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At what speed limit do the speed cameras catch you on the Superhighway?


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On 2/28/2021 at 6:35 AM, ThaIrish Sean said:

Why don't you stick to the speed limits and save lives???

Unfortunately most deaths are because of the high rate of motorcycles driven here.  Most people can't afford cars here because of the goverments massive tax on purchasing a car.


The speed limits are really to low.  Most accidents here are caused by slow drivers that causes people having to constantly pass.  Also tractors and non working lights on cars and motorcycles, Thats my opinion anyway.



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1 hour ago, Scott Tracy said:


Addressing the last comment first...this is in your opinion. 

First part, yes, foliage gross and can obscure  signs, but here we have speed limit marks on the road surface too. Not sure if where you are, this applies.

There's also many pedestrian crosswalks marks and they are mostly ignored, so what's your point?

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6 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

Unfortunately most deaths are because of the high rate of motorcycles driven here.  Most people can't afford cars here because of the goverments massive tax on purchasing a car.


The speed limits are really to low.  Most accidents here are caused by slow drivers that causes people having to constantly pass.  Also tractors and non working lights on cars and motorcycles, Thats my opinion anyway.



I would have to add:


- Not looking past your nose when driving

- Going the wrong direction

- Having bald tires

- Turning left from the rightmost lane

- Cutting turns/corners across the center lane

- ......and probably many more

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10 hours ago, Scott Tracy said:

Ignored as it permitted to be ignored...if the highways were adequately patrolled, this would not happen so much.

Yes, on reflection you're probably right.  There's a lot that could be done to make the roads safer and thus allow higher speed limits but of course that would mean adequate policing and realistic punishments - due around the 12th of Never.


Then of course there's the crazy u-turns that need dealing with + the lunatics that use them - entering the u-turn from the middle lane for example.

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On 2/28/2021 at 4:24 PM, Meat Pie 47 said:

I guess you should drive in OZ where the speed limit in build up areas (towns,cities) is 60kmh

you do 62 you will get a ticket.

wrong  the speed limit in a built up area is 50 unless sign posted and i have  had a ticket for 1 kmh over .but they  don't put that on the ticket ,all they put is over the limit by under 10 kmh. so you can't contest it in court.

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On 2/28/2021 at 6:14 PM, Yorkshire Tea said:

Only a fool drives past a speed camera over the limit, when they know where it is.  Driving around CM on the super & ringroads, there is no point in speeding.  Save a few seconds on your journey?


Driving down to BKK & beyond is different ????

Fair point regarding the static cameras.

My wife got caught on a mobile setup, doing 95 in a 90 limit on the coast road near Laem Sing. Sad thing was we were only a couple of hundred yards from destination, could see our friends house as they wrote the ticket.

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13 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Unfortunately most deaths are because of the high rate of motorcycles driven here.  Most people can't afford cars here because of the goverments massive tax on purchasing a car.


The speed limits are really to low.  Most accidents here are caused by slow drivers that causes people having to constantly pass.  Also tractors and non working lights on cars and motorcycles, Thats my opinion anyway.



Bit strange opinion and one that can't be backed up by facts. Low speed limit is causing accidents. ????

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On 3/1/2021 at 5:15 PM, piewarmer said:

the main reason I left Oz was speed cameras used to raise revenue dishonestly

Yes, just like in the UK, and no, I have never in my life been done by a speed camera, and that is driving buses, heavy lorries, taxis and motorbikes.

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On 3/1/2021 at 8:08 PM, KhunBENQ said:

Just today, nephew got a highway ticket.

112 where 90 is allowed.

500 Baht.

(car still registered/ticket addressed to mom who has left Thailand about 15 years ago :biggrin:)

I don't worry about getting a ticket coz the local post can't be bothered to find my house. 

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4 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Yes, just like in the UK, and no, I have never in my life been done by a speed camera, and that is driving buses, heavy lorries, taxis and motorbikes.

In OZ (WA) it is contracted out, and they hide behind trees and have been known to hide at the bottom of hills, the speed signs are only once if you miss it. tough, the UK in my experience has speed signs all along the roads.

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It used to be 120kph. With the proliferation of cameras and associated fines, this is no longer the case. On a road with a limit of 90, assume the camera will be set-up accordingly, unless there is a sign specifically saying otherwise e.g. sign with picture of a camera with 120 below it means the camera is set to 120.

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20 hours ago, brianthainess said:

In OZ (WA) it is contracted out, and they hide behind trees and have been known to hide at the bottom of hills, the speed signs are only once if you miss it. tough, the UK in my experience has speed signs all along the roads.

In the USA (Colorado) they have been known to wear shorts, sandals, and sunglasses while sitting in a lawn chair drinking a 'Big Gulp' around the college campus area holding the speed gun. In fact they were once spotted standing in a scissor lift (same design utility workers use) raised at the street light level.

