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Poll: For those wanting a vaccine in Thailand, are you willing to take the Chinese one?


Chinese vaccine jitters?  

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13 minutes ago, Letseng said:

The advice in the EU by doctirs is to take the vaccine you can get asap. Once there are options to choose from, top up with whatever you want. Middle Eastern countries use Sinovac, some EU countries buy SputnikV and Sinovac, in Serbia (non EU you have a choice between Pfizer, Sinovac, SputnikV. Most popular is Sputnik.

I understand but I think the issue here is about perception that some are better and or safer than others. There are obvious political factors as well such as not trusting the regimes of Russia and China. Whether they are objectively inferior is really a separate matter. This is more really about how perception may influence personal vaccine decisions. 

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7 hours ago, connda said:

a lot of expats will obtain their vaccines from a private hospital at a two to three times mark-up on the "at cost" price of the manufacturer or for what they could purchase if for in the West.


Pfizer doesn't sell to the private sector, they are covered with orders from Gvts for the next few good years, and they are continuously expanding the capacity to meet that demand. So are others.


Perhaps Sinovac will be sold to the private sector sooner.

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No, as far as I am aware the Chinese vaccine has not  been approved by any International organisation or their own? I have already contacted my own hospital to put me down on list when they obtain the Astra Zenecca or Phizer vaccine and I pay. The government must allow private hospitals to obtain and administer vaccines and the choice to those who request and pay 

Edited by Jen65
Correction, missing word
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If we have a choice surely the best and earliest will be the choice of all bar ant vaxxers.


A second vital issue will be acceptable proof , I expect airlines will want a WHO international standard as a stamp in passport or stand alone digital plus paper copy, we can hardly expect check in desks or border posts to be able to read every global language.

Despite public resistance the foolproof  obvious solution is an implant with the vaccine so regimes will assert , you've had your chips.


I think with low risk here and Western nations the trial or guinea pigs by 2022 we will have proof which vaccines are better medically.


If immigration require proof this will generate an exodus of the anti vaxxers and  in LOS a booming industry in agents providing phoney certs, ironically paying a private clinic for big money may encourage placebo saline shots, so we end up with unvaccinanted /protected with fake certs or fake jabs in the Land of smirks.This will make less corrupt nations/airlines require their own proof all of this at passengers expense.


I think this will be almost inevitable as any office having the choice of only dealing with the"apparently' vaccinated will do so esp monopolies.


Once it is compulsary for visas and or flights the "falang" price will rort, so maybe if on a low budget get in early, although boosters and annual certs will no doubt add to the sheaf of immigratins docs. I'm sure a Czech Drs letter or cert won't cut the ice here, so a second letter or shot will add to the hurdles.


In the meantine folks that unlicensed drunk driver , wandering mozzie, snakedancer, overloaded truck or ungrounded hotel electricity may get you first.



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On 2/22/2021 at 11:46 AM, 4MyEgo said:

The article in this link suggests that the Pneumonia vaccine could in fact be supportive while one waits for the Covid vaccine, for anyone interested or stressing out, have a read, it is interesting to say the least, noting that there are no vaccine that are "100%" effective that I know of, however the Pneumonia vaccine has 60% to 80% efficacy from what I have read.



today I went to mahidol travel clinic for a first time pneumonia. I was refused because I am below 65 and don't have underlying.

So I went for MMR for 550b, a booster to one which i probably had a child.

They were insisting on flu, also offering hep A and japanese ence. I have refused.

Does anybody know clinic in bangkok where is I can get Pneumococcal vaccine 13 Prevnar?

At mahidol it goes for 2700b

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35 minutes ago, internationalism said:

today I went to mahidol travel clinic for a first time pneumonia. I was refused because I am below 65 and don't have underlying.

So I went for MMR for 550b, a booster to one which i probably had a child.

They were insisting on flu, also offering hep A and japanese ence. I have refused.

Does anybody know clinic in bangkok where is I can get Pneumococcal vaccine 13 Prevnar?

At mahidol it goes for 2700b


I don't know if I mentioned it, but I am under 65, was 59 last May and I do have an underlying condition.


When I got my Pneumonia shot at the local doctors, one arm was for the Pneumonia shot and the other was for the Influenza jab, total cost was 2,400 baht, the Influenza was 600 baht and the Pneumonia one was 1,800 baht, I remember that because the wife also got the jab and it all came to 3,000 baht, and I don't know if it makes a difference being in rural Thailand.


I know the booster is going to hurt as the Dr told me that I had to get that at a private hospital as she doesn't do the boosters.


If your under 65 and don't have any underlying conditions, perhaps it is not suitable, but wouldn't miss out the Influenza jab, somethings better than nothing.

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On 2/23/2021 at 1:53 PM, cdemundo said:

For reasons I don't understand the experts and the press seem to be overly focused on the efficacy numbers to the exclusion of the facts above.


They are also steering clear of deaths related to the vaccinations, noting that the deaths of mainly elderly people, are dying consequently from pre-existing conditions after being vaccinated, stating that they either contracted the virus after the vaccination, e.g. it was in the first 5-6 days.


Make from that what you will, but for those who are a little older and have pre-existing conditions, time to toss a coin me thinks and hope it lands on the right side, whichever one that is.


Interesting read, best to hear the other side of the marketing campaigns as it's not 100% for all.



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On 2/22/2021 at 4:21 PM, ChrisKC said:

As far as ANY vaccine is concerned, there is no certainty of adverse long term side effects being ruled out.

