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At what speed limit do the speed cameras catch you on the Superhighway?


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May I enter this discussion as what could be termed and 'expert' in the matter. Actually the wife is the expert and clocked up 7 tickets in the last 2 months. 127 km/ hour  in a 120 limit receives a ticket. When we 'discussed' the matter, her English dropped significantly to 2 words an hour. So I guess I did manage to slow her down.

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  • 5 weeks later...

What an awesome thread The next time I hear an old expat telling me that the Thais don't know how to drive and pay no regards to the rules I can just show them this thread.


Some the worst driving I have seen done here is by farangs.  Today for example I saw an old guy with a young kid out on the 121 weaving between traffic. Both of them with no helmets on. I don't care if he crashes and kills himself but the fact that he values the kid life as low as his own is dispicable. If anyone here drives a kid and wears a red spiderman backpack then I am talking about you.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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In many areas speed limits are not well posted or readily visible often being obscured by overgrown foliage.  Also, in many places speed limits seem to have been set by some arbitrary process and often way lower than there is any need for .    

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19 minutes ago, dlclark97 said:

In many areas speed limits are not well posted or readily visible often being obscured by overgrown foliage. 

Got me in Mexico en route Belize. Stopped for running a stop sign. What stop sign ? Parted the foliage and there it was. Both laughed - but I paid.

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On 3/1/2021 at 9:07 AM, NotYourBusiness said:

Speed kills? You are scientifically absolutely wrong. At this very moment you are moving at about 1,500kph due to the Earth's rotation on it's axis. Add to that about about 100,000 kph due to the Earth's rotation around the Sun. And the numbers go up from there if we count the Sun's rotation around the center of our galaxy, and our galaxy's motion though the universe. We are all currently moving at unimaginable speeds (many kilometers PER SECOND).


Question: Why aren't we all dead? Answer: Because speed DOES NOT kill. Speed, in and of itself, NEVER kills. It is the sudden acceleration/deceleration that does it. Usually caused by your impact with the car interior, the ground, or other stationary object. Or sudden acceleration of another object we collide with. This is what we need to avoid. Not speed.



So if we are traveling in the direction of the earth's rotation we are moving much faster than the opposite. Do we weigh more when we follow the earth's magnetic field eg at the poles rather than the equator?

Very seriously speed does kill and doesn't get you anywhere quicker.  If your lucky and don't kill anyone on the way, speed will just get you to the next traffic light or next queue quicker but you will wait longer. All speedsters think they have superhuman driving skills that will save them. 50 years of driving tells me that at speed you cannot avoid an accident but driving within your skill and attention levels and definitely under the limit at least gives you the chance to avoid a collision

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On 2/28/2021 at 8:43 AM, MrBrad said:

Speed plays a part in every accident.  If your vehicle was moving at only 5 kph and it hit something, it was moving too fast.

Not necessarily. If your vehicle was moving faster, it may have been able to miss whatever it hit. Or if the thing it hit was going either slower or faster, that would make a difference as well.

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On 2/28/2021 at 8:43 AM, MrBrad said:

Speed plays a part in every accident.  If your vehicle was moving at only 5 kph and it hit something, it was moving too fast.

Actually people talking on phones while driving slowly is surely causing many accidents.

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On 2/28/2021 at 9:28 AM, scorecard said:

Perhaps the speed limit where the camera kicks is deliberately confidential.


It's been mentioned before that the total numbers of 'camera' tickets issued for speeding and for going through red lights is utterly enormous, so maybe the cameras now work on a random pattern to cut the number of tickets down a bit?



Are all the cameras set to tick off at the same speed?

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On 3/1/2021 at 8:08 PM, KhunBENQ said:

Just today, nephew got a highway ticket.

112 where 90 is allowed.

500 Baht.

(car still registered/ticket addressed to mom who has left Thailand about 15 years ago :biggrin:)

Are fines due when registration is up for renewal?

