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A Disturbing Covid Fact Revealed


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On 5/1/2021 at 7:11 PM, cclub75 said:


In conclusion, the present study has demonstrated that vitamin D deficiency is strongly associated with COVID-19 infection (P < 0.001), even after controlling for sex, malabsorption, dental diseases, race, diabetes, and obesity. Perhaps the most important finding was that vitamin D deficiency increased the risk of developing COVID-19 by a factor of 5 after adjusting for age.


Everything is here :




And this study is massive (records of 98 000 patients in Florida, starting from 2015).

Before performing a Maassive Dump (TM acknowledged), it pays to remember that question marks don't all mean the same thing. I was seeking clarification of an opinion.

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8 hours ago, cdemundo said:

The scientific method is self-correcting.

Today's conclusions can be demonstrated to be wrong tomorrow by experiment.

self-correcting by WHOM?

folks who are bastions of integrity?

you're delusional if you think science is always on the up and up.

i don't want to open a whole other can of worms, but the theory of evolution ... bad science! needs to be corrected. ha ha ha!


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On 5/1/2021 at 5:37 PM, covidiot said:

You think you know which vaccine is best because you read a scientific report. What a joke.


It makes me laugh when people quote scientific journals.

You know how the old joke goes, right?

Women can fake orgasms. Men can fake entire relationships.

You can only imagine what scientists can fake.


I'm neither pro-vax nor anti-vax. I'm humble enough to admit that I don't know anything. I don't know what the vax is.

Maybe ... it's a placebo? Muahahahahaha


There is no such thing as a reputable source of information. Not in Bizzarro world. 




There wasn't a vaccine available in 1918. Note the date! Then read what was stated.


Sometime, between that pandemic and a hundred years later, folks figured out what happened and it didn't come from Spain.


They didn't burn so many books in those days.



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9 hours ago, gamb00ler said:

By your standard of rising sales, tobacco was a great idea...until it wasn't.

yeah, you are right. my logic is flawed on that one. sales don't prove anything. you are correct.

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16 hours ago, cdemundo said:

The scientific method is self-correcting.

Today's conclusions can be demonstrated to be wrong tomorrow by experiment.

My post got deleted? Arghhh... Youtube not allowed? ok no more links.

Here goes again. 

Science can be self-correcting. 

But not always.

Sometimes people challenge the theories.

And they get labelled quacks. 

But as I pointed out, Dr. Berg has 5 million subs on his channel.

The lunatic fringe who following quacks may possibly be on the rise and you may one day find yourself in the minorty as you cling to out-dated / refuted scientific theories. 



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11 hours ago, covidiot said:

self-correcting by WHOM?

folks who are bastions of integrity?

you're delusional if you think science is always on the up and up.

i don't want to open a whole other can of worms, but the theory of evolution ... bad science! needs to be corrected. ha ha ha!


Cdemundo is right. I asked the front line hospital doctor a question because I wanted a primary source* which supported my argument. When his answer disproved my hypothesis - was forced to concede that it had been invalidated.


* "                                            Primary Sources Definition

It serves as an original source of information about the topic. ... In journalism, a primary source can be a person with direct knowledge of a situation, or a document created by such a person."
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Sorry, your example is a bit vague.


The other reason science is generally not "self-correcting" is because people in power will lose face, lose power, lose wealth. There's a saying that new ideas get adopted only when the old guys die off. 







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For heavens sake! The topic WAS about the danger that the latest variants present to the young and healthy. The information came from a hospital's physician. In other words, I used the words of a university trained man - not a gossipy simpleton - who has sworn the Hippocratic Oath, and has a direct pipeline to the latest medical developments.

Perhaps some members would be more comfortable in a "Woke" chatroom? LOL.


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On 5/5/2021 at 2:08 PM, placeholder said:

So much for smallpox, polio, measles, mumps, chickenpox, herpes.

What is the difference between the vaccines for them and the vaccine for corona? They were developed over a long period of time and are generally understood to be safe, while the corona vaccine wasn't and isn't.

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1 hour ago, rabas said:


Another difference, particularity for mRNA vaccines, is they use radically new technology designed with safety in mind. They were chosen because they promise increased safety.


mRNA vaccines inject no living or previously living material of any kind. mRNA cannot touch or interfere with DNA in any way, it never gets close to your DNA. mRNA is simply a design template to make a protein and is later discarded. It's like a drawing on paper that is later balled up and thrown away.


Cell: "Next!"

In the past instances of problem vaccines it was apparently the carrier that was at fault.

In any event there seem to be some corona vaccines that are not very good, so I'm happy to wait and see what happens over the long term.

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1 hour ago, rabas said:

mRNA is simply a design template to make a protein and is later discarded. It's like a drawing on paper that is later balled up and thrown away.

A video I watched said the protein stays with you for the rest of your life.

And may grow in places it was never meant to be (like the blood vessels in your brain leading to CVST).

I have no idea if that is true or false.


One of the most disturbing COVID facts ....... is there are no facts for us punters to read, just positive supposition and speculation from the 'pro-vaxxers' lobby.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

A video I watched said the protein stays with you for the rest of your life.

And may grow in places it was never meant to be (like the blood vessels in your brain leading to CVST).

I have no idea if that is true or false.


