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D-day for Thailand to reopen next month: Area Quarantine hailed as foreign tourists set to return


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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


What risks ??? Pre-flight Covid-19 test, and 2x Covid-19 tests with 15 days ‘area’ quarantine...    



What risks? Go look at the horrendous situation health wise and economic to most of Europe and the Americas. 



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With all due respect, and I have a lot of respect for Mexico and a lot of other resorts in the world, people like me do not come or live in Thailand because of the beaches and resorts.  For us there is no substitute for the addictive Thai charm.

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19 hours ago, rooster59 said:

escaping harsh conditions in their homelands. 

Harsh conditions in March, April and May? I'm glad to see he knows a little something about his target market. 

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18 minutes ago, djayz said:

Harsh conditions in March, April and May? I'm glad to see he knows a little something about his target market. 

"Yes! Come!  Come to smoke-filled Northern Thailand.  Yes, yes, you have to stay locked on a cell, errrr, room for 14 days, but after that you can tour the beautiful North (if you can see though the haze).  See lush sugar cane and corn field ablaze - so beautiful at night - as well as the splendor of forest fires sweeping through the mountains and valleys. What a sight to see.  And don't worry.  The double mask you're wearing to keep Covid from killing you will surely filter out the most dangerous of the PM 2.5 particles in the air.  Come one, come all and see The Most Dangerous Air In The World.  Don't wait!  Book your cell in a Thai resort prison today!!!"  
:dry:  Hummm, Mexico here I come.



Edited by connda
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51 minutes ago, Abik said:

With all due respect, and I have a lot of respect for Mexico and a lot of other resorts in the world, people like me do not come or live in Thailand because of the beaches and resorts.  For us there is no substitute for the addictive Thai charm.

Addictive Thai charm?! 

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21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thailand's billionaire minister for tourism and sports has reiterated his commitment to Area Quarantine saying that the scheme could start next month, certainly by May.

Pipat needs to be silenced and put out to graze, his continual drivel is getting boring.

How can they open up the country when only a fraction of the population has had a jab?

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21 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Pipat Ratchakitprakan, whose assets declaration suggested he has 2 billion baht, has been criticised for not having the intelligence to match his wealth. 

I'm sure he didn't get the position because of his ability to do the job, each of these daily brainwaves is a clear indicator he hasn't got a clue.

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9 hours ago, sungod said:


Bad idea because it doesn't suit you? All about choice. The Med is very nice in the summer, have a nice holiday!

I must be mistaken and it’s a genius idea. Yes, it’s about choice and I will choose not to visit Thailand while this is in effect. I guess because I’m mistaken and it is actually a genius idea, the tourists will be flocking back to Thailand in their millions and the tourist industry will be fully recovered by the end of the year if not sooner. Hooray!

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8 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Its not the worse idea put forwards so far. I would welcome this instead of an ASQ. 


That said, IF the goal is to return tourism to 2019 number Thailand will be disappointed for a while. 

With a fully open Thailand I suspect there will be a large number of potential tourists who remain reluctant to travel internationally. 


Obviously, if the only goal is to return tourism to its previous heights, all measures need to be lifted. This is clearly not possible at the moment - any measure towards opening is a step in the right direction at the moment. 


Thailand is clearly taking these steps in the right direction, but they are baby steps. Where Thailand makes fools of themselves in their announcements of each and every possible step as if it is going to be the saviour of the tourism industry when it is blindly obvious to anyone who hasn’t been drinking the cool aid that each of these measures are only attractive to a very small minority of the potential ’tourist pool’.... 








Absolutely not the worst idea for sure, and it will likely be more attractive to people who want to come to the country for longer periods and/or people who are close enough to visit with a short flight. 

I was hoping to visit Thailand this year for three weeks, obviously it would put paid to a trip like that as I’m not spending two weeks confined to resort for a week of freedom. 

I think I read someone comment on these forums that it’s likely many of those who would tolerate 2 weeks of confinement (be that room or resort) have already returned to the country so the uptake of any new scheme could be negligible anyway. 

All of that said, ‘baby steps’ is almost certainly the right way to do things (even if it doesn’t suit the majority of holidaymakers). 

Edited by DJBenz
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15 hours ago, Patong2021 said:

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that  hordes of Indian marriage people will save Thai tourism. Travel to and from India is still subject to strict conditions.


Not to mention that Indians (Hindus) don't marry in the rainy season. In India, the last weddings happen in May, before the onset of the monsoon in June. Just saying. TAT should know that, but of course they haven't got a clue.

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Guest jonzboy
2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Its not the worse idea put forwards so far. I would welcome this instead of an ASQ. 


It's giving me pause for thought as I'm long overdue for a trip to Thailand.  I'm weighing up the costs and benefits and how AQ will further induce me to return.  At the root of the problem (not counting all the visa, insurance and COE aspects) is how long does one spend in Thailand in order to make the 14/15 day quarantine worth it?  Personally I consider the 45-day VE too short, and I'm not traipsing up to Laksi to get an extension.  The 60-day SETV may just about cut it though.

