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Phuket expats will be vaccinated, officials confirm


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10 hours ago, smedly said:

these vaccines have been developed using very new science 


there are some experts that are claiming that rolling out such vaccines during the pandemic is a massive error, I don't know and the scary thing is that they don't know either - they think they do 

Maybe the side effects will be you grow a sense of humor and humility 

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5 hours ago, pacman32 said:

With such a small amount of deaths to Covid in Thailand why would you risk it? 

I know of 1 person for sure that has died from a blood clot after having the astra zeneca jab. But it's not being reported, he was only 32 years old too ????


Think carefully before you sign up to life long 4 times a year unsafe injections.. 

risk is getting on a motorbike in Thailand. Best to get vaccinated so he has some freedom to travel out of Thailand.  That blood clot incident has not been proven to be as a result of the shot.  Women take the pill to avoid pregnancy and it has risks for blood clots too.  

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11 hours ago, smedly said:

do explain 


what is sorry but ......... my guess is you are from Europe and a big Macron fan 


Macron came off with some massively stupid nonsense and so did the EU commission - they failed big time get over it - meanwhile the UK and US are rolling out an effective vaccine program while the EU commission try to blame everyone else for their failures - if it wasn't so serious it would be quite funny

Could i be u are from the darkblue passport island  and a Boris fan ....???? ?


Sorry couldn't resist to use partly your opening line .....

so each to their own choice i would say ????


My choice ranking would be ( if availble...)






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Just now, david555 said:

How little must / is your life in money  worth then  ...comes in my mind..?????

I am really just making the point that it is very wrong for the likes of the people who run private hospitals probably going to get filthy rich because of a pandemic that has brought death and terrible misery ruining peoples lively hoods throughout the world.

I hope karma gets these capitalists and bites then badly on the bum.

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3 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

I will wait for the Gold Standard Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, thank you from a private hospital. 

I,  2nd the motion. 


Lets be patient... im not hankering to be a front line experiment subject again.


Im not even sure my tetanus shot is up to date.... better get one of those too.

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55 minutes ago, chilli42 said:

What is the risk of contracting and dying from Covid for those 60 and under?

you will be unable to understand what any specialist said as long as you are in binary mode: good / wrong, yes / no is a kind of thinking very low and unreal.

No one specialist said that vaccination is wrong or good. History shows that vaccination did a lot for humanity health, and also sometimes, some vaccine push many in biggest trouble.

What is sure is that there is different technologies, some of them well known, some there very new. All of them has been made quickly and out of what international standard practice process ask for.

After that, there is opinions:

1/ some want to impose the vaccination to everybody (they don't care any other problem they are unable to understand anything if a little complexity, and then, to see full colored world, just... they are afraid and are thinking in binary mode)

2/ some want it for themself (they are old and think that it can have a benefit, that can be most true for due to there own condition of fragility)

3/ some doesn't want it for themself as they are young and in good condition, and because they already know many who got it and had zero trouble at all (nothing !).

4/ some other don't want at all the vaccine for no one, and they are close to the number 1 group to have binary mode of thinking and to be scared to much, want to force everybody and don't care to much freedom and respect, same as group number 1.

5/ some other don't know at all and are enough humble to admit that and feel maybe in trouble sometimes with headhache by so much noise around.


For group 1 and 4, the respect is only in one way: for themself, and thinking ability is very poor, but there is a lot (who have a dictator profile).

By the time, because of very low ability to develop any inteligence thinking, and because of the huge economic and politic problem all over the world, it becomes very difficult to share around this subject (COVID) who is becoming properly: a Totem.

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21 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I am really just making the point that it is very wrong for the likes of the people who run private hospitals probably going to get filthy rich because of a pandemic that has brought death and terrible misery ruining peoples lively hoods throughout the world.

I hope karma gets these capitalists and bites then badly on the bum.

Yeah but i took it literaly ...as the sum asked could never be so overwhelming much ....even when it would be a scandelous 20 000 bath for both example from the ****** private hospitals .....it would be lower than a  C19 hospitalization 


But also understand your aprouch explanation ????

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32 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

The amount of anti vax fake news, one wonders where you get this information from.


mRNA from the vaccine never enters the nucleus of the cell and does not affect or interact with a person’s DNA

please, try to hold a moment to thinking about your content logic...