One of the most disturbing COVID facts ....... is there are no facts for us punters to read, just positive supposition and speculation from the 'pro-vaxxers' lobby.

You could get a high school general biology text and read it. 

Then you would understand the lack of durability of mRNA and the direction of movement of the genetic blueprint in the cell.

At that point you would understand why mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy and that mRNA will not "grow in places it was never meant to be".

If you really wanted to understand you could do that.  And, miracle of miracles, you would have an idea of what was true and what was false.

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Just now, cdemundo said:

You could get a high school general biology text and read it. 

Then you would understand the lack of durability of mRNA and the direction of movement of the genetic blueprint in the cell.

At that point you would understand why mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy and that mRNA will not "grow in places it was never meant to be".

If you really wanted to understand you could do that.  And, miracle of miracles, you would have an idea of what was true and what was false.

You read my post, then draw completely unrelated conclusions to fit your agenda of fear.

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2 hours ago, cdemundo said:



"How Moderna’s Vaccine Works"

By Jonathan Corum and Carl ZimmerUpdated May 7, 2021


Here is a step by step explanation of how an mRNA vaccine works.

Of course if everyone is a liar except you this is wasted on you.

But for those who genuinely want to learn what is true and what is false it will be helpful.




You post something off the NYT and then expect us to believe it?


Also, I wasn't aware that the NYT was a recognised scientific journal.

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3 hours ago, cdemundo said:



"How Moderna’s Vaccine Works"

By Jonathan Corum and Carl ZimmerUpdated May 7, 2021


Here is a step by step explanation of how an mRNA vaccine works.

Of course if everyone is a liar except you this is wasted on you.

But for those who genuinely want to learn what is true and what is false it will be helpful.




That looks like a very excellent source for those that are interested at that level. I'm more interested in the choices in a more general way. Such as which are rna and which are traditional. Evidence of safety and effectiveness with variants too. Side effects. Risks. Recommend age groups. International acceptance such as WHO.

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21 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That looks like a very excellent source for those that are interested at that level. I'm more interested in the choices in a more general way. Such as which are rna and which are traditional. Evidence of safety and effectiveness with variants too. Side effects. Risks. Recommend age groups. International acceptance such as WHO.


A table of rudimentary comparison of vaccines.... 

The efficacy figures vary slightly from source to source and could be argued, (I’ve gone with the most commonly published values)



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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

A video I watched said the protein stays with you for the rest of your life.

And may grow in places it was never meant to be (like the blood vessels in your brain leading to CVST).

I have no idea if that is true or false.


One of the most disturbing COVID facts ....... is there are no facts for us punters to read, just positive supposition and speculation from the 'pro-vaxxers' lobby.

Your reference to protein interested me, so I checked it out and found



Prion disease and COVID-19 vaccines

Contrary to Classen's claim, there is no evidence to suggest the COVID-19 vaccines can cause prion diseases or other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

USA TODAY found no mention in its review of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision memorandums for both Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines, which involved clinical trials with tens of thousands of volunteers. Similarly, no cases have been reported to the federal government's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS.


While nothing has been found untoward among the tens of thousands during the trials, lets wait and see what happens after tens of millions have been injected with the corona vaccine and have had a few months post jab.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

A video I watched said the protein stays with you for the rest of your life.

And may grow in places it was never meant to be (like the blood vessels in your brain leading to CVST).

I have no idea if that is true or false.


One of the most disturbing COVID facts ....... is there are no facts for us punters to read, just positive supposition and speculation from the 'pro-vaxxers' lobby.

Proteins ( prions ) are tricky beasts. They can't be destroyed by normal surgical sterilization of instruments ( autoclaving ) so we had to track every instrument and if a prion disease was detected post op, all the instruments used had to be destroyed. Some patients even bought their own instruments to be used in surgery.

Eventually all surgical instruments may be single use simply for that reason, though I hate to think of the extra cost involved.

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On 5/1/2021 at 6:10 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes that is the trend with the newer variants especially the Brazilian one which is now predictably spreading to other countries in South America. 


People might be reminded that the devastating 1918 flu pandemic was especially damaging to younger people. 

they way I read it was he was referring to variants of the 'vaxxes'  

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On 5/1/2021 at 11:02 PM, aboctok said:

So people with healthy immune systems are immune to viruses? Does that mean all viruses or just most?

The human race probably only survived to the 18th century because some had immunity to viruses. Those that had no immunity probably died or got very sick.

I have to assume those that survived had healthy immune systems.


The first indication I know of that an introduced "infection" can immunise one was when Edward Jenner noticed that milkmaids that had cowpox were immune to smallpox.



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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Proteins ( prions ) are tricky beasts. They can't be destroyed by normal surgical sterilization of instruments ( autoclaving ) so we had to track every instrument and if a prion disease was detected post op, all the instruments used had to be destroyed. Some patients even bought their own instruments to be used in surgery.

Eventually all surgical instruments may be single use simply for that reason, though I hate to think of the extra cost involved.


Fact check: COVID-19 vaccine not associated with neurodegenerative disease

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The human race probably only survived to the 18th century because some had immunity to viruses. Those that had no immunity probably died or got very sick.

I have to assume those that survived had healthy immune systems.

Interesting comment. What did people do before Big Pharma vaccines? 

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