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Bangkok Returnees from Songkran Are Advised to Perform Covid-19 Self-evaluation


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By Paphamon Arayasukawat


BANGKOK (NNT) - Bangkok Governor Aswin Kwanmuang has advised people who visited their hometowns during the Songkran holidays and were now returning to Bangkok to perform Covid-19 self-evaluation via the website: http://bkkcovid19.bangkok.go.th/.


He said this platform has been set up to help prevent the spread of the outbreak by providing necessary information for disease tracing by health officials. People need to scan a QR code to verify themselves, and input their personal data and travel history.


The system will calculate the risk level for each person and give instructions on the steps to follow. People who have low risk will be told to self-quarantine for 14 days, while those who have high risk will be visited by health officials who will perform a swab test free of charge.


The governor added that people could also contact Bangkok’s health office for advice and enquiries about Covid-19 on tel: 0-2203-2393, 0-2203-2396, 0-2245-4964 or 097 046 7549, which is available 24/7, or contact Department of Disease Control hotline at 1422.


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1 hour ago, smedly said:

Thailand is only testing those with symptoms 


how can they possibly know the spread of the virus if they are not testing everyone, it makes a total farce of the figures they are releasing daily

Since when?  Pretty much all the staff at my school were tested last week, as we had one student who had tested positive.  Nobody had symptoms and all 30 of us were negative.

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7 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Since when?  Pretty much all the staff at my school were tested last week, as we had one student who had tested positive.  Nobody had symptoms and all 30 of us were negative.

Well I would have thought an educationalist would have studied the post and responded accordingly. Your response was "since when".  Well Smedley wrote "how can they possibly know the spread of the virus if they are not testing everyone".  So  actually by your response you consider the miniscule population of your establishment (30 you quoted) is in effect "everyone" . How absurd.  Many Thais think Thailand is the centre of the universe but for an educationalist to infer that by testing 30 , it is "everyone"  really makes me wonder !!

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8 minutes ago, Excel said:

Well I would have thought an educationalist would have studied the post and responded accordingly. Your response was "since when".  Well Smedley wrote "how can they possibly know the spread of the virus if they are not testing everyone".  So  actually by your response you consider the miniscule population of your establishment (30 you quoted) is in effect "everyone" . How absurd.  Many Thais think Thailand is the centre of the universe but for an educationalist to infer that by testing 30 , it is "everyone"  really makes me wonder !!

No need to be pedantic.  Everyone who wants a test can get one.  No one in their right mind would consider testing the whole population. ????

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5 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

No need to be pedantic.  Everyone who wants a test can get one.  No one in their right mind would consider testing the whole population. ????

Factually you are incorrect as in some areas you can not get a test.  As for being in their "right mind" I previously stated Smedley said testing everyone so  by your own statement you are inferring another poster is "not in their right mind".    Are you for real or just impolite ? 

Well many countries are aiming for a target test rate of 80% . which, working at a school you will know is 20% less than "everyone"   However this countries testing rate is appalling over the last 12 months+ and it will be around 2028  before 80% of the current population is tested. Would that be timely enough for you or not  ?


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17 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Actually its not so easy, Thai's can get a free test but only if they've been in a high risk area and show symptoms. For non Thai's then its far more difficult to get a test without paying even if you meet the criteria.


"Thai at risk of contracting Covid-19 can get a free test and treatment at any public or private hospital.


According to the NHSO, people are considered to be at risk of Covid-19 when they show one or more of the following symptoms: fever with a temperature over 37.5 degrees Celsius, cough, runny nose, sore throat, loss of sense of smell or taste, and shortness of breath.


They must also have a history of linked to one of the following three risk factors, including have visited Covid-19 high-risk areas in the 14 days before developing any of the symptoms, have stayed in or visited places/countries with Covid-19 cases in the 14 days before developing the symptoms, and work in quarantine facilities."




I wasn't referring to free tests, and as this thread is about Bangkok returnees returning from Songkran I would have thought it was obvious that we're talking about testing in Bangkok.  There are plenty of places to get tests (paid for) outside hospitals.

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7 minutes ago, Excel said:

Factually you are incorrect as in some areas you can not get a test.  As for being in their "right mind" I previously stated Smedley said testing everyone so  by your own statement you are inferring another poster is "not in their right mind".    Are you for real or just impolite ? 

