Thai Airways is in almost thb400 billion worth of debt.
  • Political instability will only get worse, it is inevitable that street protests will resume.
  • Current government is set on persecuting opposition figures which will draw condemnation from the international community, and possible further actions from countries that value human rights.
  • Pollution in Thailand at what was high season is now at intolerable levels, with several areas in Thailand considered toxic for humans.
  • Household debt is at record levels.
  • The vaccine purchase and manufacture plan seems to have been stalled.
  • Strong baht, USD losing ground daily as the money printer goes into overdrive.

1) The airline is a dog's dinner. Expect closure and be done with it. A phoenix airline is needed.

2) Yes. Expect resumption in February or only once Covid cases decline

3) Agreed and hopefully other countries will condenm the current government for their actions

4) Mostly due to burning in neighbouring countries at present exacerbated by cooler weather here

5) Debt means nothing to most Thais. If a financial institution lends money then more fool them

6) Proven, effective vaccine should be procured and administered without hurdles or delays

7) Strong Baht makes imports cheaper (such as vaccines and submarines


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10 hours ago, bermondburi said:

Exactly. I'm based in Saudi most of the time. Take a PCR test before travelling. On arrival I have 8 hours to get to my home. At home I register my location on the government app. Selfisolate at home for 48 hours until I take a free test at a drive in government testing facility. Get a message on my phone the next day with the results. If it's negative I'm good to go anywhere. Infection rates have been stable for months now at around 100-200 cases a day since they opened the country up. It's only people living in the coconut shell that is thailand who believe the 14 day thing is the only way to go. It's not. There are other ways that work too. We just have to learn to live with this virus. 




A lot to like about the Saudi way, surprised they're one of the creative countries.

I'd be concerned about open slather. Prefer a tailored approach, on a green, amber, red basis.

Green countries would be some Asian countries, certainly Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea as well as Australia and NZ, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. Let people from these countries in the Saudi way. Face masks still mandatory. People from these countries have about 1 in 100,000 chance of carrying the virus and the few that arrive here would at least be tested and isolated to identify a high % of any that arrive.

Amber would include China, Japan and a host of other countries where they've got things fairly well under control. Guess I would include Saudi in this group. Apply Green controls, plus self isolate for another week in the resort of their choice or their home if they are returning to Thailand.

Red hot countries like - UK, US, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico etc - keep existing controls in place. 

Time to get smarter with all this. Thailand has good contact tracing systems and can control an outbreak. Got to try resurrect the tourist industry and learn to live with Covid as will probably never be totally eradicated. Silly to have 14 days quarantine for people coming from countries where Covid is already under control. 

Edited by Donga
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3 hours ago, vinny41 said:

Disagree Self Isolation doesn't work in Thailland, they tried it begining on March last year at people didn't self isolate they just carry on regardless going to bars and resturants 

There has been at least 20 people jailed on the Isle of Man for breaching  Covid quarantine rules.

Agree to disagree. Didn't work in Thailand because not done properly like so many other things. Registered locations, spot checks, ankle bracelets, heavy fines, and jail. Plenty of options. 

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9 minutes ago, Donga said:

A lot to like about the Saudi way, surprised they're one of the creative countries.

I'd be concerned about open slather. Prefer a tailored approach, on a green, amber, red basis.

Green countries would be some Asian countries, certainly Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea as well as Australia and NZ, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. Let people from these countries in the Saudi way. Face masks still mandatory. People from these countries have about 1 in 100,000 chance of carrying the virus and the few that arrive here would at least be tested and isolated to identify a high % of any that arrive.

Amber would include China, Japan and a host of other countries where they've got things fairly well under control. Guess I would include Saudi in this group. Apply Green controls, plus self isolate for another week in the resort of their choice or their home if they are returning to Thailand.

Red hot countries like - UK, US, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico etc - keep existing controls in place. 

Time to get smarter with all this. Thailand has good contact tracing systems and can control an outbreak. Got to try resurrect the tourist industry and learn to live with Covid as will probably never be totally eradicated. Silly to have 14 days quarantine for people coming from countries where Covid is already under control. 

I'm in the UK, red hot? In 12 months I've been in 5 countries including Thailand and I don't know anyone who has had covid-19.  Negative PCR for entry should be enough.

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20 minutes ago, Donga said:

A lot to like about the Saudi way, surprised they're one of the creative countries.

I'd be concerned about open slather. Prefer a tailored approach, on a green, amber, red basis.

Green countries would be some Asian countries, certainly Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea as well as Australia and NZ, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. Let people from these countries in the Saudi way. Face masks still mandatory. People from these countries have about 1 in 100,000 chance of carrying the virus and the few that arrive here would at least be tested and isolated to identify a high % of any that arrive.

Amber would include China, Japan and a host of other countries where they've got things fairly well under control. Guess I would include Saudi in this group. Apply Green controls, plus self isolate for another week in the resort of their choice or their home if they are returning to Thailand.

