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Unbank Yourself.

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1 minute ago, Caldera said:


I am. I think you don't get it, not everyone who says that an investment with Celsius that offers high returns is high risk is also opposed to crypto currencies in general.


Essentially, you let Celsius borrow your coins and that's what they pay you interest for. That's the part I don't like, because you need to TRUST them just like you would have to trust a traditional bank. Minus government protection, that is.


To truly "unbank myself", I prefer to hold my crypto currencies in my own wallets.

Good point. I have a plan to cash in my crypto to stablecoins, BUSD, when the current bull cycle is nearly over, in 2/4 months. 

I could, of course, wait until the next cycle but I want to buy another house this year. 

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1 minute ago, Don Chance said:

I thought the whole point of crypt was to unbank yourself? The whole was that you have a your own wallet and nobody can touch it and requires no middle man to sell or buy. Why trust some web site with no insurance?

They have insurance. 


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1 minute ago, Mavideol said:

do you have any interest with referrals.... you keep pushing for it one has to wonder   555

No, I am not interested in that.  I just wan to let people know the benefits of DeFi. 


I haven't joined ledn yet.

Edited by Neeranam
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1 minute ago, Neeranam said:

They have insurance. 


"Ledn has a very thorough protocol for lending Bitcoin and USDC, and works with best-in-class industry partners to minimize the risk of its operations. However, Bitcoin and USDC held within the Savings Accounts is not covered by CDIC or any kind of deposit protection insurance policy."


All i can say  is to not invest more than 5% of your portfolio into crypto assets.

I have invested in Amazon, Google, Msft, FB, CRM, JD, BABA, VEEV, ASHR.  If you can hold these for few years at least.

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Neeranam, you obviously know what you are talking about and are clearly a very intelligent investor. I'm sure you have made a fortune with crypto, but there are many forums that you can read with posts about people who got wrecked by investing in it. If you're going to promote such a risky investment strategy here, it would be wise to point out the risks associated with it, or even better, give people who are thinking about it some hints and tips. 


I appreciate all of your input, just as I appreciate everyone's opinions on this site, but just because you got rich from crypto, doesn't mean that others will have the same experience. Give us some hints and tips, and tell us about how you did it.

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49 minutes ago, fdsa said:

the highest risk with "stablecoins" is that the offshore company owning the currency can disappear any moment or make press-release "sorry we don't have all those trillions USD we told you we had LOL goodbye".


take a look at this: https://twitter.com/search?q=minted at from%3Awhale_alert&src=typed_query&f=live


- it means that someone must be "investing" billions of real USD to create these "stablecoins".

Or the offshore companies just print "stablecoins" out of nothing.



Naah, that would never happen, Bitcoin is just another high profitable and legal investment vehicle, and there are no crooks in this kind of business.



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12 hours ago, grin said:

It seems most people on this thread do not know the difference in these types of currencies.


See stablecoin definition for more info.



12 hours ago, Susco said:

Naah, that would never happen, Bitcoin is just another high profitable and legal investment vehicle, and there are no crooks in this kind of business.

Bitcoin is a real cryptocurrency, and a high profitable and legal investment vehicle, while "stablecoins" are mostly a scam.

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14 hours ago, fdsa said:

the highest risk with "stablecoins" is that the offshore company owning the currency can disappear any moment or make press-release "sorry we don't have all those trillions USD we told you we had LOL goodbye".

The question is, how high is that risk with the top stablecoins. 


I have BUSD, getting 10% and might get some DAI or Tether soon. 

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There is no point discussing crypto on this forum. Most of the active members are UK retirees whose pensions, today in Thailand, buy them a far lower quality-of-life than they expected. They need to believe that crypto is a scam because accepting reality would force them to recognize all the other opportunities they've blown over the years. Their bitterness against online workers stems from the same root.

The few smart members here are already using crytpo to hedge against the coming inflation tsunami. They did not need to get the information about it here, on a dying forum for expats.


Edited by Poet
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ohoh, Telsa no longer accepting Bitcoins on environment concern ????


In this strong ESG environment, how long before big banks and corporations start "banning" and "suspending" BLC and bitcoins projects on environmental grounds ????


bye bye bitcoins, it was nice to meet you ????


Millennials will go ape<deleted> over this, they just lost their "favorite" toy and any hope to be rich, and will have to put up some real work for once in their life instead of speculating ????


of course they will blame boomers and GenX for it all ????

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1 hour ago, Poet said:

The few smart members here are already using crytpo to hedge against the coming inflation tsunami. They did not need to get the information about it here, on a dying forum for expats.


I wouldn't call people buying cryptos being smart, more like being greedy and dreaming of castles in the sky ????


nothing wrong with dreams, every generation need them ????


I will not discount the old members posting here, they might be on retirement, and old, but they still have a functioning brain that is not full of teenage hormones and they have the useful wisdom of past experiences ????

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On 5/11/2021 at 10:52 PM, Neeranam said:
On 5/11/2021 at 10:35 PM, BenDeCosta said:


The sheer fact that it's called "stablecoins" just make me think that it is a very unstable investment.

You obviously don't understand. 

This site and this one are very secure places to keep your money. 


Sorry, but it's clear that you don't understand what they're offering.  They're offering lots of "up tos", that's all.  "Up to" is their get out.

Edited by Liverpool Lou
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5 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

"Up to..."!  They don't guarantee 12%.

it's a speculative investment based on the "cloud", what do you think you are going to get at the end?


the high interest rates is there to attract the suckers that will lose all their capital ????


at the end they will be lucky if they get 1 out of their 100 they pay for that silly thing ????

Edited by GrandPapillon
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20 hours ago, Neeranam said:

They have insurance. 


and does the insurance company has "insurance" for that scam? ????


because that's the first thing they will claim when it bombs, they can't insure against scams ????

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On 5/12/2021 at 12:10 AM, Neeranam said:

Thanks mate, well said. 


I expect @BenDeCosta and @GranDPapillon are retirees. Would be intersting to find their age(if they are not just trolls).

not retired in my case, very active and young, thank you ????

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