Who will have a profit from which organism to spread fake "anti vax" news (as you said so quickly) ? There is no lobby without product to sale. So your presumed dirty thinking fall down.


Are you a conspiracy theorist ?


Or maybe, every time that someone intelligent tell you: "take care, they has been made so quick... it is not so easy, many specialist explain it, and there is a big business in the background, we should be prudent...", you are thinking that they are anti vax ? For you, the world is pro or anti, and it is only like that, nothing more...

Ok dude... i think now we get the point about how you are thinking and why.

Edited by jerolamo
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12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I am really just making the point that it is very wrong for the likes of the people who run private hospitals probably going to get filthy rich because of a pandemic that has brought death and terrible misery ruining peoples lively hoods throughout the world.

I hope karma gets these capitalists and bites then badly on the bum.

That could also extend to the drug manufacturers. AZ and J&J are the only ones producing on a not for profit basis, if they can do it why not others, greed I'm afraid.

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Anybody offered AZ please send to me or I may have to visit Phuket! Someone very high up must be loosing a lot on their 'investment' in Phuket to force this through. What about poor old Pattaya? Aren't we worth saving? Left the house for a hospital appointment yesterday and realised the last time I did this was for the previous appointment 3 mths ago! Not helped by my license expiring also 3 mths ago and Dept of Transport closing for Wuflu. Earliest appointment at D of T end of April!

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Phuket begins today the first big step in what they say will be a massive vaccination campaign to get the island vaccinated to at least 70 percent of residents before a proposal likely takes place opening to selected vaccinated tourists with no quarantine in July. They plan to vaccinate 7000 people a day this week after 50,000 doses arrived to the island brought in by the government to support the tourism plan. The island is encouraging residents to register at their health office or online here.


Unfortunately, foreigners regardless of their visa status are not able to register at this time although officials say they will be provided the opportunity to do so at a later date, without hinting when that will be.

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5 hours ago, nchuckle said:

Because if you had a basic understanding of statistics you’d realize the risks associated with catching Covid are far,far greater than getting blood clots ,which ironically is a symptom of Covid! The incidence of blood clots suffered by vaccinated are either the same or less as would occur normally within the population. Now you understand the difference between causation and correlation...?


Before discussing causation and correlation,

I would suggest, you check the death statistics from Gibraltar for 2020 and then compare those with Jan-February 2021 ...

(Gibraltar has the highest vaccination rate worldwide, vaccinating all residents and foreign workforce above the age of 16)



After that, I would suggest to inform yourself about:

1) Endothel cells, capillaries and the function of CD8 lymphocytes

2) SARS-CoV-2 spike proteines, ACE2-receptors from thrombocytes and thrombocytopenia 

3) Finally, look up the effect of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteines on cell fusions and resulting inflammation and micro thrombosis 

(all currently available Covid vaccines produce SARS-CoV-2 spike proteines to produce an immune reaction)


Hint: the British Medical Journal, Nature and Lancet are a good source with peer reviewed studies on these topics.




In case, you should still have time to spare, look at the bigger picture and read again good old Darwin:

         Charles Darwin’s Theory on Natural Selection

... in essence: if you increase the pressure (something, you are also doing with the vaccination) on a species, it leads to a natural breeding, resulting in:

1) more mutations 

2) survival of the fittest... i.e. more resistant, stronger and more dangerous 


Edited by BernieOnTour
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7 hours ago, huuwi said:

with a president (flinten uschi) in eu commission you not need to wonder why it is a mess. the brit's did the right thing.

Oh no they didn't, Oh yes they did. Seriously the pound is at 43 to the baht down from 51 at the referendum and up from 36 afterwards. At this rate with the vaccine roll out in the U K we could see it back to the level it was before Bozo started peddling his Brexit lies! Knowing what we do now a general election could speed the process as long as the UK prols realise they have been taken for the most enormous ride by the Tory millionaires in government! 

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1 hour ago, stevenl said:

Scaremongering, deaths due to blood cloths are being reported, even more so if it can be assigned to the jabs..

Exactly, scaremongering of the highest degree. 

Millions of people around the globe live with the risk of blood clot from various conditions on a daily basis for decades, many of whom are completely unaware. I was diagnosed out of the blue with AF and now take anticoagulant to minimise the risk.

In the overall scheme of things any additional risk, that may or may not be attributed to the vaccine, fades into insignificance.

DVT alone is about 1 in a 1000.