Possibly not (there are virtually no 100% certainties in science) but there is as yet, no reliable evidence of any vaccine in history having adverse long term side effects.


It's just not how vaccines work. They have an almost immediate effect on the body's immune system (within a couple of weeks, anyway) and from that point, their after-effects only ever become weaker.


The other thing to remember is that the actual ingredient in the vaccine that stimulates the immune system (whether it be a weakened whole virus, an mRNA strand, a viral vector or whatever) is destroyed by the antibodies that the vaccine causes to be produced. That's the whole point of a vaccine - it teaches the immune system to recognise this foreign invader and destroy it.


The vaccine particles don't accumulate in the body, they don't lie dormant, they're gone and all that's left are the antibodies (which again, tend to fade over time) and an immune system 'memory' in the form of T cells and B cells. So there's really no causative mechanism by which a vaccine could provoke a long term side effect since it's effectively gone from the body within weeks.

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5 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

Possibly not (there are virtually no 100% certainties in science) but there is as yet, no reliable evidence of any vaccine in history having adverse long term side effects.


It's just not how vaccines work. They have an almost immediate effect on the body's immune system (within a couple of weeks, anyway) and from that point, their after-effects only ever become weaker.


The other thing to remember is that the actual ingredient in the vaccine that stimulates the immune system (whether it be a weakened whole virus, an mRNA strand, a viral vector or whatever) is destroyed by the antibodies that the vaccine causes to be produced. That's the whole point of a vaccine - it teaches the immune system to recognise this foreign invader and destroy it.


The vaccine particles don't accumulate in the body, they don't lie dormant, they're gone and all that's left are the antibodies (which again, tend to fade over time) and an immune system 'memory' in the form of T cells and B cells. So there's really no causative mechanism by which a vaccine could provoke a long term side effect since it's effectively gone from the body within weeks.

Thank you for the explanation. My comment that you addressed was intended for those who believe there could be long term issues they are not aware of and might therefore unjustifiably avoid being vaccinated.

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On 2/22/2021 at 4:02 PM, toolpush said:

I would take the Chinese Vaccine in a New York second if it meant that I didn't have to quarantine after traveling internationally, no longer have to wear a mask and live a normal life. I don't care if it had an efficacy of 1%.

right you will not need to wear mask ever as veggie or in the grave where you maybe after the Chinese vaccine. In addition, your skin could turn African black like the two Chinese doctors in Wuhan.

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From what I can gather Turkey is using the Sinovac on over 60's.  It appears to be very successful so far, and a doctor friend has had it with no side effects.  All these vaccinations will have their use since they all seem to prevent serious infection.

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On 2/24/2021 at 3:51 PM, internationalism said:

today I went to mahidol travel clinic for a first time pneumonia. I was refused because I am below 65 and don't have underlying.

So I went for MMR for 550b, a booster to one which i probably had a child.

They were insisting on flu, also offering hep A and japanese ence. I have refused.

Does anybody know clinic in bangkok where is I can get Pneumococcal vaccine 13 Prevnar?

At mahidol it goes for 2700b

i had in Europe last time 2018 Pneumovax  3 shots in  total with 3 weeks in between each ....  Google pneumovax 23 to know more see link  , there are two , 23 or 13 slight different , i paid 175 € my part + insurrance partly 

  PNEUMOVAX®23 (Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent) | Official Site 

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37 minutes ago, david555 said:

i had in Europe last time 2018 Pneumovax  3 shots in  total with 3 weeks in between each ....  Google pneumovax 23 to know more see link  , there are two , 23 or 13 slight different , i paid 175 € my part + insurrance partly 

  PNEUMOVAX®23 (Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent) | Official Site 

Error , i mixed up with Twinrix vaccination  (hepatatis A+b ) that was 3 shots ,  Pneumovax 23 was only 1 shot 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

I will avoid Chinese junk, unless it is the only vaccine in the world. At this point, it appears to be the least effective. 


A lot of people think the same, even about the AZ vaccine.  Best to have an open mind imo. 


Attenuated vaccines are likely very safe.  



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On 2/21/2021 at 7:31 PM, donnacha said:

If it is a choice between taking any vaccine and being able to travel freely or, choice 2, not being able to travel without expensive tests and quarantine, most people will bite the bullet and take whatever is available.


The actual risks to most of us on this forum are negligible (obviously, I don’t mean the obese or very old guys). 


I assumed most members are either obese or elderly men, I certainly tick one of the boxes!!

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On 2/23/2021 at 1:56 PM, Hanuman2547 said:

Sorry, I'm not taking the Chinese vaccine ever.  I don't really trust their ability to provide a safe and reliable vaccine.  I'll wait for one that has been produced by a western country.  

Sinovac Chinese vaccine not recommended for anyone over 50 , thats why PM did not have it !!  That's why I won't be having it ! 

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On 2/21/2021 at 7:50 PM, Jingthing said:

Well it turns out that in the earlier phases anyway Thailand will be offering a Chinese vaccine, Sinovac.

Apparently that's the company name, the vaccine is "CoronaVac" (this was confusing me).


There are other Chinese companies with (more effective?) vaccines out/due out: CanSino (adenovirus vector like AZ, but single dose) & Sinopharm (deactivated virus).


There may not be info about their available in Thailand yet, but I think in a couple of months getting vaccines in many places will get a lot easier.



Edited by onebir
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On 2/22/2021 at 5:27 PM, rwill said:

I would take the sinovac vaccine if it was the only option.  But if another one became available later I would take it too.  

I made one up out of my urine. When are you going to come by and get the injection?

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