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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

"they will be able to utilize the grounds and effectively go ANYWHERE they please so long as they don't go outside. '


Presumably by outside they mean outside the resort area, not out of doors


A critical issue that is very unclear here is whether at beach resorts people would be able to go to the beach & in the ocean. If not, rather removes the attraction



All beaches are technically public in Thailand, so I can't see how it would be legally possible.


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9 minutes ago, nkg said:


All beaches are technically public in Thailand, so I can't see how it would be legally possible.



Thailand is under Emergency Decree which effectively gives the government powers to ‘wing it’ !


It’s not inconceivable that resorts are given permission to ‘rope off’ private area’s of beach for guests undergoing quarantine at the hotel. 


Another step in the right direction would be for guests in ASQ to be permitted to use the swimming facilities after their first negative Covid-19 test. 



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22 hours ago, nkg said:

Being confined to the grounds of a hotel is not a lot better than staying in my room. And how is it safe to have all the guests and staff mingling as they wander around?




I was wondering that myself

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19 hours ago, AnnieSeek said:

This method makes no scientific sense. 



    Hold your horses mate.  Scientific sense. ?

    Thailand not have ..

     Not in the peoples , best interest .

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16 minutes ago, kimamey said:
22 hours ago, nkg said:

Being confined to the grounds of a hotel is not a lot better than staying in my room. And how is it safe to have all the guests and staff mingling as they wander around?

I was wondering that myself


Do you mean how safe is it for guests who have tested negative for Covid-19 before departure, upon arrival, and during their stay, to wonder around ????


erm... :whistling:


So many people can’t see the forest for the trees... 





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On 3/6/2021 at 7:23 PM, rooster59 said:

D-day for Thailand to reopen next month: Area Quarantine hailed as foreign tourists set to return



Image: Thai Rath


Thailand's billionaire minister for tourism and sports has reiterated his commitment to Area Quarantine saying that the scheme could start next month, certainly by May.


His brainwave is set to replace the Villa Quarantine that was a bit too pricey.


Area Quarantine - AQ for short - is all the rage right now in Thai tourism circles.


Under this scheme the foreign tourist will no longer have to endure 14 days of prison like conditions in their quarantine room.

That will only last for the briefest of periods - 72 hours.


Thereafter the tourist will have the total freedom of the resort.


Yes, they will be able to utilize the grounds and effectively go ANYWHERE they please so long as they don't go outside. 


When 11 more days have passed and health checks have been confirmed the tourist will then be free to travel absolutely anywhere in Thailand they wish.


The whole kingdom with its wonderful people and bounteous culture awaits to be discovered in total freedom. 


Pipat Ratchakitprakan, whose assets declaration suggested he has 2 billion baht, has been criticised for not having the intelligence to match his wealth. 


Some have cruelly suggested that his IQ does not match his AQ plan. 


But the minister and related agencies and operators are pressing ahead with the scheme in Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi and Surat Thani - where tourists will have quaratine facilities in Koh Samui, Koh Phangan and Koh Tao. 


When the Area Quarantine has run its course then it is hoped that the full scale of Thailand's vaccination program will kick in meaning that foreign tourists will not have to quarantine at all.


Pipat expects five million to flood into Thailand before the end of the year.


Long stay Russians and high spending Indians desperate to get married, will be in the vanguard of the rush to get back to the kingdom.

Many European tourists are expected to stay up to three months 


22 hours ago, CRUNCHER said:

Hoe can these tourists get to Soi 6.  Won't do anything for Pattaya's economy.  


   When i used to reside in the Qld Vic , it was known as Soi sixteen ..555

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Unfortunately, this is another Thai tourist plan which is simply a tweak on the old formula of:


1. We must do something

2. This is something

3. Therefore we must do it.


Countries such as the UK and Australia currently have tighter restrictions on citizens' outbound travel than there were in East Germany during the Communist days, so they're not coming. If China and India are the target markets, they may do a little better, but not much.


"D-day", I expect, will end with the TAT being thrown back off the beaches and back into the sea, with heavy losses.

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On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2021 at 8:39 PM, impulse said:

One of my favorite weekend getaways from BKK was the Pinnacle Resort in Jomtien.  I could stay on their grounds for 2 weeks without feeling too imprisoned.  And the first couple of days, I'd be jet lagged and napping through anyway. 


But they had their own beach, many buildings and villas, half a dozen swimming pools, a couple of bars, a great breakfast buffet and a real nice restaurant for lunch and dinner. 


One of the boutique (more accurately "Tiny Box") hotels in town?  Nope.


They don't own the beach, all beaches are owned by the king.

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26 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

They don't own the beach, all beaches are owned by the king.


Maybe not, but the beach is contiguous to the property, with hotel providing chaise lounges and umbrellas and towels on a reservation basis for guests of the resort.  (All above the high tide line)


For purposes of this discussion that means I'd have access to a beach during the 2 week quarantine.  Which certainly wouldn't suck.


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10 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

a better idea will be to scrap that stupid FIT-TO-FLY form.

a complete jock.

and clinic will issue it for 400 baht.


There is a clinic in BKK  which will issue an approved F2F to people in Frangland and this is acceptd by the local Thai Consulate ????  

Every 400 Baht counts !

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