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Push to vaccinate 16 million vulnerable Thais suffers early setbacks


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26 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You surely have Thai friends who can read Thai and help you ?







Many will have language difficulties. My Thai Mrs, stepdaughter and niece could help me but they refuse because they're 'anti'. They say I shouldn't either because of the danger from untested vaccines.

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2 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Nope...not on initial application or on my 5 year renewal earlier this year nor any of my multiple annual "visa" extensions . I'm not complaining, just curious as I've never even heard of ID cards for foreign residents of Thailand. As for the vaccination, if I get one, I'll pay for Moderna or Pfizer at a private hospital so won't need the pink card for that.


Not being up to date with information that has been around for a long time is really our own fault. If I want to find out about visa’s etc I have to dig around myself and do my own research. 


Not that the Pink ID and Yellow Tabien Baan card are a big deal, but there is plenty of information out there. 

A number of my friends were also unaware of the Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink ID, or simply not bothered about them as they’d never hit a ‘bureaucratic brick wall’ without them, thus, they never really paid attention to any information on the subject.


Now they are, of course, very interested in the Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink ID, as are many others. 


Personally, I too would rather pay for one of the RNA vaccines such as Pfizer or Moderna rather than take the ViralVector AstraZeneca or Inactivated Virus Sinovac Vaccine. 






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32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:




Your Appstore location (apple) has to be set to Thailand....  (the Moh promt App is not available outside of Thailands App store). 





(just having your current location , date & time settings etc - is not the same as setting your Appstore location)


Be wary of changing Apple store location. You won’t be able to quickly revert back to the original and likely lose some valued foreign based apps you use. 

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1 minute ago, The Fugitive said:
32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You surely have Thai friends who can read Thai and help you ?




Many will have language difficulties. My Thai Mrs, stepdaughter and niece could help me but they refuse because they're 'anti'. They say I shouldn't either because of the danger from untested vaccines.


People putting up their own hurdles can’t be helped....  we could argue all day about the ‘other solutions’ you could use to help someone help you with the Thai language on the Apps.... but if you are saying family won’t help, then I suspect you simply can’t be helped and are looking for the problem rather than the solution. 

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2 minutes ago, nchuckle said:
37 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:




Your Appstore location (apple) has to be set to Thailand....  (the Moh promt App is not available outside of Thailands App store). 





(just having your current location , date & time settings etc - is not the same as setting your Appstore location)



Be wary of changing Apple store location. You won’t be able to quickly revert back to the original and likely lose some valued foreign based apps you use. 


Wrong....  you can change to Thai App store, download Mohpromt and change straight back to your original App store location.... I did exactly this.


You can also log in with a second apple account, set that as Thai location, download the app. Then log back out and back into your original account. 



So many simple solutions here, yet so many people are looking for the faults and problems. 



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4 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

Kinda hard to do when conducting mass vaccination campaigns.

no it isn't 


you get your doctor to certify that you are in the at risk group or as I suggested administer the shot, how complicated is that, much easier than giving a 3rd party access to your private records that they would then have to retrieve and get assessed by -------- a doctor. 


Medical records are extremely private, once you give access like that they are then in the public domain - there is no way anyone would allow that to happen, also, not every foreigner living in Thailand even has any medical records here, this is just a complete pile of nonsense, I have not read of any situation were someone has been excluded from vaccination because of a medical condition - the requirement is to put people further up the waiting list because they are deemed at risk. 


You sound like you are arguing a point just for the sake of it - commonly known as baiting and trolling 


No more discussion with you on this from me - I have said all I want to say


you do whatever you are comfortable with - entirely up to you

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7 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Now they are, of course, very interested in the Yellow Tabien Baan and Pink ID, as are many others. 

I should clarify I've heard of the yellow house books, but as foreigners can't own land, I thought these were available for people who were married to Thais and thus could apply to put their name in the house book as a legal resident at that address. Again, this situation doesn't apply to me. Not having a Thai ID (other than DL) isn't going to affect me, at least in this situation. 

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1 hour ago, LawrenceN said:



You'll need a LINE ID. 


Any attempt to register through Mor Prom with a Pink (Non-Thai ID) requires you to have a Thai family member. Mor Prom does not now accept non-Thai ID card holders.


1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


Takes a few minutes to get LINE on a smart phone. 


Alternately, download Morpromt from the Thai App / play store. 


Two options. 


Any attempt to register through Mor Prom with a Pink (Non-Thai ID) requires you to have a Thai family member. Mor Prom does not now accept non-Thai ID card holders.


1 hour ago, mark131v said:


Anutin would not be in a top group or an at risk group and neither would the young soldier unless she was a medical professional not available through the healthcare system


I stand by my statement their priorities seem to be me and my powerbase first rest of you fight over the scraps, as usual...


She may well work for or be in close proximity to a top brass member of the military.



1 hour ago, condobrit001 said:

Great if you can read Thai. Is there an english version?




1 hour ago, mwbrown said:


There's nothing by that name in the Google Play store.  Can you please give the *exact* name of the app or a link to it?  Thanks.


Mor Prom through Line.

1 hour ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I'm sure this is true as far as it goes, but I've lived in Thailand for many years on "retirement visas," and don't have this magic 13 digit number; nor have I ever been offered to apply for one.


