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The week that was in Thailand news: There’s good and bad in every nation: keyboard warriors should rein it in!


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1 hour ago, Samui Bodoh said:


I tend to agree. However...


I was going to write a lengthy and detailed missive explaining why I don't post much anymore and why I think TVF has become nastier and more and more unpleasant, but then I realized it was a forbidden topic and my post would just get deleted.


I will simply point out that Members may decide what they post, but they don't decide if it stays on the site.


Have a nice day.



My weapons of choice nowadays have become the 'report post' system which usually gets the desired response and the 'ignore poster' facility which become a very lengthy list of late.


Both, unfortunately have their flaws, but it does at least make my visits to TVF a little less annoying.


My thanks to @rooster59 for broaching this very touchy topic.


Edited by Moonlover
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9 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:


I tend to agree. However...


I was going to write a lengthy and detailed missive explaining why I don't post much anymore and why I think TVF has become nastier and more and more unpleasant, but then I realized it was a forbidden topic and my post would just get deleted.


I will simply point out that Members may decide what they post, but they don't decide if it stays on the site.


Have a nice day.



I agree about the Thai people - I've been an expat for a decade and I remain one because of the Thai people. There is something so special about them, they are so very resourceful and warm and somehow, they put up with us expats, in good grace, during our early years of adjusting to a completely different culture. I get annoyed - angry -  at the current government during this Covid time because their edicts have been unnecessarily harsh, particularly in areas of the country where Covid was not a serious problem, yet country-wise shutdowns and lockdowns decimated small businesses in a most draconian way.  I saw the devastation of that every day. I still think it is a wonderful country to live in - I love the spirit of it.

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4 hours ago, Thaiophil said:

Thanks for saying this. Thaivisa is often useful, interesting and funny. But I find the prevalence of sweeping negative and borderline racist generalisations about Thais offputting. Hard to follow why some of these folk are in this forum or in Thailand at all since they apparently hate the place.????


agreed.     MAYBE the prevalence of negative stuff is because so many of the "interesting and funny" posters..... or ex posters......  have been disciplined or otherwise sent off to Siberia. 

just a thought  ????

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22 hours ago, bob999999 said:

Biased and total rubbish as usualy from TV.

I joined for one rerason - to argue the case againt the bias.

Just one example:

"Mr Biden started with 25 executive orders beginning to undo the damage of the last four years."

Biden is doing what he was elected to do - just as Trump did when he was POTUS.

Stop being so blatantly biased - at least hide it a little.



What's biased about it?

The whole world, and all the Americans who voted against him, know he was nothing but a dangerous, clownish lunatic that only pursued a selfish agenda and who, in his deranged mind, dreamed of turning the US into his personal version of North Korea.

Only people who voted for him can't see how bad he was for the US and the whole world, so the way most people see it the only people who are biased are the idiots who listened to his childish tantrums and actually believed him capable of leading the country.


Also worth noting that he spent his whole life wasting the fortune he inherited and bankrupting companies left and right; just like he spent most of his presidency doing his best to destroy the country out of childish selfishness.


Good riddance to the scumbag.


PS and let's not make it political... many people forgot but he used to be a democrat and only switched allegiances when he realized he would never earn the trust of the people who support that party. He has no ideology and no political savvy... he's just a cheap, backstabbing turncoat who'd do anything, including selling out to the Russians, to realize his pathetic delusions of grandeur.

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1 hour ago, rumak said:


agreed.     MAYBE the prevalence of negative stuff is because so many of the "interesting and funny" posters..... or ex posters......  have been disciplined or otherwise sent off to Siberia. 

just a thought  ????

As a new arrival I hope that is not my fate. I enjoyed this column and was surprised to find such amusing and informative writing. Do you know how I could look back on any previous columns, it's cold on the East coast and I'd like something to read to remind me of my holidays in Thailand.

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1 hour ago, BostonRob2 said:

As a new arrival I hope that is not my fate. I enjoyed this column and was surprised to find such amusing and informative writing. Do you know how I could look back on any previous columns, it's cold on the East coast and I'd like something to read to remind me of my holidays in Thailand.

click on Rooster's name at top of this column............ then you can click on "find content" ,  or 

view profile, etc

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"Methinks they might begin to diversify given the fact that the world landscape has shifted”


“Let's face it, it's more like an almighty earthquake and if world travel ever gets back to anything like before the pandemic it will surely take years. Thailand's leaders need to wake up and get real, do some leading. Diversify or die should be the message rather than harping back to former glories”


Yes right on Rooster, and a Universal Comment as well I think !  ...


