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Thailand lures the rich as tourism revival hope fades


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I think of equal if not higher priority to attracting the 'HNW' individuals, is to retain and maintain the numbers of expats who either retire here or have families.   The last couple of years has seen a decline in these numbers for a variety of reasons, with onerous Immigration requirements being foremost.   There just isn't the replacement numbers anymore for those who choose to move on to pastures new, or 'check out' permanently.


Those on modest incomes/pensions will still inevitably make capital purchases when here (accommodation/furnishings/transport etc), as well as in the main stable monthly incomes that contribute billions of baht a year to the Thai economy.


Certainly during these times in many areas, it is the Expat population that is helping to sustain local businesses both Thai and Farang owned.

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

With the speed of its vaccination rollout, America is rapidly morphing from a pariah nation to one that will be open for unrestricted business, trade and tourism in a very short time.

Thailand take note. You won't be open for tourism until you do the same.

The US is having issues getting sufficient people to take the vaccine… issues that seem to be about more than politics (for once), and other countries are reporting similar results.  Wife just had second jab today at a place set up for 2,000 people per day that can only get 500 to come in.

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2 minutes ago, rumak said:


Just to be clear.....i still like the PEOPLE .   I mean the normal 90% of the population.  

Like almost every country,   they have little or NO say in what the deleted    rulers and big business moguls do.  

SERFDOM  has been in existence for a long long time.   Actually the readership here are a small percentage also belonging to the privileged minority of the world population.  If some of you feel (rightly)  like things aren't "fair",    try to imagine what a hard working Thai or other third world country worker feels like,  with much LESS chance of reaching the monetary level that most of us have.

OK,  a bit off "subject".......  but bashing the small group of thai workers that feed off of tourists in tourist areas shows how uninformed those who do that are.  The majority of Thais are pretty darn nice. 

That said,  the rulers here ,  as elsewhere,  one would only hope that some day they would face the music.   Does Karma really exist ?    Or,  as i have often observed, is this a world where "no good deed goes unpunished"

Sorry, rumak, just checking: was my post the one you meant to reply to?

What you have written does not seem to fit with the content of my post. I did not criticize the people of Thailand and, in fact, emphazied their welcoming nature as one of three major draws.

Neither did I suggest that anything was unfair.

My point was that the government are once again engaging in gymnastics to attract foreign money when, in fact, they were already on a terrific trajectory before they started monkeying around with the visa rules in 2015.


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11 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

With the speed of its vaccination rollout, America is rapidly morphing from a pariah nation to one that will be open for unrestricted business, trade and tourism in a very short time.

Thailand take note. You won't be open for tourism until you do the same.

Actually, vaccinated tourists won't care if the local population are vaccinated, and neither will these incoming tourists present any biological threat to the local population.

It would, of course, be good if the local population are vaccinated, but it has no bearing on the recommencement of mass tourism. The key factor is that all the incoming tourists are verifiably fully-innoculated.


Edited by Poet
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1 minute ago, tjo o tjim said:

The US is having issues getting sufficient people to take the vaccine… issues that seem to be about more than politics (for once), and other countries are reporting similar results.  Wife just had second jab today at a place set up for 2,000 people per day that can only get 500 to come in.

The Russians and Chinese are mounting huge disinformation campaigns to cast doubt on the safety and efficacy of Western vaccines, it's just another salvo in the "grey war" being conducted in cyberspace.

It's unfortunate there is no vaccine or therapy for ignorance, and also unfortunate COVID is not selective for it.

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Just now, Poet said:

Sorry, rumak, just checking: was my post the one you meant to reply to?

What you have written does not seem to fit with the content of my post. I did not criticize the people of Thailand and, in fact, emphazied their welcoming nature as one of three major draws.

Neither did I suggest that anything was unfair.

My point was that the government are once again engaging in gymnastics to attract foreign money when, in fact, they were already on a terrific trajectory before they started monkeying around with the visa rules in 2015.



YES,  I tried with my edit to explain.   I started using your quote to AGREE with you .

The visa system worked fine for my first 20 years here.   



Just now, Poet said:



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Oh they're at it again, the "high class tourist" nonsense.  ????

It's been a year and they're doing it again!  Its like a lousy computer program

10 print "lame"

20 goto 10


Oh god I spit my beer out!  

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

Might be a good idea to look to those long termers already here putting billions in to the economy.

That is something that is tangible not pie in the sky.


I agree with you.  Take care of what you have here already Thailand because no Europeans will travel to Thailand "as tourists" for the next 5 years at least.

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Still trying to flog that old dead donkey. People with wealth usually have brains. The article talks about deregulation and possible relaxation on Property ownership laws etc but everyone of us who has been here for any amount of time understands it’s the same old baloney that gets spewed up when they are in trouble only to reverse it all and add further regulation when mass tourism returns. They also talk about 200 million retirees world wide they want to tap into and provide and I quote:

“I would group them into two groups – basically mainly retirees, pensioners getting their pensions from the government or a private company, who don’t want to do anything, just find a nice place to stay in Thailand which offers good health care, nice weather, nice food.”

But prior to Covid the same Government we’re doing there very best to make retirees lives anything but! Perhaps they are relying on old peoples short memories!


You simply cannot trust anything that say or do because what they change today can and often is changed the next day which doesn’t really lead to a relaxing retirement or investment. If there is one thing you can guarantee with Thailand is that they will always bite the hand that feeds them. Now that you can take to the bank and make money on!


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2 minutes ago, Blot said:

I agree with you.  Take care of what you have here already Thailand because no Europeans will travel to Thailand "as tourists" for the next 5 years at least.

That's a little long but is it possible or even probable?  Yes.  

2023 is a pipe dream.  

For real, forget 2021 / 2022 high season.  It is toast.  There is simply not way that high tourism is going to happen yet again.  Then low season will come and people will be freaking out.  

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32 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

If I’m one of the riff raff then I will go spend my monthly income of 80,000 bht in one of the neighbouring countries who I’m sure will welcome me with open arms . I haven’t left Thailand since 2009 I would like to think that I have helped the economy I know my little local shops enjoy my coming to them especially since Covid raised its ugly head without all us rif raff who have stayed during the pandemic the economy would be in a far worse position ! 

Without the farang in my area it would have passed away long time ago most of the bars and restaurants that are still going are farang owned, I still see villas being built and one out the back of my house so that has kept them guys in work for over 12 months lots of people benefit from that one villa being built, 

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