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DDC discourages inter-provincial travel as Songkran comes to an end


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13 hours ago, internationalism said:

but they have to come back homes to take their PC's, laptop with peripherals, paper files and whatever else they need to do work. They might need also to go to their workplace to arrange with co-workers many other issues.

They have just went for a few days holidays, and not for several weeks brake.


the government promised in advance happiness, and not unemployment for 2 weeks


Big demand for 10 ton trucks to take paperwork home for people who work from home

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14 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

DDC discourages inter-provincial travel 

Had they said this BEFORE Songkran, it would not be the complete mess it is now !

Everyone knew, except the balloons in charge.

Total incompetence.

Had the said this before Songkran it would not make them look like the incompetent buffoons they do now!

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These people really are totally out of their depth with this Covid Outbreak.

It is at times such as these, where the real Metal is shown by those in charge of making the Policies and maintaining them.

Not too much Metal being shown by any Thai leaders thus far

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14 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Lots of different dates being put up.  I just read an article saying AZ jabs will be available in May.  Who knows.


I'll try to find the article.  But all this different info coming from different ministers makes you head spin.

I quoted an article fairly recently from Nov that forecast production late May with jabs starting in June.

The point being that at this point in time there is nothing to indicate the project is behind schedule, only time will tell, it usually does.


Sometimes articles are not particularly clear on whether they are referring to AZ local production or AZ that has been bought in, which in theory could start within days of arrival.

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16 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

It'd be nice if they didn't come back.


Traffic today on Rama 9, Asok, Sukhumvit was a dream.




Tomorrow will be much different if the hordes return tonight for 1 day of work in order to pick up their materials from the office and return home to isolate and work from home. I think Monday might be the same, then maybe back to what you saw this morning.  I have to ride out to MTT on Monday morning for my 90 day, you would think that they would close up shop, but alas no word on that yet.  I wish the online system was up like the last time they deferred the reporting as I still did it then.

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9 minutes ago, sandyf said:

I quoted an article fairly recently from Nov that forecast production late May with jabs starting in June.

The point being that at this point in time there is nothing to indicate the project is behind schedule, only time will tell, it usually does.


Sometimes articles are not particularly clear on whether they are referring to AZ local production or AZ that has been bought in, which in theory could start within days of arrival.

The statements and articles are confusing at the best of times, the latest said its now not 10 million a month in June but between 6 - 10 million.

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17 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

These people really are totally out of their depth with this Covid Outbreak.

It is at times such as these, where the real Metal is shown by those in charge of making the Policies and maintaining them.

Not too much Metal being shown by any Thai leaders thus far

I think the word you want is "mettle"........on second thoughts, the word you want is "brains"!

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14 hours ago, Snig27 said:

More idiocy - many of the people who visited families are hands on workers - cab drivers, cleaners, shop staff and such. How do they "work remotely"? It shows again how totally out of touch the governing elite are with Thailand.

Thailand is clearly battling governmental incompetence as well as COVID.

i saw my horse run away. ,so shut the barn door 

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14 hours ago, Snig27 said:

More idiocy - many of the people who visited families are hands on workers - cab drivers, cleaners, shop staff and such. How do they "work remotely"? It shows again how totally out of touch the governing elite are with Thailand.

Thailand is clearly battling governmental incompetence as well as COVID.

No. The idiots might be those people who can't understand a simple suggestion. Work from home 'where ever possible' and can't fill in the blanks  for themselves just to indulge in clichéd Thai bashing. It's screamingly  obvious that due to the nature of their  work some people  can not work from home and to list all such jobs is not practical and to be honest  simply not needed except for the most contrary or genuinely ignorant people who lack the most basic reasoning abilities. 

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1 hour ago, sandyf said:

It may come as some surprise to you but production facilities cannot be set up overnight.

It was stated last year that AZ production in Thailand was scheduled for June 2021. Remind us , what month is this.

I know.. I am not stupid and I follow the whole vaccination disaster here in Thailand very closely.  Why buy Sinovac than, 70 million doses, as they constant write everywhere.. and why are they so delaying everything all the time.. 