… It is almost a Year now for me being trapped ? Just Stuck, I have started to be saying, as I have learnt how to live here, in Adelaide Australian now ... and even like it !!! … Like NO CV 19 and No Masks and No Lock down either .... Like “Boredom is our only enemy”, here … As usual !!! ...


Yes "Stuck" ... not Trapped, … but stuck for almost a year now !!! I think that I agree with you R, … Things will NEVER be the Same ... Humanity has marched on, under just about all circumstances so far up to date ... Well, so far any way ... And it will again I think, … but I emphasize marched, and “ON” in particular. …  Yes, I think that things never will be the same.


People have started enjoying working from Home ... real-estate in the country side has gone up over 50% … and in the West and other places in our quiet city, it has gone up a LOT !!! .. Second Hand Cars have gone up !!! .... … People might not Want to go back to the office !!!  … People might not want to come back to Thailand anymore ? Either ???


... I went to the East Coast of Malaysia Oh, YEARS ago ... so long ago I have forgotten when ... But before Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam had opened up properly, and there in Sticky … But OK, and very Rural AND Beautiful ….  A Samaluli Kum, East Coast Malaysia there were Just <Deleted> Loads of Western Tourists … Like almost everywhere


… does anyone remember the legendary old Coconut In, about 50 K ? North of Kuantan ? … and the falling Coconuts that would just about punch a hole in your roof during the nights !!! Like Beautiful Tough Green, Organic Bombs !!! …  With that Good Malay owner, related to their royalty, (Married to a Good Dutch Carer) … But having Elmer's Syndrome, (A Symptom of Inbreeding I think ?) … and he used to ? Well spray, spital, shall we say ? .... in to the English girls faces, (Who loved him all the same, as I and every one else did !!!, as he WAS Just so realistic ! ? ... In his very VERY seriously challenged way !!! And if you listened to him he WAS Intelligent, and he DID Know !!! as well !!!) ... As he start shouting out <Deleted> … < Deleted> … <Deleted> …. While jerking up and down, like a psychotic monkey, !!! … ....  And then the screaming at nights !!! … In between the crashed of the falling Coconuts just about totaling the Bungalows roves !!! …. Yes, Probably about the best Place that I have ever stayed !!!  … and possibly still to stay up there about 30k North of Kwantan at ? … Ceder Beach, was it where the old Club Mas was up on the head land ???


Like back then, it was directly on the More East, Back pacers Route up from Singapore !!! ... But when Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam well opened up !!!    Voom !!!  … The route changed, Singapore was scratched, and the back packers all started starting off from BKK … (And you should see the Port, and Oil Flaming towers in and around Kuantan now !!! … So, so much for fishing Abang !!! ….


… And well now they probably start off from in those 3 countries them selves !!! ... Having bypassed the Big Rotten apple also !!! … … Things Change, last time I was on the East Coast of Malaysia you could not see a Whhittie for Kilometers !!! ... Like Syrians had started opening up Kebab vans in the streets !!! ... And Local Malay tourists has at Least doubled the previous numbers Western Tourists … And probably even spent more !!! … Like A Sallamuly Kum. ... Kowan !!!


… And 20 Years ago there were 200 Western Tourists in the Clock tower square in Melaka, there by St. Paul’s Church, … with another 200 Local Malays trying to sell them things !!! … But well in the last 10 years … before this year, there were about 600 Mainland Chinese Tourists …. With their tourist busses parked up right back past Makota !!! …. The same 300 Local Malays trying to sell them things, … but only about 3 Foreigners, … who were trying to be buskers, and were not actually Tourists any way !!! … And trying to beat the other Foreign buskers, who were Pilipino any way !!! … 


… Things Change. 


But well I am thinking that though yes sorry for the Dead, and there is going to be a LOT more Deaths I think pretty obviously … and also worse for the Lingering very debilitating Sick People, who have been and will be, struck down with it ... BUT things Just MIGHT be a LOT better, after the Recovery from it finally arrives ... Like I do not expect the Vaccine to work … and the virus has already proven how Really Bloody good it is at Mutation, … and well it will mutate around the Vaccines also I think, with out to much trouble. (Except for all of it’s Victims)    But STILL, .. And YES, Things STILL !!!  IT just MIGHT BE A LOT BETTER ???  !!! … Like a lot, a Lot of the <Deleted> ...and <Deleted> removed from out poor sick, conflict ridden ? Overcrowded and Very much, ? Over commercialized, Society. ??? ...