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On 3/2/2021 at 11:48 PM, upu2 said:

My wife got a ticket. Said whe was doing 130kph in a 120kph road which was thrown out later when the police realised the speed trap was reading 40kph with no vehicles being measured.

But to answer your question, probably within 5kph if it is a brnd new installation. For older instllations, considering the lack of maintenance that takes place, could be anything

a friend of mine got speed ticket for doin 105 in 120 area I told her not to pay.....fine but she did......not know what the fine was !!!

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When do they enforce the fines? I have a friend who has 3 outstanding speeding fines. Two fixed cameras and one mobile.


Sent to his home address with photo.


He hasn't paid them, but still taxed and tested his vehicle with no issues, months later.


Edited by falang1969
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Do the insurance companies have access to -- and utilize -- police data bases on moving violations? My renewal insurance bill showed up today, and it went up 2000bt (17k to 19k) -- two previous renewals all went down slightly, which is norm as the car ages. Anyway, had a red light running ticket, via camera, six months ago; just curious if maybe that triggered the increase......

Anyway, will call the insurance agent (Viriyah) soon to inquire; will report back as to why the 12% increase in insurance (2016 HRV).

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When we were in CM last year, I got my first ever ticket in Thailand at 159 kph in what I believe is that same radar. 


Funny thing is that after a long time daily driving in Bangkok, and sometimes in the expressway 180-190 kph never ever had a ticket. 


Guess they are more strict there in CM.

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13 hours ago, JimGant said:

Do the insurance companies have access to -- and utilize -- police data bases on moving violations? My renewal insurance bill showed up today, and it went up 2000bt (17k to 19k) -- two previous renewals all went down slightly, which is norm as the car ages. Anyway, had a red light running ticket, via camera, six months ago; just curious if maybe that triggered the increase......

Anyway, will call the insurance agent (Viriyah) soon to inquire; will report back as to why the 12% increase in insurance (2016 HRV).

I use Viriyah and have been for the past 10 years on the same car. Every year it has gone down slightly as you stated, car aging. I just got my policy renewal notice 2 weeks ago and paid it. The cost was down nearly 2k THB from last year. I have received and paid for 5 or 6 speeding (camera) tickets since my last policy renewal. So if they are accessing the police data base it might seem like they are not doing it for everyone.

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On 4/13/2021 at 6:41 PM, falang1969 said:

When do they enforce the fines? I have a friend who has 3 outstanding speeding fines. Two fixed cameras and one mobile.


Sent to his home address with photo.


He hasn't paid them, but still taxed and tested his vehicle with no issues, months later.


Never... I probably have 20 plus over the years.. 

People always say it will be enforced at tax time, or when you sell the car.. Its just speculation.. So far it doesnt happen, I have taxed and sold vehicles with many tickets outstanding with zero issues. 

I am told this is because the regional police refuse to give up thier fines being under thier own control... So they wont let the money go into any kind of central system which can then be audited and correctly administered.. The need to keep money in each fiefdom and clique.. Makes sense to me. 


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Hard to say. I got caught doing 143 passed Lamphun on the way to Lampang. Dead of the night, 3am-ish my car only one on the road for miles. On the other, I was caught doing 97 in Lampang where the posted limit is 90.  Maybe the answer to the question is "whenever the camera is switched on".


My contribution to the other hubris - I firmly believe there's a difference between driving fast and driving recklessly. Traffic, build up area, small roads, bad roads, bad weather = don't be a moron, go with the flow.


3am in the morning with nothing but you, the bugs and the many ghosts that haunt this place - go for it! Every car / motorcycle needs an Italian tune-up every now and then. 

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Oh, just another post for added information since I didn't read the latest post talking about your tickets catching up to you...


My missus went with me to renew our road tax. Yes, we had the matter of those 2 tickets in mind. Of course, we didn't say anything to the officer but she steered the conversation into "oh, what if we had tickets we didn't know about...".


The officer plainly puts it as traffic violations are the matter of the police department, not theirs and they aren't going to waste time getting into potential arguments because "it's not like the fine is going into their department's coffers anyway". That's what my wife said they said.



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6 hours ago, ttkeric said:

Hard to say. I got caught doing 143 passed Lamphun on the way to Lampang. Dead of the night, 3am-ish my car only one on the road for miles. On the other, I was caught doing 97 in Lampang where the posted limit is 90.  Maybe the answer to the question is "whenever the camera is switched on".


My contribution to the other hubris - I firmly believe there's a difference between driving fast and driving recklessly. Traffic, build up area, small roads, bad roads, bad weather = don't be a moron, go with the flow.


3am in the morning with nothing but you, the bugs and the many ghosts that haunt this place - go for it! Every car / motorcycle needs an Italian tune-up every now and then. 

All good until you come upon that tractor moving 20kph or scooter without any lights. Not to say a stray dog wanting to cross the road.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm late to the party, as usual, but it's not the speed that kills, or the momentum for that matter, but the energy. And that goes up by the square of the velocity. Hot brakes or crushed bodies - it has to be dissipated somewhere.

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