Any attempt to register through Mor Prom with a Pink (Non-Thai ID) requires you to have a Thai family member. Mor Prom does not now accept non-Thai ID card holders.


1 hour ago, mwbrown said:


I already have Thailand set up as my location.  I ask again for the *exact* name or a link.  Is that too hard?

Mor Prom through Line 


There's a long topic on the inability of many of us foreigners to register through Mor Prom:



Edited by samtam
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6 minutes ago, smedly said:

you do whatever you are comfortable with - entirely up to you

On this, we agree. 


And pointing out some valid reasons why medical personnel administering vaccinations MAY need access to someone's medical information is hardly "trolling." Believe me, your, or anyone else's medical history/records, is of very little interest to anyone but themselves. And if one was really concerned about this, just say they've never received any medical care in Thailand.

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So after all the song and dance they have only got enough bookings to fill up the first two days' appointment slots out 53 days they planne to vaccinate 300,000 a day. That doesn't surprise me. It will fill up more but they need to find ways other than a phone app to get people in.  This seems to be already happening in villages where local authorities and hospitals who know the people in their tambons are compiling lists and registering.  But the cities which lack such community ties will bbe a gap that needs to be worked.  The UK called up people registered at NHS health centres without having to ask them to register again.  But Thailand's universal health is a big amorphous mass that lacks any way of tracing individuals.  It is also complicated by the fact that there are 3 public health systems: universal health, social security and the civil service health scheme.    

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1 hour ago, mark131v said:

So lets get this right Pm and his cronies have had their jabs and the picture from the OP here shows a young healthy looking soldier waiting to get her jab, what does that tell you about their priorities....

Soldiers / military are giving most of the shots where I live so why would they not be prioritized, they are also performing other functions at vaccination sites. 

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2 hours ago, Hayduke said:


Speaks volumes on how much Thais disbelieve and distrust this hopelessly corrupt government.




Its probably more to do with most of the over 60 in rural areas don't have smart phones or know how to use the app. Unlike the younger Thai counterparts, the older generation have no interest in anything but making and receiving calls on their phones which is probably true with many older generations in most countries. That said, the massive hype and publication of when one thing goes wrong with a vaccination, far outweighs 100 positive statements in the media. After  just returning to the UK and completing 10 days quarantine myself and my Thai wife go for our Vaccines today and she's more terrified of the vaccine than catching Covid!!  Even asking why we are going so late in the day when her friends all say we should go early then when something happen we can still go to hospital!! Unbelievable Thai logic and mistrust..

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50 minutes ago, PEE TEE said:

It works in Samui have booked for June 10th but i do not have high hopes i ill get it when there  

You booked how exactly?

Online or in person?

If in person with ID number or passport?

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13 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

They have foisted a high tech registration method onto a generation that is not tech savvy. The result is inevitable. 

There is a lot in that and we saw it start with the We Travel Together scheme, then with subsequent schemes alternative options became available and the same will happen here.

Thailand lags behind other countries in this respect, I have been to China a couple of times and they are streets ahead, old ladies making small payments in the market with smartphones.

The government cannot be blamed for trying to drag the country forward and use technology to administer any task in hand. It must be fairly obvious to the rational thinker that a technology solution would have to be addressed first, easier to fall back on traditional methods for the mopping up.

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1 minute ago, nickmondo said:

right click, translate to english

you need a thai id card

you cannot register without one

you can't register with one either at the moment. That loophole was closed. We have to wait until June 1 ( as announced in an earlier TV newsletter today ) before we can register.

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1 minute ago, TigerandDog said:



On another thread there was a credible report that there will eventually be an online method targeted only to foreigners in English and presumably hopefully accepting passport numbers?

But it might never happen and even if it does we don't know when.

Again many people have been told directly that the initial phase is only for Thais and foreigners will be included for starting August jabs with booking in July.

But bottom line regardless of thus happy talk news article we don't really know.

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This is not so much a push to Vaccinate 16 Million vulnerable Thais as a nudge.

So many of the original deliveries of Vaccines from Sinovac and AZ have been used for not essential cases such as National Football Squads, Tourism Operators, Hi-So,s and many other such non essential and no risk groups.

The Thai population know there are only enough Vaccines in the Country at this time to vaccinate about 2.5 Million people fully.

They also know that when more vaccines are procured and delivered, they will also have a high percentage of waste upon non essential groups of people.

Why, they are asking should I register for a Jab that I know I will not receive before I possibly Die.

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Just now, Jingthing said:


On another thread there was a credible report that there will eventually be an online method targeted only to foreigners in English and presumably hopefully accepting passport numbers?

But it might never happen and even if it does we don't know when.

Again many people have been told directly that the initial phase is only for Thais and foreigners will be included for starting August jabs with booking in July.

But bottom line regardless of thus happy talk news article we don't really know.

There was another newsletter earlier today that stated foreigners will be able to register from 1 June.

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1 hour ago, mwbrown said:


There's nothing by that name in the Google Play store.  Can you please give the *exact* name of the app or a link to it?  Thanks.

This guide to using the Doctors Ready (mor prom in Thai) LINE Official Account to register for the Covid-19 vaccine is very helpful.  It's not really an app, that's why you can't find it in the Play Store.  The attached guide does a good job to get you started.


COVID Vaccination Registration Information-03-05-2021.pdf

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