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Foreigners' vaccination: Mobile app to be available or direct contact with hospitals from June


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9 hours ago, crazykopite said:

All my family and relatives in the U.K. and there a lot of them have had the AZ the youngest being 30 and non of them have had any issues so I will be getting the AZ if it’s good enough for them it’s good enough for me and I’m 70 years young there is more chance of me being killed by a drunk Thai than of dying from the AZ

Yep the AZ vaccine has been widely used in the UK , next to no problems , its absolutely fine.

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15 hours ago, keith101 said:

So for most of us it will closer to the end of the year before we can be vaccinated except for those who cant wait and want to pay for it .

Do you really think, it will be for free????????????. For every Jab will be a so called administration fee!

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4 hours ago, EricTh said:

Why give priority to migrant workers who are mostly Burmese?


This isn't fair, every foreigner should have equal chance.

I think it is fair to say that many of the Migrant Worker population are living in rather cramped circumstances, making them a high risk group.

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5 hours ago, RobMuir said:

Since hundreds of Thais died in the UK, Europe and the USA I am sure they are grateful to finally be safe.


I am certainly grateful that not a single Australian died of covid in Thailand.

You can't get better than zero deaths.


Thankyou Thailand for the free vaccines and keeping every single Aussie expat and tourist in Thailand alive.


Links to numbers with facts and figures on all the hundreds of Thais that have died in the UK in your statement above, which you have to hand, no doubt?


A bit premature with your gratitude for the free vaccines when the roll out for foreigners has not begun yet., are you not? Let's see if they are on target or will there be further flip flopping and changing of minds and roll out dates.


And whilst you are thanking Thailand, you may as well thank the Oxford university in the UK, as it is their vaccine the Thais intend to make under license and mass produce in Thailand.


A vaccine that Astra Zenica, the Anglo Swedish company has generously given at cost to the world in times of crisis, both in doses of the vaccine and giving the technology to replicate and reproduce it, unlike some other pharmaceutical companies, and not one mention of picking and choosing and without fear or favour.

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21 hours ago, webfact said:

Foreign migrant workers who are especially at risk will go first, followed by embassy and NGO personnel then foreigners living in the country. 

1. Foreign migrant workers who are especially at risk will go first. Cannot argue with that as they generally live in conditions that increase the risk of spreading the virus.


2. Embassy and NGO personnel. I had a to ask someone in my building about this who has those blue number plates. She told me it was because Thailand has a legal obligation to the take care of their security and wellbeing. I pondered this, I don't know but must be something to do with the legal articles of association or something. 


3. Foreigners living in the country - Everyone not in the groups above.

As I am old and in group 3, I am a bit concerned about the timeline for me personally. I hope they keep priority for over 60s and those suffering from any of seven underlying diseases such as diabetes, obesity, stroke and chronic kidney disease.

I am happy about the private hospitals though, much easier than dealing with Thai official system.







Edited by MRToMRT
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9 hours ago, EricTh said:



Is he a Thai or foreigner? I thought only Thai are allowed at this stage?



Farang..... about 8 were vaccinated yesterday.


In fairness it was a case of 'who you know and not what you know'. They were able to join the priority group because of 'local connections'.

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18 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Because the system for Thais is based on Thai ID numbers. And is entirely in Thai, including need to type in entries in Thai.


The article is incorrect in stating that foreigners are unable to register on the current app. Some can and have. But only those with a Thai ID number and able to navigate the Thai language aspect.  Save to say majority of foreigners are not.


Another factor is that the vaccination in June is restricted to people over 60 and with chronic diseases. The vast majority of foreigners in Thailand are migrant workers and very, very few of them would qualify, so no real need for a system for them to register now as not negligible for that phase.


While expats tend to hear the word "foreigner" as meaning "western expats" that is nto what it means to the Thai government. Western expats are a very tiny minority of the foreigners living in Thailand.



.....and there in lies the problem! 


No, its absolutely useless to use the word "Foreigners" anymore as its to generalized and now its become politically incorrect and culturally Illiterate. 


No one seems to know what are the Foreigners for whom one is speaking of;.  illegal aliens? Migrant workers? Expats? Permitted workers? Military envoys? College kids or tourists on Spring Break?


I for one don't believe they are talking about spouses, retirees, or pensioners....and in there, lies the rub.


Why? Because it's ambiguous now. Use more often by people who are discriminating against people who were not born in Thailand. Or even people's not of the Asian region. 