The chances of developing DVT are about 1 in 1000 per year, although certain factors greatly increase this risk. The cumulative chance of developing DVT over a lifetime ranges from 2 percent to 5 percent. 


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3 minutes ago, AllanB said:

Educated doesn't mean intelligent and is obviously the case here. Why would you risk being vaccinated for a disease that has killed no one in Thailand? However, 4,000 have died of the vaccine in Europe and that is just for starters, with 130,000 suffering unpleasant side effect, including blindness and LT bloodclots. Vaccines are normally used for life threatening diseases like cholera, but only where cholera is a seroius threat and the cholera vaccine was not rushed through since it doesn't mutate. There has never been this rush to mass vaccinate and covid (Coronaviraus disease) is always present and has always been present at death, so this is politica/financial. Good luck with that mate, not for me or ANY of my family.

You are correct ‘Educated doesn't mean intelligent’.....  I think we can just leave it there !!! 

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So the question we all want to know is, how do we know the vaccine really works?


Will the survival rate go from 99.5% up to 99.7%, or is there really a scientific way of measuring the true effectiveness of any of the current

crop of vaccines?

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6 hours ago, nchuckle said:

Because if you had a basic understanding of statistics you’d realize the risks associated with catching Covid are far,far greater than getting blood clots ,which ironically is a symptom of Covid! The incidence of blood clots suffered by vaccinated are either the same or less as would occur normally within the population. Now you understand the difference between causation and correlation...?

So using your basic understanding of statistics, why even worry about an almost non existent risk? 

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5 hours ago, foreverlomsak said:

Where did you dig up this "fact", only thing I've ever seen is annual boosters (like flu jabs) being muted as a possibility?

Simple maths, you have to have 2 jabs and the vaccine is only effective (even though you can still catch the virus and transmit it ????) for 6 months. So that is 4 a year, an I not correct? 


All to not be 100% protected so what is the point of the risk for such a small risk. 

Granted if you are over 70 then maybe it is worth the risk but I can't even see that in a country with such low deaths from the virus. 

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29 minutes ago, NoBrainer said:

So the question we all want to know is, how do we know the vaccine really works?


Will the survival rate go from 99.5% up to 99.7%, or is there really a scientific way of measuring the true effectiveness of any of the current

crop of vaccines?

Somethings working in the UK to bring down the deaths since the vaccines started after allowing time for second shot and immunity to build up.


uk deaths.png

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10 minutes ago, pacman32 said:

It always amazes me that if someone dies within 6 months of a positive Covid test (even asymptomatic) with previous health issues then it's caused by Covid, but someone dies within days of having a vaccine it's caused by pre existing issues ????

What you should realise about the death I mentioned is that it has not been reported, so how many others have not? 


Just food for thought. 

Here's a little more food for thought, check your source for your claim that if you test positive for covid and you die within 6 months its then classified as a covid death.


Thats just not true.

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13 hours ago, smedly said:

these vaccines have been developed using very new science 


there are some experts that are claiming that rolling out such vaccines during the pandemic is a massive error, I don't know and the scary thing is that they don't know either - they think they do 

These so called experts are idiots. New vaccine types is correct, where side effects are hugely less likely than with traditional vaccine types. Long term side effects are impossible. Such people are only feeding off the fear of people, don't follow to spread the fear.

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3 hours ago, stevenl said:

'With such a small amount of deaths to Covid in Thailand why would you risk it? '

Thailand has been isolating, hence small number of deaths. But it will open up, exposing the people here to others. So in order to prevent the number of deaths to rise significantly the population, including expats, has to be vaccinated. That's why.

'I know of 1 person for sure that has died from a blood clot after having the astra zeneca jab. But it's not being reported, he was only 32 years old too'

Scaremongering, deaths due to blood cloths are being reported, even more so if it can be assigned to the jabs..

"Think carefully before you sign up to life long 4 times a year unsafe injections.. "

Totally and utterly nonsense.

Too many scared old men on here ????????????

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3 hours ago, Dene16 said:

It has the potential to flare up at any given time. Granted, Thailand is not a hot spot for the virus abut you only need to look at other countries where it has escalated at an unprecedented small period of time

If we all listened to you penicillin would still be undiscovered and millions would be dying every year

And if nobody questions things we'd all still be taking thalidomide, but hey go ahead I have no issue with you taking the vaccine ????

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