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"Thai Women don't feel Love"

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Thai women don't feel love.....WOW that is a big statement.


I think all women want to feel love, as do all men, defining what love is, is determined by those in it.


My marriage of 14 years to my Thai wife have been the happiest years of my life and of course hers, I know when people hear others say, she is or he is my bestie, they cringe, and I would say that is because they haven't reached that level yet, and may not in this lifetime, but when you have a bestie, you'll understand, if your ever so fortunate and I know there are a few here on TVF that also have one.


From my experience, when you have had relationships that have failed, you have to ask yourself why, and then once you accept the truths as to why they failed, you will then learn to be aware of those flaws in the beginning of your next potential relationship/s, therefore providing you with an out before it starts to get trappy, e.g. communication, understanding and acceptance are key for any relationship to survive as opposed to beating each other about the head.


We all carry baggage from our childhood and the way our parents raised us, noting that there is no manual on how to raise kids, and that they probably did what they thought best at the time of raising their kids, so no parent blaming here, it's a generation thing and sometimes you have to break the cycle and not blame yourself and then put yourself first, and do your best not to pass that down to your kids.


To be able to be perfectly honest in a relationship and your partner accepting you for who you are you her, the fear has to be removed and once you are both yourselves, you will find that, that is the formula for a very happy relationship in my opinion.


I have found in past relationships that the women I had been with could not accept certain things and would use the emotional rollercoaster for whatever reasons they thought were best to deflect the truth as opposed to accepting whatever was the issue at hand, never growing as a person and living behind a façade, suffice to say, I decided before I met my wife that I would never allow emotional rollercoasters to supress core issues and I was therefor not going to be unhappy in a relationship ever again, otherwise I would remain single. I got very lucky meeting her, she is one in a trillion.


The above said, I believe my wife of 14 years suffered enough in her life to appreciate that life is and threw out her baggage as she grew before meeting me, i.e. if she had any, as I haven't seen any in those 14 years of marriage, having moved on and accepts me for who I am and what I want out of my life, now that takes a brave woman to think outside the square in my opinion, but it also works both ways, after all, we are all growing, life is short, and we must make the most out of being happy and in love, arguments, negativity and emotional abuse destroy.


If anyone wants the link to my Mills and Boon novel, just let me know ????


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1 minute ago, nickmondo said:

after 5 years in Thailand, the only love I have seen from a Thai woman, is the love for financial security and money.

i am yet to meet one that truly knows what love is

Id advise you too look better, maybe a lil closer to your age less attractive that likes similar things to you. Don't flash money around to get her. That is if you want love not a sex partner (also perfectly acceptable)

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16 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well, thats the dirty rotten truth about many Farang/Thai relationships.


It's not based on love, or indeed attraction but much more a financial transaction. In that toxic relationship the idea that 'love' comes in to the equation is nonsensical.


If anyone is delusional enough to believe that the 60 somethings farang and the 20/30 something Thai relationship is based on anything but money and not love, you need help!


Thats a brutal truth, which I know will <deleted> folks off and I expect the blowback, but truth hurts

In my younger days, in the town where I lived, there were probably 3 well known companies who the girls knew were the top paying of anyone, you became targets for them. I used to go to many sporting events around the country which were frequented by many older guys with young ladies on their arms. Just saying. ????????




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1 minute ago, robblok said:

Id advise you too look better, maybe a lil closer to your age less attractive that likes similar things to you. Don't flash money around to get her. That is if you want love not a sex partner (also perfectly acceptable)

I would agree.


Look in the usual places.


Me and Mrs G met when we were working at the same company in Singapore, which I would hazard a guess is where a major percentage of relationships start

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44 minutes ago, Locked in Oz said:

I like you are a romantic at heart and believe in the love.


Romantic, I have always wanted to try and understand what that is, is it a feeling of wanting to buy her flowers, jewellery or spoil her, if so, I'm glad I'm not a romantic, not knocking you, if that is what floats yours and her boat, then go for it, but for me, romance is Hollywood and that is where the problems start, because I am sure there are a lot of wanna be Princesses out there and once you start being romantic, therein lay the problem.