Ignorance is bliss, but stupidity kills. 


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19 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Because the system for Thais is based on Thai ID numbers. And is entirely in Thai, including need to type in entries in Thai.


The article is incorrect in stating that foreigners are unable to register on the current app. Some can and have. But only those with a Thai ID number and able to navigate the Thai language aspect.  Save to say majority of foreigners are not.


Another factor is that the vaccination in June is restricted to people over 60 and with chronic diseases. The vast majority of foreigners in Thailand are migrant workers and very, very few of them would qualify, so no real need for a system for them to register now as not negligible for that phase.


While expats tend to hear the word "foreigner" as meaning "western expats" that is nto what it means to the Thai government. Western expats are a very tiny minority of the foreigners living in Thailand.



....and therein lies everyone's problem.



The word "Foreigners" has become meaningless. Its culturally illiterate and is too broad of a stroke for anyone to deduce its meaning.


Is one speaking of : Illegal aliens, migrant workers, permitted workers, pensioners, retirees, spouses or Thais not born in Thailand but hold passports of other nations?


The entire immigration quagmire needs to be overhauled.  People need to understand Geography and Global thinking. 


The days of generating and sustaining ignorance and discrimination are long past.


Lets start being culturally literate and call the people whatever it is they may be....starting with men and women.  


Not too hard of a concept. 



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23 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:


So foreigners will be able to register in June a whole month later than Thai's will they get vaccinated at the same time as Thai's in June though or

is it a fist come first serve? Why even have 2 registration systems???

By hook or by crook I'm sure they will keep their promise to vaccinate Thai's first and blame it on IT error or whatever but it will be just deceit to appear as not intentionally breaking their good ethics agreement with Astrazenca.
But watch this space come June I seriously hope I'm wrong lets see.


"Fist come first serve". Interesting mixed metaphor, masturbation and tennis.

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1 hour ago, Bradmeister said:

....and therein lies everyone's problem.



The word "Foreigners" has become meaningless. Its culturally illiterate and is too broad of a stroke for anyone to deduce its meaning.


Is one speaking of : Illegal aliens, migrant workers, permitted workers, pensioners, retirees, spouses or Thais not born in Thailand but hold passports of other nations?


The entire immigration quagmire needs to be overhauled.  People need to understand Geography and Global thinking. 


The days of generating and sustaining ignorance and discrimination are long past.


Lets start being culturally literate and call the people whatever it is they may be....starting with men and women.  


Not too hard of a concept. 



You think too much. Foreigners are people not holding Thai citizenship. 

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15 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Think again, the Pneumonia jab is between 4,000 and 5,000 baht in private hospitals, Pneumonia and the Flu killed 44,529 people in Thailand in 2018.

Are you saying that the flu killed more in 1 year than Covid? Strange. 

I heard it's a good idea to get the pneumonia jab, to save dying if you get Covid, any views on this? 


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4 hours ago, hotandsticky said:



Farang..... about 8 were vaccinated yesterday.


In fairness it was a case of 'who you know and not what you know'. They were able to join the priority group because of 'local connections'.


'Local connections'? Does it mean bribery?


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2 hours ago, Johnny English said:

They have said foreigners can buy the Moderna vaccine at Bt3000 per shot if it gets approved otherwise can wait at the back of the queue, which is only right I think

You have a funny sense of ethics. High risk people are high risk people regardless of nationality. 

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8 minutes ago, EricTh said:


'Local connections'? Does it mean bribery?






It means local connections........ as I said ....it was a case of 'who you know and not what you know'.



Not one Satang changed hands.  Second jab after 21 days.

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9 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:





It means local connections........ as I said ....it was a case of 'who you know and not what you know'.



Not one Satang changed hands.  Second jab after 21 days.

21 days ?, that seems very close together to me , which vax did they get ?

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23 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Because the system for Thais is based on Thai ID numbers. And is entirely in Thai, including need to type in entries in Thai.


The article is incorrect in stating that foreigners are unable to register on the current app. Some can and have. But only those with a Thai ID number and able to navigate the Thai language aspect.  Save to say majority of foreigners are not.


Another factor is that the vaccination in June is restricted to people over 60 and with chronic diseases. The vast majority of foreigners in Thailand are migrant workers and very, very few of them would qualify, so no real need for a system for them to register now as not negligible for that phase.


