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Thailand to introduce 300 baht ‘tourist fee’ from January


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Add it to price of airplane ticket no one would care but then it would be accounted for so cant do that please pay cash to one of my officers instead then me and the rest of my corrupt friends will be happy, since covid we have to extra cash not good for us but when you come back to the land of smiles we want you to help us fix everything we have have neglected or misused. Welcome to Amazing Thailand 

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couple of question;

how many incoming tourists have 300 baht?
  or will they be charged $10, 8 euors, 40,000 Riel, 98, 840 kip?  

Will those holding 1 year visas or 1 year extensions be charged?
Visa exempt entries

Land borders as well ( once they open)


before it was 300 baht departure tax, than it went 500 than to 700 an than it was incorporated onto your ticket

Also decades ago, it was 1,000 tax clearance every time u left the country after you had been here 180 days in one year


Edited by zzzzz
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Firstly, where oh where are all these tourists going to be arriving from?

Secondly, of the 300bht collect, how much will be allocated towards the "administration to collect" the funding?

At what point will this 300bht be collected, will it be added by the carriers to the cost of the ticket for travel into Thailand or will it be collected at immigration on arrival?



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9 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

lack of hygiene ,

The cleaning staff at my hotel in Soi Bukahao stared with questioning and unsure eyes into the toilet bowl observing the blue water up in the bowl ...  It was from the “ toilet block” I had added to the cistern to eliminate the odour ... not objectionable given there are no cleaning products ever supplied in the hotel rooms... but better dealt with ... I was afraid I might be deported ! lol .  Jaysus Wept ... as we say.... 


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3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

This comment cannot be beaten so don't try. 

I'll try.


The great majority of tourists couldn't care less about a ten dollar surcharge. 


All the moaners on here must find it hard to afford a Khao Phat. 

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6 minutes ago, Boedog said:

Add it to price of airplane ticket no one would care but then it would be accounted for so cant do that please pay cash to one of my officers instead then me and the rest of my corrupt friends will be happy, since covid we have to extra cash not good for us but when you come back to the land of smiles we want you to help us fix everything we have have neglected or misused. Welcome to Amazing Thailand 

That was the old scheme and universally despised. Third world scam practices that are a disgrace for Thailand to even contemplate.

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Right idea, worse possible timing.  There will not be any tourists if you do not start to get

your priorities right

I believe just at this present time with a pandemic raging, the Government just may have 

concerned themselves with more important issues

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I paid 1000 THB every time I came to Thailand and then 2000 THB. There was nothing I got in return - no free map, no welcome drink. Just pay 2000 THB for nothing (penalty for citizens of my country because we can't send enough tourists to Thailand. Population under 2 million of course we can send that many tourists to Thailand as Germany or UK)

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That's a good welcome to Thailand Mr phiphat isn't it, 


Thailand is well known around the World for scamming tourist, but now you want to scam them on arrival, oh dear me, you should be welcoming tourists to visit, as they will be far and few between, and  20 million in 2022, your having a laugh, 

And 34B goes towards insurance, and who pockets the remaining, 

You crazy people.... 

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3 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear....


"Earth calling all planets, Earth calling all planets, do you by any chance have the man from TAT there? Can't miss him, looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights!"

Who writes their scripts? 

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22 minutes ago, Anthony Br said:

Where are they getting this information. I have never even managed to get out of a Thai hospital with a free paracetomol or sticking plaster, how are tourists getting away with 400 plus million ?!?!?!

It happens...Thai hospitals are legally obligated to treat certain patients and can not keep them once they've recovered. If they refuse to pay, the only recourse is to sue and that's expensive, time consuming, and slow.

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Well that's clear another tax on tourism to be added to the many other taxes already added to hotel bills. At least the sandbox scheme has been unofficially scraped there is no way to have zero Covid infections nor for the vaccination rate to be achieved before next year there is simply not enough vaccines available. Good news is that  now no foreign  tourism to be be allowed in Thailand can make other arrangements accordingly 

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26 minutes ago, BostonRob2 said:

I'll try.


The great majority of tourists couldn't care less about a ten dollar surcharge. 


All the moaners on here must find it hard to afford a Khao Phat. 


Why not make it 3 thousand baht then, if you are going to scam people do it properly. The Hospital not being paid by tourists is largely a nonsense, never been in one where they do not make you register with your passport. Run off without paying and it's a simple arrest at immigration when leaving.

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29 minutes ago, Anthony Br said:

Where are they getting this information. I have never even managed to get out of a Thai hospital with a free paracetomol or sticking plaster, how are tourists getting away with 400 plus million ?!?!?!

Probably they die due to very basic health care.


At least that’s my personal experience of thai government hospitals and I assume not everyone survives. The figure is also probably plucked from thin air, hard to see how figures for each province would be aggregated, even assuming they have them in the first place. I mean, this is the government who can’t collect on the thousands of parking tickets issued, no way they could track non paying farang.

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

So they are going to collect 300 baht per tourist, they aint gonna make much money then, tourists will not be coming.

Who ever dreamed up that, is a complete nutter, Thailand is desperate for tourists, yet the nutters keep putting things in place to deter tourists.

Over the past 4 months there has been so many counter proposals to deter people from retiring in Thailand let alone Tourists coming, it isn't going to happen.  In this Paper we have been called dirty Farangs, Aliens and that we are not welcome via a recent Poll. Got a flash for the guys behind the stuffed up Administration, "It's over" what was you have destroyed.

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2 minutes ago, smew said:

If I am wrong, correct me, but we already have a surcharge on our air tickets.

This is added at the time of ticket purchase, it is to cover all the the items talked about.


So, now this is extra on top  to go where again..   

You'll hardly notice another one then.

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