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Fourteen day quarantine for tourists set to end - two plans mulled for April 1st start, sources suggest


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Quarantine at home in my country... sure that will work ????. I just stay home and don't go to work... SMH

Why even require a vaccination, if there are still quarantine requirements? The Thai tests are superior to others?


If you only trust your tests, then test everyone on arrival- but that won't work for millions of tourists. 


Not everyone travels in a tour group. Mostly Chinese and they are not opening to foreign travel 


Back to the drawing board until they figure out a solution.. as long as quarantine is required, there is no tourism 

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6 minutes ago, David T Pike said:

Who said the expatriates, workers, businessmen and repatriated Thai's are not included? I think your splitting hairs that aren't there. As long as they get vaccinated and complete a 14 day at home quarantine where they are coming from I am sure they will be included...

Sure .. that will work

Requirement 1: get vaccinated- not easy in most countries for anyone under 65

Requirement 2: quarantine at home. Who supervises that? Who can stay away from work for 2 weeks before going to LOS on vacation?

Requirement 3: test in Thailand. What happens, if they test positive?


People do not deal with these hurdles

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19 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

Africa does not have a huge number of deaths - especially not compared to Europe or the Americas. Yesterday 461 deaths - more than 4000 in Europe 

Cases in south Africa are dropping like a stone - even with the new variant.

Yes, Africa is looking good and funnily enough no variants in Africa or South America apart from the one's exported to Europe.


I don't see much in the way of changes to the entry policy into Thailand until Q3, so I'll be going to Kenya in April, Belarus in the summer and Thailand later this year if they let people in with just a negative PCR cert.

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5 minutes ago, Johnnyb2good said:

It’s unbelievable to me how many of the commenters here are actually...considering taking the wholly dangerous, untested and increasingly fatal vax in belief it’s for their health. It’s not.


Did they pull Thailand’s internet feed, are you really that misinformed/terrorized?

I fully support your belief. you certainly should not be vaccinated and should convince as many of your friends as you can. In fact you should punish idiots like me by giving me your turn. 

That should teach me. 

If you don't die you can be vaccinated later on if it proves safe, if you do die RIP,  

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30 minutes ago, David T Pike said:

Who said the expatriates, workers, businessmen and repatriated Thai's are not included? I think your splitting hairs that aren't there. As long as they get vaccinated and complete a 14 day at home quarantine where they are coming from I am sure they will be included...

mobile quarantine certainly is for tourists - as an alternative to home (to more exact - hotel) quarantine. 

Very few tourists will be able to rent fully furnished home just for 2 weeks. I don't think apartment setting do count here, as it means interaction with the other people, to some extend - lobby, lift, staircase.

Tourists do need comfort of ordering food from hotel restaurant, rather than delivery from foodpanda or supermarket - it's simple for a local.


as to repatriating thai - very few would have vax abroad


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Lots of negativity around again i see????...more often than not said negativity (i.e 'no mass tourism it's too dangerous even for vaccinated people') comes from people with such sad existences that they want everyone to be in the same boat. My message to you negative saddo's is... 'i'm going to be there asap and smash it like a two week millionaire and i don't give a flying ****'.

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12 minutes ago, internationalism said:

mobile quarantine certainly is for tourists - as an alternative to home (to more exact - hotel) quarantine. 

Very few tourists will be able to rent fully furnished home just for 2 weeks. I don't think apartment setting do count here, as it means interaction with the other people, to some extend - lobby, lift, staircase.

Tourists do need comfort of ordering food from hotel restaurant, rather than delivery from foodpanda or supermarket - it's simple for a local.


as to repatriating thai - very few would have vax abroad


I agree with almost everything you said, but

Why would Thais abroad vaccinate at a different rate than anyone else where the are? 

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because thai abroad are mostly working age, also students.

vax programs are first for elderly, sick. So they would be left at the end of waiting line, sometimes the next year.

In some countries "foreign" thai might not be entitled to vax. They might not opt for a private jab, if they have on return to thailand free quarantine

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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Fourteen day quarantine for tourists set to end - two plans mulled for April 1st start, sources suggest



REUTERS FILE PHOTO for reference only


Sources in the Thai business media have suggested that plans are taking shape for an end to the 14 day quarantine for foreign tourists. 


Behind the scenes the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Tourism Ministry, the Tourism Council, ATTA (the Association of Thai Travel Agents and the THA (Thai hoteliers' Association) have been pressing for an end to the two week quarantine that many see as a huge hurdle to the reintroduction of foreign tourism. 


They want to see those who have been vaccinated being allowed to come under two plans that are about to be proposed. 


The first is called "Quarantine At Home". Under this idea the tourist will be required to quarantine at their home where they are about to begin their journey before setting foot in Thailand. 


Once in the kingdom they will have a Covid check but still have to be quarantined for two nights, three days.


The second plan is called Mobile Quarantine. This idea involves the health department and the TAT acting as chaperones for tour groups. 


They may decide to allow a DMC (Thaivisa understands this to be a Destination Management Company) to fulfil this chaperone-cum-monitoring role. 


So what is the timeline?


According to sources the final details are being ironed out over the coming week and will be presented to the TAT board for discussion among all relevant parties towards the end of February. 


Then it will go to the cabinet where PM Prayuth Chan-ocha will be apprised of the plan and make the final decision. 


If given the go ahead the sources suggest the plans - possibly both of them - will get the nod from April 1st. 