I prefer to treat em mean, keep em lean attitude, after all, she love me long time ????


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39 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Me and Mrs G met when we were working at the same company in Singapore, which I would hazard a guess is where a major percentage of relationships start

Most us prefer to keep our jobs and not cause problems by banging co-workers.

It's been that way in the west for at least the past 20 years.

Sex + work = HIGH RISK

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22 minutes ago, Poet said:

When I visit friends, I see that the issue of money often looms over their relationships. I can never understand why they choose to date girls who are inevitably going to be financially dependent upon them. Perfectly nice girls, but the unspoken reality of the situation is a terrible weight for any relationship to bear. I do not understand why more Westerners here don't aim for someone closer to their own position in life. There are an astonishing number of them available.

Good enough if you are an average guy, but I'm in the top 0.5% of the world and have only every met 4-5 people who could be considered my equal, 4 were guys, 1 was a girl. Which rather limits my choices, I sometimes wish I were as stupid as the rest of the world.

(the girl and I did sleep together for a while, but it was a constant battle for dominance, I didn't fancy any of the guys)

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Good enough if you are an average guy, but I'm in the top 0.5% of the world and have only every met 4-5 people who could be considered my equal, 4 were guys, 1 was a girl. Which rather limits my choices, I sometimes wish I were as stupid as the rest of the world.

(the girl and I did sleep together for a while, but it was a constant battle for dominance, I didn't fancy any of the guys)

They don't have to be as smart as you are but not too much dumber. I also have a high IQ and my GF too. Some things she knows better other things I know better. Having a high IQ does not mean you know everything.


Maybe you havent learned to play together well enough. You admitted it yourself your anti social. So for you this is the best solution girls have to do what you want or leave. 


But yes in my relation there is sometimes not a fight for dominance more a fight about who is right about stuff. If you hate that then don't get into a relation with a smart woman. I actually don't mind keeps me on my toes. I am not infallible and in some field she knows more in other fields i know more. Its complimenting each other in knowledge. Can be really nice but at times bad too.


Then social skills come into play. 

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18 hours ago, ravip said:

Absolutely correct.

Thai people are also normal human beings with natural feelings. Any and all races have their bad eggs - none can claim they are 100% good, correct or honest.

When a relationship gets sour, both parties should take equal blame. Attracting partners with money and prosperity can easily end up in disaster and bitterness.

Unless you're an Arab. ????

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1 hour ago, nickmondo said:

after 5 years in Thailand, the only love I have seen from a Thai woman, is the love for financial security and money.

i am yet to meet one that truly knows what love is

Love is many things I love to spend money too. ????


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2 hours ago, robblok said:

If that is your definition of love then your set for life.

I certainly did not love my parents for money and the stuff they bought. Good to see you bring your kids up just to love you for money. I loved my parents when they brought me to the beach or forest. I loved my dad when we did things together.


I think you and I are fundamentally different but we knew that already. But just like you and i are total opposites its stupid to think all that woman / girls are the same.

You think it didn't cost your parents money to take you to the beach or the forest?

I do believe women can love a man when they are 15, but that ability to love has gone by the time they are 25.

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2 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

I would always ask him why pay for someone to nag u all the time and living in a studio together as well, and be living in LOS with tons of gals available...he said she cooked for him and washed him(like a baby?) and gave him sex.....I again said food is available easily 24/7 and even can be delivered, he could shower himself or get a soapie if that was his thrill and have a new gal nightly since he was paying anyway.....I just couldn't gt my head around this, however I could see this scenario from an much older male that simply needed someone around to assist, much like elderly being in nursing homes and such...he claimed he didnt want to be alone, but I reminded him that I never feel alone in LOS, even when you want to be as seems to me thais are always after me daily as I bike around town, every single day....


I'm a serial monogamist.

I like to have the same woman in my bed every night, she doesn't need to cook or clean for me.

But I do require that she makes breakfast and takes my 9 year old son to school in the morning as I'm too lazy to get up that early myself.