… Well Let’s Hope So I say, at least.


Yes SIA starts more direct and reliable flights back to Thailand from Adelaide in April ? … Well they … “Plan to” ??? Right ???  ... So well I think that I have had about enough of Political correctness and sun and relaxation here , and the universal “Equal In-opportunity” ! ... So let’s hope I can be to be ON one of those better Flights back home.... And then I will just help my Family, ... watch myself ... got to stay off the Sauce !!! Right ! ...


But I would HOPE to slowly see, a Great GREAT emerging change !!! Everywhere !!! … And hopefully a Great change for the better !!!


Mark mark

Edited by Mark mark
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On 1/24/2021 at 7:52 PM, TKDfella said:

Thai bashing. Now maybe it's because I don't read ALL the articles that TV puts out but certainly those I do read don't really come under Thai Bashing. Having been on the receiving end of bad Thai driving (several times) I can tell that words and phrases that other forum members used is not only well founded but well deserved too. Definitely not Thai Bashing. Certain 'ministerial' depts. come out with all sorts unrealistic figures, given the world's current situation, that it can only come under the heading of fake news...well okay, fake predictions????. Definitely not Thai Bashing. However, how many articles have there been on TV, where 'Ex hubby kills ex wife/boyfriend/both' or other similar crime? I haven't checked but if someone does check back I think they will find it happens on what seems a regular basis. Doesn't give a good impression does it, and so provokes certain comments which I suppose might be deemed 'Thai Bashing'. The solution is obvious! Don't print such articles on a forum such as this.

The media is such a powerful method of control of communication and manipulation thereof that it must take at least some of the responsibility, for content interpretation.


“Thai-bashing” is a term which has no real meaning at all, and should therefore be ignored. It is only ever used by people who feel the need to express their ‘wokeness’, or who wish to appear enlightened. The reality is that Thais are a primitive society which behaves primitively (no surprise there), and which has very great difficulty when called upon to examine their own behaviour, especially if they called upon by foreigners.


Yes Thai Visa frowns upon "Thai bashing" but not because of any altruistic leaning, but because the government watches carefully a number of forums and complains and belly-aches like merry hell if someone does not think the same way that they think or are paid to think and has the temerity to say so. The motivation is financial not altruistic and for what it's worth, in my view the best way that Thais can stop criticism of their behaviour is to stop behaving badly. Which they do a lot, if not exclusively.

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5 hours ago, BostonRob2 said:

As a new arrival I hope that is not my fate. I enjoyed this column and was surprised to find such amusing and informative writing. Do you know how I could look back on any previous columns, it's cold on the East coast and I'd like something to read to remind me of my holidays in Thailand.

Easiest way is to click on the blue highlighted "THE WEEK THAT WAS", which is just underneath the title of this topic.

This will give you a list of all previous TWTWITs


Edit: Apologies, it looks like there's been a change and it now only displays this week's and last week's TWTWITs

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2 hours ago, Mark mark said:

"Methinks they might begin to diversify given the fact that the world landscape has shifted”


“Let's face it, it's more like an almighty earthquake and if world travel ever gets back to anything like before the pandemic it will surely take years. Thailand's leaders need to wake up and get real, do some leading. Diversify or die should be the message rather than harping back to former glories”


Yes right on Rooster, and a Universal Comment as well I think !  ...


… It is almost a Year now for me being trapped ? Just Stuck, I have started to be saying, as I have learnt how to live here, in Adelaide Australian now ... and even like it !!! … Like NO CV 19 and No Masks and No Lock down either .... Like “Boredom is our only enemy”, here … As usual !!! ...


Yes "Stuck" ... not Trapped, … but stuck for almost a year now !!! I think that I agree with you R, … Things will NEVER be the Same ... Humanity has marched on, under just about all circumstances so far up to date ... Well, so far any way ... And it will again I think, … but I emphasize marched, and “ON” in particular. …  Yes, I think that things never will be the same.


People have started enjoying working from Home ... real-estate in the country side has gone up over 50% … and in the West and other places in our quiet city, it has gone up a LOT !!! .. Second Hand Cars have gone up !!! .... … People might not Want to go back to the office !!!  … People might not want to come back to Thailand anymore ? Either ???


