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Higher Education Ministry Plans to Vaccinate All Students

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BANGKOK (NNT) - The Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation is working on a plan to vaccinate students at all levels, as well as people who reside near universities.


Minister Anek Laothammatas said there are about two million students, at both school and college levels, who wish to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The ministry is preparing to offer vaccination at selected campuses, while people living nearby will also be welcome to get inoculated.


He said all vaccines registered in Thailand are effective against COVID-19 and have rarely caused side-effects. So far more than two million doses have been administered with no related fatalities, while people are dying from COVID-19 every day.


The minister pointed out that, while the number of new infections is still climbing, the best strategy to beatCOVID-19 is for as many people to get vaccinated as possible.


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3 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

He said all vaccines registered in Thailand are effective against COVID-19 and have rarely caused side-effects.

OMG. This guy just fell off the turnip truck. You mean the only 2 vaccines allowed to be in Thailand which one is owned by China and its 15% Thai Chinese investor who curiously acts more on behalf for the communistic masters than anything else, or the other vaccine that is going to make some investors a boat load of money? Mark my words, they are going to force their choice on all of us and it is going to backfire tremendously. My kids will not take the Sinovac and for their own reasons do not support AV made by SB here. Ultimately Pfizer then Moderna, but then again the powers that be have severely road blocked these and all others even if they say they haven't. Our choice is we can wait until our choice becomes available. We can pay for it no problemo!

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The ministry is preparing to offer vaccination at selected campuses, while people living nearby will also be welcome to get inoculated

From 2 million, we go to "selected campuses" (where, how many?), and the people living nearby (how far?).


In Bangkok for example, the people living nearby a campus may be in the tens of thousands.


When it's all said and done, this proposition leads nowhere and can only sow more confusion in a "plan" that certainly doesn't need it.


Edited by Brunolem
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40 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

'It seems everybody wants to say something , but all air.'


I think they should vaccinate people shorter than 1m40.

I think they should vaccinate people who wear glasses.

I think they should vaccinate people who were born on a Tuesday.

I think they should vaccinate people working in IT.


That's a few more ideas for any minister or wanna-be-important group members.

What about my dogs??

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5 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

Today alone we have HE Ministry planning to Vaccinate all Students. All Restaurant Staff in BKK to be Inoculated and more vaccines for Phuket.

But where are all these Vaccines ?

You're asking awkward questions.

Now who was it in history said that if you repeat a big lie enough times, the population will eventually believe it.

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Higher Education Ministry Plans to Vaccinate All Students


what did the Lower Education Ministry said, did he agree or does he has his own plans  555


P.S--- the above post may have sarcasm intent, those without any sense of humor should abstain from comments

Edited by Mavideol
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5 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

The Minister of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation is working on a plan to vaccinate students at all levels, as well as people who reside near universities.

Considering the re-opening of education institutions is on June 1st one would think that all persons associated with the premises from security to principle would be inoculated?

Or are they going to use the 70% herd immunity is good enough with 30% un-safe?

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7 hours ago, pegman said:

Lot of gov spokespeople saying different sectors will be vaccinated but so far few jabs given. 

Talk is talk and notoriety comes to mind. 

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2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Today alone we have HE Ministry planning to Vaccinate all Students. All Restaurant Staff in BKK to be Inoculated and more vaccines for Phuket.

But where are all these Vaccines ?

Where are the vaccines -  that's just a minor detail when puffing and blowing 

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I believe no available vaccine world-wide received an emergency authorization for children under 12-16 years old. How are the ministers going to solve that issue?

By the way, did you know that more than 200 anti-Covid19 vaccines are under development in the world?

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34 minutes ago, Walkabout said:

I believe no available vaccine world-wide received an emergency authorization for children under 12-16 years old. How are the ministers going to solve that issue?


By the way, did you know that more than 200 anti-Covid19 vaccines are under development in the world?


If you're referring to WHO it doesn't have the power to authorize. Just certify it as being safe and effective. I guess the ministers can solve that issue, if it is an issue, by pointing to the United States.

FDA authorizes Pfizer vaccine for children 12 to 15
The CDC is expected to sign off on the move Wednesday, making Thursday the first day shots could be available for children 12 to 15 years old.


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