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Thailand aims to vaccinate 70% of people by September


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

So is that about over half a million shots per day? 

Well, I guess it's good to have goals.

I believe so... setting difficult targets is the way to go as failure is a strong incentive not to. 

But a lot seems to depend of the AZ coming through on-time.... and nothing  has done so yet. 

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Thailand aims to vaccinate 70% of people by September. 


Are these clowns also comedians? 


Since gambling is illegal I won't bet on a sure thing that it won't happen. 

Edited by inThailand
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Here we go, the sixth or is it the seventh vaccination plan?!

After months of claiming vaccine was just not available, it was under pre order arrangements with other countries That is suddenly tossed . Good thing too, as they will need about 20  million 'more' by their own estimates. That is If the S Bio production estimate of 10 million a month stands. Always room for doubt there.

Looks like the privileged are getting restless down in Krungthep.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

The government had previously aimed to vaccinate the 70% needed to reach herd immunity by the end of the year but has been criticised for being slow to procure vaccines and for a strategy that had relied overwhelmingly on one manufacturer, AstraZeneca.

I might be wrong but should't that say Sinovac.

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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

I am aiming to walk to town,????????????  Never going to happen, just like Anutins claims of 70 per cent being vaccinated by september.

Is there something they are not telling us? A lot of the needles used by hospitals are sold to other countries like Burma. So when we start making the AZ vaccines will the millions of needles be reused or thrown away?

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