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CCSA Allows Private Hospitals to Buy 10 Million Doses of Covid-19 Vaccine

Jonathan Fairfield

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32 minutes ago, internationalism said:

So perspective for private hospitals well might be many months. Thai extended bureaucracy will take care of slowing process, so thai made AZ will still be the first serious attempt. They might come at the end of year. Time frame was not described


Another interpretation  - Hi So people are in the crosshairs of the latest outbreak, oh, and the Japanese ambassador (heh). As such these valued members of society want a vaccine and want it now. The government of course needs to spin why they have done this after months of denial and disinformation so ... herd immunity blah blah blah.


If they do expedite the purchase and distribute. There might be leftovers that ex pats might get. Perhaps not though.

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1 hour ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

They will be gutted that the private enterprises will now make money and not only the priveleged few but they really had no option given the situation. 


There will no doubt still be profits for them in allowing this to happen though. Nothing is ever done here from altruism. 


The biggest profit?  Not being ripped from power.   The 'big boys' royally screwed up this time.


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2 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

They will be gutted that the private enterprises will now make money and not only the priveleged few but they really had no option given the situation. 


There will no doubt still be profits for them in allowing this to happen though. Nothing is ever done here from altruism. 

Absolutely! Everything is money driven 


35 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

The fact they weren't ordering enough vaccines has been apparent since day one and now it's too late. 


The reason: they were too busy trying to engineer a way to make profit for a certain group of people and use the vaccine as a narrative to continue a personality cult well into the future.


Out of greed or out of deference and probably a bit of both but again, this is what happens when you do not have a meritorious system that rewards competence and performance but is built on bullying, standover men, lickspittal lackeys and deference to those older or perceived as being 'higher-up' or simply paying for promotions or positions.

Vaccine roll out was prevented for use by private hospitals so those vile corrupt failed Politicians could claim success from just government programme ! The fact that privates could have purchased vaccines months ago would hurt their elitist view of their pathetic kingdom 

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I think this has already been in the works for some time. As I wrote elsewhere, at the end of March my physician at a private hospital expected Moderna or J&J by July. I think the private sector has had plans in place (and probably order for vaccine) for a few months. Every one was playing along until the government could get its act together and not look bad. Apparently, the wait could not go on any longer.

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17 person committee, should work well. Ineresting that Anutin was left off this committee.



PM tasks newly formed team with procuring alternative Covid-19 vaccine


The other 17 working team members are government officials from the Public Health Ministry, Government Pharmaceutical Organisation, Food and Drug Administration and Private Hospital Association.


However, Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul was not included in the working team.



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10 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

Something I don't understand is that Thailand has given 600 million bath to Bio Science for produce Covid vaccins. Why do they have to buy another 70 million?? Maybe I missed something?

that was just a gift to the private company to build a factory, because they never made any vax before.


another 6bln is for 25mln of AZ. And more money will be approved shortly for yet 36mln more. It's for technology, expertise and for the most important components of vax.

This company will be making up to 200mln vials per year and selling on asian market. Not likely they will pay back to the state those 600mln, that was not a condition

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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

why any limit ?


Rhetorical question, I guess....?


Applying any limit just shows the greed of the decision makers, who still want to ensure that their appointed company gets the big part of the cake, even if it still will take months for that company to be able to produce and supply.


They still don't understand and/or don't care about what that means for the people of Thailand: a disaster. 


Edited by Flying Saucage
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Why don't the government buy these doses instead of the the private hospitals?


Two possible reasons spring to mind.


Firstly the private hospitals will administer their vaccine shots at a profit and I'd be very surprised if there aren't at least some people who are wealthy and/or in the upper levels of government who are financially connected to those private hospitals. If I were looking to buy shares in businesses in Thailand I would put hospitals at or near the top of my list.


Secondly if the government buy all the vaccines that come to Thailand then there would be pressure to provide them on the basis of need rather than wealth and position. By allowing private hospitals to buy some vaccines the problem is avoided as the general population can receive theirs based on need whilst the wealthy can pay to get theirs when they want.


That might not be the case but I think it certainly think it's worth considering.

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I seem to recall not so long ago that the PM said that everyone would get the vaccine although it seemed from the figures mentioned and the population figure did not seem to add up and anyway I expect we would have been at the back of the queue, now the Government are saying they have ordered 70million doses enough for 35 million to be vaccinated, enough for herd immunity! So I am not expecting a call anytime soon now, we will have to get used to the idea of going to private rather than wait for an official message from the chosen ones. If you want the chance to travel again you will have no choice than to go private but do wait for an official release from the font of all knowledge.

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On 4/11/2021 at 7:56 AM, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The meeting acknowledged that the government was buying 70 million doses of Covid vaccine, enough for 35 million people. However, herd immunity required at least 40 million people be vaccinated.

Of course no any details were given on the origin of these vaccines

nor on the schedule of the deliveries, and as usual nobody has taken the opportunity to ask this important question.


As far in 2 months Thailand has managed to buy and receive 800 000 dose of sinovac from China


Now at a moment where each country in the whole world is fighting to buy more doses and with the production already overwhelmed, i don't see Thailand, being late at ''the party'' , able to buy 70 miilions doses in a next future, it sounds again like more hot air and <deleted>

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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