... I went to the East Coast of Malaysia Oh, YEARS ago ... so long ago I have forgotten when ... But before Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam had opened up properly, and there in Sticky … But OK, and very Rural AND Beautiful ….  A Samaluli Kum, East Coast Malaysia there were Just <Deleted> Loads of Western Tourists … Like almost everywhere


… does anyone remember the legendary old Coconut In, about 50 K ? North of Kuantan ? … and the falling Coconuts that would just about punch a hole in your roof during the nights !!! Like Beautiful Tough Green, Organic Bombs !!! …  With that Good Malay owner, related to their royalty, (Married to a Good Dutch Carer) … But having Elmer's Syndrome, (A Symptom of Inbreeding I think ?) … and he used to ? Well spray, spital, shall we say ? .... in to the English girls faces, (Who loved him all the same, as I and every one else did !!!, as he WAS Just so realistic ! ? ... In his very VERY seriously challenged way !!! And if you listened to him he WAS Intelligent, and he DID Know !!! as well !!!) ... As he start shouting out <Deleted> … < Deleted> … <Deleted> …. While jerking up and down, like a psychotic monkey, !!! … ....  And then the screaming at nights !!! … In between the crashed of the falling Coconuts just about totaling the Bungalows roves !!! …. Yes, Probably about the best Place that I have ever stayed !!!  … and possibly still to stay up there about 30k North of Kwantan at ? … Ceder Beach, was it where the old Club Mas was up on the head land ???


Like back then, it was directly on the More East, Back pacers Route up from Singapore !!! ... But when Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam well opened up !!!    Voom !!!  … The route changed, Singapore was scratched, and the back packers all started starting off from BKK … (And you should see the Port, and Oil Flaming towers in and around Kuantan now !!! … So, so much for fishing Abang !!! ….


… And well now they probably start off from in those 3 countries them selves !!! ... Having bypassed the Big Rotten apple also !!! … … Things Change, last time I was on the East Coast of Malaysia you could not see a Whhittie for Kilometers !!! ... Like Syrians had started opening up Kebab vans in the streets !!! ... And Local Malay tourists has at Least doubled the previous numbers Western Tourists … And probably even spent more !!! … Like A Sallamuly Kum. ... Kowan !!!


… And 20 Years ago there were 200 Western Tourists in the Clock tower square in Melaka, there by St. Paul’s Church, … with another 200 Local Malays trying to sell them things !!! … But well in the last 10 years … before this year, there were about 600 Mainland Chinese Tourists …. With their tourist busses parked up right back past Makota !!! …. The same 300 Local Malays trying to sell them things, … but only about 3 Foreigners, … who were trying to be buskers, and were not actually Tourists any way !!! … And trying to beat the other Foreign buskers, who were Pilipino any way !!! … 


… Things Change. 


But well I am thinking that though yes sorry for the Dead, and there is going to be a LOT more Deaths I think pretty obviously … and also worse for the Lingering very debilitating Sick People, who have been and will be, struck down with it ... BUT things Just MIGHT be a LOT better, after the Recovery from it finally arrives ... Like I do not expect the Vaccine to work … and the virus has already proven how Really Bloody good it is at Mutation, … and well it will mutate around the Vaccines also I think, with out to much trouble. (Except for all of it’s Victims)    But STILL, .. And YES, Things STILL !!!  IT just MIGHT BE A LOT BETTER ???  !!! … Like a lot, a Lot of the <Deleted> ...and <Deleted> removed from out poor sick, conflict ridden ? Overcrowded and Very much, ? Over commercialized, Society. ??? ...


… Well Let’s Hope So I say, at least.


Yes SIA starts more direct and reliable flights back to Thailand from Adelaide in April ? … Well they … “Plan to” ??? Right ???  ... So well I think that I have had about enough of Political correctness and sun and relaxation here , and the universal “Equal In-opportunity” ! ... So let’s hope I can be to be ON one of those better Flights back home.... And then I will just help my Family, ... watch myself ... got to stay off the Sauce !!! Right ! ...


But I would HOPE to slowly see, a Great GREAT emerging change !!! Everywhere !!! … And hopefully a Great change for the better !!!


