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Visa to work

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What field of work are you in ?

Is your company a Global Company ?

For example i work in shipping for a global company with global offices,For our expats everything is arranged internally IE Visas/Contract etc....

So the simplest way to do it is get someone else to, IE get your office in Thailand to prepare the letters and Visas.

I'm sure it would all be arranged through your work if they have offered you a placement in Thailand

I am still pushing for my posting in Thailand but hasn't arisen...

You can look through all the posts on the boards it has given me no end of help in my quest to reside in the Land of Smiles...Having a Thai Wife kind of gives me inspiration also !!!!

:o Chok Dii

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Not sure about this !,

As it is Hush Hush as per your last post, To work legally in Thailand i understand you need Non Immigrant B(business) Visa. This can be obtained only with a letter of invitation/Proof of employment from the employer in Thailand !

I'm not sure of any really easy/quick way of getting fixed up !

Sorry !

Other members please correct me if i am wrong ! as i have only spent my times in Thailand visiting family and friends on a holiday basis......

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Why hush hush?

The answer is in the question I guess.  You don't want anyone in the company to know about your plans.

 The alternative is:   apply for a non-immingrant "B" visa from your local Thai Consulate, this is valid for 12 months so you don't need to go straight away, but it is always there for when you might need it.

Vist your company office in Thailand to make sure "the grass on the other side ect" and if you like what you see, apply for a work permit on the strentgh of your "B" visa getting the company to validate your position within that company, a company headed letter only required.

That way you do not burn all your bridges and everything is "hush hush".



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