Well many countries are aiming for a target test rate of 80% . which, working at a school you will know is 20% less than "everyone"   However this countries testing rate is appalling over the last 12 months+ and it will be around 2028  before 80% of the current population is tested. Would that be timely enough for you or not  ?


The thread is about Bangkok.  I'm for real, and don't mean to be impolite.  Sorry, but somewhat surprised, that you took offence.

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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

The thread is about Bangkok.  I'm for real, and don't mean to be impolite.  Sorry, but somewhat surprised, that you took offence.

Apology accepted but nonetheless the testing rate is appalling and unless it is the government's intent to test  the majority of the population, I'm afraid Thailand could well be in for some very worrying months , if not years ahead. But on a brighter note good for you to have been tested, but if this virus mutates as they are saying it does, then testing must need to become a continual process.

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9 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

I wasn't referring to free tests, and as this thread is about Bangkok returnees returning from Songkran I would have thought it was obvious that we're talking about testing in Bangkok.  There are plenty of places to get tests (paid for) outside hospitals.

The quote I gave you was the situation for the whole of Thailand including Bangkok. Not having free tests for visiting a high risk area unless you also show symptoms is in my view one of the reasons many throughout Thailand cannot test because of cost.

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Just for the sake of argument  - lets discuss what would happen if:

  • Thailand acquired the requisite number of testing kits
  • Set up mandatory testing centres countrywide
  • true figures started to be revealed

Even though the death toll is comparatively miniscule to the rest of the world, I think there would be widespread panic and the country would literally grind to a halt.


The government here is not equipped in any manner to deal with a real epidemic of covid, and their current policies of hospitalising everyone with a postive diagnosis is completly wrong - especially if you take into consideration, the death toll.

The Thai government know this and I suspect are just trying to avoid an all out crisis, from which the country may not recover for a number of years, especially in regard to tourism.

Edited by eeworldwide
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7 hours ago, smedly said:

Thailand is only testing those with symptoms 


how can they possibly know the spread of the virus if they are not testing everyone, it makes a total farce of the figures they are releasing daily

Particularly since they now know that 70% of those who test positive are asymptomatic

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

Thailand is only testing those with symptoms 


how can they possibly know the spread of the virus if they are not testing everyone, it makes a total farce of the figures they are releasing daily

What is making a total farce of the figure released on a Daily basis, is the fact hat for Days now, there seems to be either a flat line in tests, or positives.

We dont see 2000, and we dont see 1500, every day about 1700 -1800 positives.

Maybe from 2000 tests only, or only those they actually want to report

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6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

No need to be pedantic.  Everyone who wants a test can get one.  No one in their right mind would consider testing the whole population. ????

Everyone who wants a test can get one ?? And that's why they are sending people away at hospitals because they only test people with symptoms . 

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I think they have got it the wrong way round. I can only speak for Chiang mai province.We had very few cases of Covid19 until those living in Bangkok and other infected areas began to visit home areas for Songkran, Then the numbers escalated rapidly.

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On 4/18/2021 at 7:41 AM, webfact said:

He said this platform has been set up to help prevent the spread of the outbreak by providing necessary information for disease tracing by health officials. People need to scan a QR code to verify themselves, and input their personal data and travel history.


The system will calculate the risk level for each person and give instructions on the steps to follow.

They can't even get the 90 day check to work.

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15 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Everyone who wants a test can get one ?? And that's why they are sending people away at hospitals because they only test people with symptoms . 

You don't have to get tested at a hospital (in Bangkok).  If you want a test you can get one at one of numerous clinics and laboratories that provide the service.


This one is very efficient: 

PCT laboratory service คลินิกเทคนิคการแพทย์

@pctlaboratory  · Medical lab

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On 4/18/2021 at 10:15 AM, brewsterbudgen said:

No need to be pedantic.  Everyone who wants a test can get one.  No one in their right mind would consider testing the whole population. ????

Well that's the intention ,to vaccinate every one

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2 hours ago, Percy P said:

Well that's the intention ,to vaccinate every one

Yes, vaccinate everyone  but not to test everyone.

A covid test is useful when used for a specific purpose.  For instance you being operated on and before the operation they want you tested to make sure you are not infected.  It is a snap shot in time,. or if it is used for  statistical purposes for that short period of time. 

To test a large  population would be useless, for any other reasons, because all the people that tested negative could get infected ten minutes after they take the test. And many of the people who tested positive could have recovered the next few days. 

Edited by sirineou
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