Red hot countries like - UK, US, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico etc - keep existing controls in place. 

Time to get smarter with all this. Thailand has good contact tracing systems and can control an outbreak. Got to try resurrect the tourist industry and learn to live with Covid as will probably never be totally eradicated. Silly to have 14 days quarantine for people coming from countries where Covid is already under control. 

That's actually fairly like what they've done to a degree. I didn't go into full details because for the vast majority of countries there are no real changes, but for UK and South Africa no entry unless you've been in another country for 14 days etc. There are a few other different options for quarantine periods as well, but for most countries, maybe 95%+ the rules are as I said. 


I was also surprised by their approach. They had an extremely strict lockdown, think 3pm curfew etc. Closed the country for months, missed out on all the Haj money etc, but since then have opened up gradually to where we are now. 


And still Saudis are not allowed to travel outside unless for compelling reasons, much like in Australia I imagine, although foreigners can. 

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11 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Lets see, TAT will now redo the numbers of expected Tourists reduced by 34.66%.  Lets see if the numbers improve or they estimate more will arrive because of vaccinations worldwide.

They will reduce the numbers and on the basis that those that do come will spend more keep the tourism income the same.

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We should remember that all businesses have been effected in all the countries and not only in Thailand. Many millions have lost their jobs all over the world. Even if tomorrow Thailand open the border to the tourist even then not many people even have the means to travel. As it is even before the pandemic there wasn't much of European tourist due to increase in prices and strong Bhat. I feel we can't see many tourist coming to Thailand for the next couple of years , of course there may be good numbers of Chinees and Indian tourists.


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11 hours ago, ezzra said:

Well. allow tourists to come in following a proper PCR test, and if some have got the vaccine go easy on them and not this draconian 14 days incarceration costing lot of money, show flexibility and willingness to accommodate the above mentioned and oh yeah, stop silly tax on non existing tourist and things will get better...

Why not have a test, I am not quoting PCR as it is known to be flawed, 17 days before fling and again 3 days before flying? That should give a fairly high degree of confidence that the person is free of the virus. Wont be 100% but just as good as a 14 day quarantine period.

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10 minutes ago, mrfaroukh said:

We should remember that all businesses have been effected in all the countries and not only in Thailand. Many millions have lost their jobs all over the world. Even if tomorrow Thailand open the border to the tourist even then not many people even have the means to travel. As it is even before the pandemic there wasn't much of European tourist due to increase in prices and strong Bhat. I feel we can't see many tourist coming to Thailand for the next couple of years , of course there may be good numbers of Chinees and Indian tourists.


Actually, the savings of a majority of people in developed countries (not sure how good the statistics are in developing countries) are higher now than before Covid.  They are broadly maintaining their income and spending less.  It is important to look at actual data and not rely on anecdotes or general surveys.


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Without help from the government this will continue throughout the country in all businesses linked to the tourist industry. Anyone that has not thought of changing their profession, if linked to tourism, is living on borrowed time ............. even with help it'll take years to recover,  if at all ............ a sad fact. The "golden goose" is well & truly cooked, which is now fast becoming cinder.

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It seems to be a common misconception amongst the immigrant population here that the Thai tourist industry will at some point just take up where it left off.

In reality they need both infrastructure and customers. Whether or not they get government grants or loans if there is no business they are flogging a dead horse. Much will need to be rebuilt from scratch which will require investment and also a reconsidering of how the tourist industry will operate profitable given that \Covid in some form or other is with us forever.

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If you look back at Spanish Flu.....the first wave did not kill so many people.  The countries that took a lot of cases in the first wave that year did not get affected so badly by the more deadly second wave the following year.  


The countries and areas that missed the first wave in the first year were hammered in the second wave in the second year.


If Covid follows the same path.......then in 2021 autumn a really deadly variant will be coming out  - and those who have not had it or been vaccinated will be at high risk - healthy or not, old or young, underlying disease or not.


Countries like Thailand will be extremely at risk if this happens with Covid as it did with Spanish Flu. Countries like the USA and UK will be well placed with so many people having immunity from the 2020 version with so many cases


There is no way that tourism will return to any real level in 2021..........and every country is going to be fighting for those tourists to visit them.  Thailand has upset many foreigners and with high prices and strong baht its going to really suffer. 


Tourism as it was before........might not return until 2024 or 2025.



Edited by RR2020
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The author of this article clearly does not understand Thainess, or does no wish to acknowledge it. Your point is made...only with the ignorant. Thailand is the land of denials. When will people realize this and just embrace it?  You talk as if you're scoring points. With who? This is a self congratulatory piece, and for what? People have come to believe westerners are no longer welcome...go figure.

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12 hours ago, jadee said:

there is a good article in the BkPost about how Thailand tried to sell itself as a covid-free haven and no-one came. The only solution might be to drop the 14-day requirement but I don't think that's popular with anyone outside the tourist industry


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