Thaivisa notes that there appeared to have been a cooling of the "vaccination passport" idea but with these extra caveats in place there may be a way forward to opening up the country for those who have received Covid vaccinations abroad. 





-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2021-02-19

What about those who already had Covid and have anti bodies? Should be same as vaccine.

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6 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Being chaperoned around Thailand with an official from the TAT or the Health Department sounds like a true dream vacation. Might as well add in tours of the local hospitals, clinics, and government offices to boot! Lots of fun to be had by all. 


A covid vaccination, using one of the top vaccines, like the Pfizer or the Moderna one, should be adequate. The authorities should be begging the tourists to come. Free, unlimited visas, 10,000 baht hotel vouchers, and free meal vouchers. Our people are out of work. We really need you. An immigration officer will come to your hotel to renew your visa, if you decide to extend your stay, to show our appreciation for your support. Half price air tickets for domestic travel. Princely treatment. Thank you so much for helping to rescue our economy and our people.

Sorry, you forgot to add the prison tours!! You cant forget the prison tours!!!

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Three days ago they were talking about increasing it to 21 days.


It’s truly amazing how every knucklehead with an idea makes the news here. When someone here has an original thought in that empty brain of theirs, it’s news worthy. I guess it’s a bit like when caveman learned about fire, it was a big deal.

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Ohhhh......Now you tell me!!!!   555555


I'm starting day 3 of Quarantine....Its 12:30 am and I just woke up from a 3 hour nap.


AS always it seems like a good idea when put forth by the "Thai powers that be".....until they actually think about it a bit more 

and realize the "downside" has more potential than the "upside" Benefit.


I applaud their thinking....I think. I know they are desperate to jump start the economy (just like every other country in the world thats been affected by C-19)


Stay tuned as we can expect them to do one of several things going forward:  1) Nahhh we were kidding. 3) NO we didn't actually say anything of the kind and we will sue anyone who says otherwise. 3) Do nothing 4) Actually come up with a well thought out plan that doesn't appear to enrich a small portion of the elected gentry in the Thai Gov't.


Here was my dessert dinner tonight.....I hope they didn't break the bank with the portion size.  ????????   (1" x 1" in size)


stay safe and healthy everyone


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"Sorry, you forgot to add the prison tours!! You cant forget the prison tours!!!"


Don't knock the prison tours.....


DIdn't you know the inmates can order either KFC or Pizza hut for delivery......at least at Khlong Prem they are/were able to


I saw the electronic LED sign in the waiting room while going to see a "thai friend".....


Now of course you need some $$ in your Canteen account....


I can't order any food from outside here in my spacious quarantine accommodation .....however they were kind enough to go buy me some dish soap and a sponge at 7.


stay safe and healthy everyone....


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Once in the kingdom they will have a Covid check but still have to be quarantined for two nights, three days.


I said this weeks ago...... If the fear mongers continue it'll be quarantne for a year and a Hazmat suit when you get out.........   Do what Malaysia does, test you at the airport then reduce the quarantine to a minimum time.... Not all this what if ?, what if garbage, by the time you've all what iffed ? you'll of all died of old age.....It's getting like trying to sell life insurance on a battlefield, hey, life brings death, sure as.........

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4 hours ago, D M G said:

Let’s look at a Modified Quarantine for special groups.  The concept is to bring back the economy in stages.

- Initially address the Vaccinated, Retired, Employed, Educator, etc visa holders.

- Shorten the Quarantine time to 5 days, 4 nights, 2 COVID tests, followed by 2 weeks of Self-Quarantine

- Self-Quarantine is enforceable by both people and technology.

- It has an immediate impact on the economy with a limited danger of spreading of the virus.

- It can be rolled out to select groups: the Retired, Employed, Educator, etc, that have been Vaccinated 

- It’s a Win/Win/Win for the Government, the unemployed locals and the disgruntled foreigner.

This should be questioned, analyzed, addressed.

This topic is about tourists.


As a tourist, I have no desire to travel to a country where they impose too many conditions.


Here in Europe, we should travel with no PCR and no quarantine if vaccinated. At most, with antigen rapid tests, the EU has just published a list yesterday I believe, with rapid tests that they consider acceptable. Those would perhaps replace PCR for people that can't or don't want to get vaccinated.


They do think about families travelling with children as well, those can't get vaccinated just yet, so antigen is much cheaper.


At no point are we discussing shortened quarantine followed by self isolation for TOURISTS.


Your post is that of someone formerly living in Thailand, that wishes to return at a lower quarantine cost. No tourist is interested in something of this nature.


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3 hours ago, internationalism said:

because thai abroad are mostly working age, also students.

vax programs are first for elderly, sick. So they would be left at the end of waiting line, sometimes the next year.

In some countries "foreign" thai might not be entitled to vax. They might not opt for a private jab, if they have on return to thailand free quarantine

Good point, Many of the younger Thais that are  working abroad , will not be vaccinated yet , and would not qualify for the waiver. early on. but  Here in the US most people that want to be vaccinated would be vaccinated by the end of this spring. Here in the US we already habe 56 million people vaccinated and we are administering 1.7 million shots per day, a rate that will accelerate as the J&J vaccine comes in to play in the next few weeks, and other vaccine brands follow. 


I don't think there is any country that would not have foreigners vaccinated as it would be a danger to that country and very stupid. 


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