Mark mark


I am a patient man.   I just read your essay again...... from end to beginning this time.   It all makes

sense now.    thank you

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8 hours ago, rumak said:


I am a patient man.   I just read your essay again...... from end to beginning this time.   It all makes

sense now.    thank you

Yes ...I could have wriren it backwards ... Roosters comments gets the Basics correct.  And it is important. ... and it is a pretty easy argument I think ... I just expanded on it. And Foward or Backward ... the honesty of the argument is the same I think... Thanks

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13 hours ago, Glaswegian2 said:


“Thai-bashing” is a term which has no real meaning at all, and should therefore be ignored. It is only ever used by people who feel the need to express their ‘wokeness’, or who wish to appear enlightened. The reality is that Thais are a primitive society which behaves primitively (no surprise there), and which has very great difficulty when called upon to examine their own behaviour, especially if they called upon by foreigners.


Yes Thai Visa frowns upon "Thai bashing" but not because of any altruistic leaning, but because the government watches carefully a number of forums and complains and belly-aches like merry hell if someone does not think the same way that they think or are paid to think and has the temerity to say so. The motivation is financial not altruistic and for what it's worth, in my view the best way that Thais can stop criticism of their behaviour is to stop behaving badly. Which they do a lot, if not exclusively.

Excluding the 'me first' syndrome etc. on the roads, Thais 'behaving badly' is relative, isn't it. Perhaps from their perspective it's natural and could be that they see western behaviour as too strict, serious etc. So called 'loss of face' seems to be their most troublesome trait which appears to affect every aspect of their lives and historically is probably rooted in the past.

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On 1/24/2021 at 6:52 PM, TKDfella said:

Having been on the receiving end of bad Thai driving (several times)


You mean you have been driving in a foreign country and something happened that you weren't expecting because you expect drivers in a foreign country to behave the same way they do in your native, or a different country?

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21 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:


You mean you have been driving in a foreign country and something happened that you weren't expecting because you expect drivers in a foreign country to behave the same way they do in your native, or a different country?

Er no, Every time a Thai driver caused damage to my car I was stationary at the time (that is, not slowing or braking). Several times at traffic lights; parked by the curb and car hit by Thai drivers,riders going the wrong way. All of these would rank as bad driving no matter where one lived.

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11 hours ago, TKDfella said:

Excluding the 'me first' syndrome etc. on the roads, Thais 'behaving badly' is relative, isn't it. Perhaps from their perspective it's natural and could be that they see western behaviour as too strict, serious etc. So called 'loss of face' seems to be their most troublesome trait which appears to affect every aspect of their lives and historically is probably rooted in the past.



A thoughtful post, thanks. Yes you probably right "behaving badly" probably is a relative thing. But there are many aspects of Thai behaviour which would be rightly frowned upon in most cultures that I've had any contact with. For example a young lad kicking an elderly woman pensioner in the head would be considered bad behaviour pretty much anywhere; the theft, deception and fraud which is so endemic in Thai culture is not appreciated in most other cultures that I know of and then (as you rightly point out) the dependence of Thais upon their ‘face’ is both annoying and counter-productive. It's the hallmark of an immature culture and an immature people.


In thinking about it a little more I think it probably is the maturity of the culture and the maturity of the people that rankles most severely. I wish it were otherwise but it isn't. Not for me anyway, And there are many good and clear examples of where this has been infectious.  In other words, some of the posters in this very forum are either accepting to a ridiculous degree  (perhaps falling under the heading of "demonstrating their woke-ness") or, even worse, accommodating the worst instincts of Thais  when the government gets on the phone and starts laying the law down in respect of posts with which they do not happen to agree. We all know who are most guilty of this. But it's a short-term policy; Thais will never show appreciation  of being accommodated and the foreigners who refuse to accommodate it  will gradually drift away, as many have in the past to pastures at least newer if not greener.


 in 10 years however, the cycle  will have turned again and  foreigners will once again be appreciated but they will remember the forums which were unreasonably accommodating and which demonstrated poor judgement in their choice of management, and turn their back on them. Som nam na. I can sympathise a bit; a lot of money was paid for a pig in the poke, and a lot of money has been lost, but this is because of the bad judgement of some foreigners. In this particular case it had nothing to do with Thais. It seems foreigners can behave badly as well on occasion.

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11 hours ago, VocalNeal said:


You mean you have been driving in a foreign country and something happened that you weren't expecting because you expect drivers in a foreign country to behave the same way they do in your native, or a different country?


Perhaps yes in the case you comment upon, but not in my case. In my case, I expect Thais to comply with what is their own law; imperfect and roundly abused though it may be.  I expect that makes me a very silly Billy.

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