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41 minutes ago, robblok said:

But yes in my relation there is sometimes not a fight for dominance more a fight about who is right about stuff. If you hate that then don't get into a relation with a smart woman.

I'm always right, if I didn't know I was right I wouldn't express an opinion.

(dementia excluded of course)

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12 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You think it didn't cost your parents money to take you to the beach or the forest?

I do believe women can love a man when they are 15, but that ability to love has gone by the time they are 25.

I guess you really don't get it. Just chalk it down to a difference in upbringing and social skills.


No did not cost my parents money besides fuel. You don't seem to get that its not about money but about attention. No wonder you are who you are. A relation is about doing things together. Sometimes you do things you don't 100% like but know your partner likes.


That is where pre selection comes from to match likes. Then you don't have much of that situation. 


But your happy your way I am happy my way.

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14 hours ago, TC17 said:

I have found the entry ticket to be transactional, either directly or embedded.  But once you get past that, Thai woman are the most loving, nurturing, encouraging,  passionate and erotic women I have ever known.  


Yes, I agree with this.


Try saying goodbye to a Thai woman who has really fallen in love with you!

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Just now, robblok said:

A relation is about doing things together.

So how come all your relationships have failed?

How long is your current one ....... couple of years?

If you're doing it right, why don't they stay with you?

You're early 50s with no lasting relationships, epic fail or not?

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

So how come all your relationships have failed?

How long is your current one ....... couple of years?

If you're doing it right, why don't they stay with you?

You're early 50s with no lasting relationships, epic fail or not?

Why they have failed, 1 because she changed her mind about having kids. One because it just did not work went our sperate ways and are sill friends and in contact (i was the one that ended it)


If you are so smart you always say you are why did you get screwed over so much. Does not sound that smart. At least i avoided that. Maybe im smarter. (goes along the same line of questioning you did)


Epic fail is losing so much money as you did. 


I am quite ok that a relationship sometimes does not work out. Don't see that as a problem.







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19 hours ago, ravip said:

Absolutely correct.

Thai people are also normal human beings with natural feelings. Any and all races have their bad eggs - none can claim they are 100% good, correct or honest.

When a relationship gets sour, both parties should take equal blame. Attracting partners with money and prosperity can easily end up in disaster and bitterness.

In relation to your last paragraph, are you suggesting that one should divest oneself of ones assets, money etc or hide them before entering into a relationship ?

My Thai wife didn’t know any of my worth until a year after we entered into a relationship and when she moved to Australia.

After fifteen years, our marriage is still strong and she has and continues to enjoy a good and happy lifestyle.

I compare this with my first marriage to a European, when I had little compared to what I have now, she left me after about six years with a young child to bring up and never contributed to his upbringing.

I know which situation I prefer.

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The best thing I ever did was to marry and sign over all my assets  possessions to my Thai lady wife!


I am 76 years old, my Thai lady wife  is 54.


Its more than a  "Love" we share, much, much  more.

Its sensitive, its caring, its stimulating and never boring its the absence or need for any  words. 


We instantly know what is going on in the mind of each other.


Arguments and hot disputes are a daily occurrence always ending with a cuddle and a kiss with the customary "Good night" just before we turn over and go to sleep 


For those of you who  have never known "love"  please don't talk about it with such authority, its something like  electricity  because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist Ha ha ha 


To assume you understand how a successful marriage works suggests you have little idea of it or indeed  Life!


I have been married 3 times and believe that the finding of a soul mate is in essence  the equivalent of winning the lottery   

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

I think its an attitude problem for many guys, they don't know how relationships work and think money is a fix it all. (wont deny you need money to live)

And for many of the ladies, it is a transactional relationship, which is fine too... 

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I experience the love of a woman every time I have a spare 1,500bht in my pocket.


No.. you experience their tolerance of you for a fee and for a limited time until you provide more money.


That’s is your world, your experience, what you have been exposed to over and over again, it does not project on to everyone else. Some may relate to your experiences, others do not.




19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

It doesn't matter how you experience love, but it's never free.


Again, further projection... It's never free for you - you pay with cash or food. 







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