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On 4/1/2021 at 4:20 PM, JeffersLos said:

Just how addicted and dedicated are you to speeding on public roads?

Come on! Just remember - many major Thai roads - even 3 laners are limited to 90kmh.  To put that into perspective its just 55mph. Hardly surprising its largely ignored.

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On 2/28/2021 at 8:43 AM, MrBrad said:

Speed plays a part in every accident.  If your vehicle was moving at only 5 kph and it hit something, it was moving too fast.

Yes you're right , But if it was moving at 10KPH It wouldn't be there at that Time It would've gone Past that Space and there Wouldn't be an accident ,,,Right?   

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37 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

Come on! Just remember - many major Thai roads - even 3 laners are limited to 90kmh.  To put that into perspective its just 55mph. Hardly surprising its largely ignored.

Exactly, & I think some of the clowns on here confuse their kph with mph ????

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On 2/28/2021 at 9:12 AM, Berkshire said:

Of a big concern also are the cameras at intersections that might catch one going through a yellow/red light.  I've had a few friends get nailed for just following others through a yellow light, even in heavy traffic. 


Around here, we have flashing green lights for a few seconds before they change to amber.

Enough time to be aware of the impending change. No excuse. 'just following others through a yellow light' doesn't cut it.


(Halo slips a little more, ????

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On 3/1/2021 at 8:08 PM, KhunBENQ said:

Just today, nephew got a highway ticket.

112 where 90 is allowed.

500 Baht.

(car still registered/ticket addressed to mom who has left Thailand about 15 years ago :biggrin:)


Funny, huh? Complain about Thai drivers no more. Aiding and abetting is also a crime. Knowing a crime has been committed and failing to report it, may not be a crime, but makes you an accessory.

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On 2/28/2021 at 4:17 AM, leonardjones625 said:

I recently got a ticket for 130+ kmh in a 90 around where the Superhighway meets the 1141.

You deserve the ticket.  People like yourself are the ones creating the carnage on Thai road.  Speeding like that is reckless as well as selfish. 

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4 hours ago, dlclark97 said:

In many areas speed limits are not well posted or readily visible often being obscured by overgrown foliage.  Also, in many places speed limits seem to have been set by some arbitrary process and often way lower than there is any need for .    


Addressing the last comment first...this is in your opinion. 

First part, yes, foliage gross and can obscure  signs, but here we have speed limit marks on the road surface too. Not sure if where you are, this applies.

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6 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

Funny, huh? Complain about Thai drivers no more. Aiding and abetting is also a crime. Knowing a crime has been committed and failing to report it, may not be a crime, but makes you an accessory.

What a stupid babble.

Ticket addressed to mom (who car is registered to), paid by son.



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2 hours ago, placnx said:

Are fines due when registration is up for renewal?

By theory they announced this (renewal refused until paid) but others say it does not happen.

Can't tell from experience.

Of course fines are due as written on the ticket.

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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Come on! Just remember - many major Thai roads - even 3 laners are limited to 90kmh.  To put that into perspective its just 55mph. Hardly surprising its largely ignored.


Ignored as it permitted to be ignored...if the highways were adequately patrolled, this would not happen so much.

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On 2/28/2021 at 1:06 PM, Moonlover said:

We have all seen enough horrific videos of accidents and their aftermath on TVF to be convinced that speed kills. And speeding is an act of stupidity.


To those who climb up on their soapbox and claim that it does not, I have this to say:


'Yes you're right, speed doesn't kill-------until the day that it does!'


So onto the O/Ps question. @leonardjones625 it is the general practice, and I mean 'general' in the broadest sense, to set speed trap cameras at the posted speed limit plus 10%. That is to allow for errors within vehicles speedometers that the driver would not be aware of. 


Clearly this would not apply in your case as you were obviously well over the limit.


Stay safe everyone. There's no need to rush in this life.



well said  .. aggressive drivers are not needed thailand ... thailand has enough probs without aholes 

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