While expats tend to hear the word "foreigner" as meaning "western expats" that is nto what it means to the Thai government. Western expats are a very tiny minority of the foreigners living in Thailand.




I didn't need to type anything in Thai in the Mor Prom app. I just typed in my ID number and my name came up in English, which seems to be the case for everyone, and it told me I was eligible for a vaccine in June and invited me to make an appointment at the I normally go to which I did. 


Obviously they have no means of registering foreigners who are not registered with them, i.e. in district offices.  However, that is not true of migrant workers who have pink ID cards, since they are registered in the district offices system.  They could be registered immediately.  Their knowledge of Thai is a lot better than the average expat and it is not difficult for them to figure out where to key in their ID numbers.  


Another system is needed only for foreigners who are not registered with district offices but other countries, including Laos have had no trouble doing that.  A lot of excuses are being made by these dishonest people to justify their racist motivated foot dragging. 

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16 hours ago, Sheryl said:


peopel continue to successfully register with pink cards. It can take many tries.


need to be sure the thai spelling of your name is exactly as shown in the pink card.



it, and I have a Thai do it for me. i've tried at least 50 times now to register via the app. Rejected every time. However, as previously stated, successfully registered at our local community health clinic, but had to have the pink ID card. No app involved.

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1 hour ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

21 days ?, that seems very close together to me , which vax did they get ?


They only have Sinovac at the moment. They expect to have Astra-Zeneca by June when the 60+ and/or health issues rollout programme starts.

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On 5/10/2021 at 10:14 AM, club said:

Agree, Pfizer and Moderna are the best and if offered to me before I go to the USA in November i would gladly pay for it

I as well am happy to pay for it! My Thai partner doesn't want the Thai freebies ether because she doesn't trust Chinese or Thai produced vaccines. I'm sure most Thais that can afford it will want the American vaccines too.

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6 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Are you saying that the flu killed more in 1 year than Covid? Strange. 

I heard it's a good idea to get the pneumonia jab, to save dying if you get Covid, any views on this? 



There are studies out there suggesting that those vaccinated with the influenza and Pneumonia vaccinations recovered quicker than other who caught Covid 19, e.g. less severe symptoms and less hospitalisation, no mortalities, so best use Google to come to your own conclusion, I did put hose links in on other posts.


In the year 2018 Thailand recorded 44,549 people deceased  from the Flu and Pneumonia, as for 2019, 2020 I cannot help you there.


I know two expats that had Pneumonia while living here, the latest one spent two weeks in hospital with a collapsed lung and his bill was over a mil, fortunately he has private cover. The other was a long time ago and he did say it hurt, not sure if was referring to the bill from the private hospital or Pneumonia.




While everyone is caught up with Covid, they have taken their eyes off the ball IMO, because there are other existing viruses out there that can also kill us unless we are vaccinated, especially as we age.


The Flu shot should be done annually regardless of age, but the Pneumonia shot is recommended if over 65 or starting from 60 if you have pre-existing conditions, there is also a booster that is required after a year, then your good for 5 years until the next round.


Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The best way to prevent flu is by getting a flu vaccine each year.


Pneumonia is a common lung infection caused by bacteria, a virus or fungi. It is often spread via coughing, sneezing, touching or even breathing, and those who don't exhibit symptoms can also spread the illness.


Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) COVID-19 is a lung disease caused by a novel coronavirus first detected in late 2019. COVID-19 and its symptoms can range from mild to severe. Anyone can get COVID-19, but some individuals are more at risk for severe disease than others.


All of the above can lead to death, I am covered for the first two, the bottom one will probably be one of the mRNA vaccines when they arrive end of year or later and I am looking at those as they appear to have the least side affects and as the wife is also going to get one, I wouldn't want her having AZ with the reports of blood clotting on some women, and death, even though it's reported to be rare, that said, I wouldn't want her exposed to it period.


She says I love her big time, I say no, need someone to cook for me ????




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Today i had my appointment with the heart doc at Chonburi hospital ,all ok pleased to say ,did ask about the covid jab and he said cant register yet ,so tomorrow off to Bangkok Pattaya see what they are saying ,

one thing ,i had 3 months supply of my meds plus hospital fee (50baht) 8 different  meds  ,1700 baht in all ,last week as i was worried that 3 of my meds were getting low i got a weeks supply of the 3 from the chemist 297 baht .  

god knows what 3 months supply of all of them would have cost.

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