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1 minute ago, ikke1959 said:

I know.. I am not stupid and I follow the whole vaccination disaster here in Thailand very closely.  Why buy Sinovac than, 70 million doses, as they constant write everywhere.. and why are they so delaying everything all the time.. 

Have you followed vaccine disasters elsewhere or is your specialty just Thailand?

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1 minute ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Have you followed vaccine disasters elsewhere or is your specialty just Thailand?

Nowhere it is so bad as here in Thailand ........ or do you know where it is worse?? 560.000 people vaccinated since February out of 70 million??  with Sinovac?? Look what happen in Europe, where there is choice of vaccins. Here you can't even get a jab.

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14 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Oh, they knew all right.


But Thailand is a country - unlike the West - where the government still has a healthy fear of the populace.


If they had tried to ban Songkran travel at the last minute after promising for months that it could go ahead, almost nobody would have taken any notice. Never give an order unless you are fairly sure it will be obeyed.


The good news is, that despite all these scary pictures on TV of people in orange T-shirts marked "Must be isolated" being marched into field hospitals, the total death toll from Covid remains, according to the last figure I saw, at 97. That is, less than 2 days' carnage on the roads. Some crisis.

Yes, less Covid deaths than in the first two days of songkran. BUT 


1. songkran will end in a few days and the road death rate will go back to its normal horrendous rate.


2. if the same extreme counter measures were used to counter road deaths as has been used to counter Covid, then road deaths would be much lower.


the point of these two factors is that there is a reason why Covid deaths are low and the Covid time frame for deaths is far longer than songkran deaths.


agreed, no Covid crisis.....yet. Let’s keep it that way.

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You gotta just love this hind sight recommendation.

The PM should have swallowed the bitter pill & banned inter provincial travel BEFORE Songkran.

Would have saved lives on the roads as a side issue.

His Government has allowed the virus to be evenly spread around Thailand now


Next week 3,000 a day 


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13 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:



Yea read that a few mins ago, up to them, working wonders in the UK and many other countries

Yeah except many other countries are seriously considering their use of AZ and now J&J which also produces the same sort of clotting. 

  Yep chances are low less than one in a million but the fatality rate of those clots are 25% so quite rightly governments are taking early steps to investigate something that over time may kill people who were never a chance of dying from covid especially those under 50 or maybe less going by some countries advice.

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38 minutes ago, starky said:

Yeah except many other countries are seriously considering their use of AZ and now J&J which also produces the same sort of clotting. 

  Yep chances are low less than one in a million but the fatality rate of those clots are 25% so quite rightly governments are taking early steps to investigate something that over time may kill people who were never a chance of dying from covid especially those under 50 or maybe less going by some countries advice.

Also known as the risk/reward ratio and quite rightly its being investigated for that based on certain groups. For the vast majority its perfectly safe. You mentioned in a previous post you've already been vaccinated, which one?

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2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

I know.. I am not stupid and I follow the whole vaccination disaster here in Thailand very closely.  Why buy Sinovac than, 70 million doses, as they constant write everywhere.. and why are they so delaying everything all the time.. 

the problem might go away if we do nothing for long enough

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11 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Also known as the risk/reward ratio and quite rightly its being investigated for that based on certain groups. For the vast majority its perfectly safe. You mentioned in a previous post you've already been vaccinated, which one?

AZ which was the only one available to me and at which time there was no mention of any of these compilations.  Unfortunately I am in a position where I couldn't of denied the vaccine, simply wasn't an option and keep working but is something I would of seriously reconsidered knowing what I know now. 

 Speaking of risk reward in certain groups it could be argued that they are perfectly safe from covid as well and potentially at a greater risk from certain vaccines.

 I also know a lot of my colleagues in a similar situation will not be receiving the vaccine and they are immensely glad for it particularly those under 50 like myself only a roll of the dice put me in a position to recieve it before them and looking at the responses from other countries only time well tell whether or not for me it is a blessing or a curse. 

Edited by starky
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