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Erectile dysfunction treatment

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Well I'm nearly 60 and find the blue pills not really working as much as they used to.

So I'm looking for other treatments


My testosterone is great according to my doctor ...I don't smoke or drink and not overweight and I lift weights just my old fellow is not " as hard " as it should be


My doctor has advised me of new treatment called a P shot or He shot in Thailand.


Apart from the oral medication has anyone here used the clinics in Thailand for these new treatments such as P shot where they inject red blood cells into your penis? 

What do u do for erectile dysfunction? 


If worse comes to worse I may have to look at penile implant which I could only afford in Thailand

I'm really sick of taking Viagra & Cialis ....Cialis which doesn't seem to work for me.





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7 hours ago, CharlieH said:



Suggest seeking a professional and exploring a better or a new stimulus ?


A "professional" in what exactly Charlie......plenty of "amateurs" here would be happy to help with the OPs problem...????

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12 hours ago, georgegeorgia said:

60 and find the blue pills not really working as much as they used to.

Years ago I used to brew kombucha.

Made with tea, sugar and a kombucha plant.

I had a friend who enjoyed it too, I often used to give him a few bottles every week.

He called it 'stiffener'. It doesn't take much imagination to think why.
I found it had a similar effect on me.

I'm 67 and Mr Pinky still stands to attention most mornings, and as required.

Maybe a natural assistance could be better and more sustainable than chemicals.

Note: I expect the kombucha needs to be 'home brewed' as I've not heard any reports of the now available commercially brewed drinks having the same effect.!

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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Not very convenient ....but for some reason 0300-0400 hours is when El Capitan tends to visit????

Yeah it is inconvenient at them early morning hours,  but if that's when Captain worm is standing at stiff attention to greet the new day, then that is probably when you need to let him our for a stroll to burp him. 

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ED is mostly a sign that something different in your body is going wrong. My best advise i can give is, please go to a cardiologist and let them search for any plaque in your arteries. Otherwise you might encounter a stroke or heart attack some years in the future.

ED comes many years before stroke or heart attack. When the blood flow to the penis is impaired, thee is a very strong likelihood the blood flow to other parts of your body is impaired too. The problem is about plaque in arteries you will not feel anything about it, until the artery is closed at least 60%, 70% or more.
I don't assuming, it's my experience.

Take pills like Viagra or Cialis is like we all know or at least guess, only to cure a symptom without going to the root. From my view there are to many doctors out there, who are not able to see the real root and just prescribe the pills. A heart specialist should be able to check if there is any problem in your blood vessels or not.

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You should try these meds that you take directly into your penis. There is something called Bondil (no needle) that works very well for me and there is Caverject (needle), which I have never tried myself since I am on bloodthinning meds but I know it has a good reputation.

There is also one called Vitaros (no needle) that did not work for me. And there are probably some more. I have no idea if these can be found in Thailand. 

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9 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

More unhelpful, even muvenile responses removed. This is the Health forum not the Pub.

Please try to be helpful not adolescent in your responses.

Well this thread has lasted a lot longer than I suggested early this morning @CharlieH. Must be a hard one to moderate , well done????

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2 hours ago, Surelynot said:

A friend gave me a viagra tablet to try.......he had been proscribed them as he suffered from MS.


I had no idea they came in different a sizes.......these happened to 100mg..........my head (the one on my shoulders) nearly came off,.........gave them back to him.

Should try breaking the tabs in half and seeing if that works. I have never used a full 100 mg tab but have tried 50mg a few times with no side affects.

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6 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Should try breaking the tabs in half and seeing if that works. I have never used a full 100 mg tab but have tried 50mg a few times with no side affects.

I can certainly tell you...that 100mg worked!!!

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2 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

I can certainly tell you...that 100mg worked!!!

Well since you gave the tabs back to him I was thinking you did not like the side effects at 100 MG  which can include  bad headach or sensitivity to light --seeing colors super brite. Less chance of that with 50 MG tabs

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3 hours ago, Pedrogaz said:

Have you tried Caverject injection? 


I've taken Viagra and Cialis. In my opinion there is no comparison with Cialis from an efficacy, duration of action, cost and level and nature of side effects, being much the superior agent. However during the last couple of years my libido has waned markedly. My wife is menopausal and has little interest in sex either.

It's not really an issue for me or for her. We are both ultra affectionate people but find we don't want or need vanilla sex any more. We tend to try kinky stuff these days when we are in the mood.

I tend to disbelieve men in their 60s and 70s claiming massive sexual potency who claim to have sex a few times each day.

Maybe you should read the article below.


Sex and Seniors: The 70-Year Itch



You don't say how old  you are but  part of the issue may be boredom/mental. You might like steak but if you ate it every day you would get tired of it. Probably the reason why you and wifey look to do something kinky as reg sex is not stimulating anymore. It's a mental thing.  You say you don;t believe that guys of 60---70  still having sex at their age , read the article.  My father lived to be 95 and was still banging women at 90.  I am 73 and still have  a healthy sex life but have used 50 MG of viagra at times. I have always kept in shape exercise legs (try Squats) core exercises , and hip thrusts to keep phisically in shape to perform sex.  If you are overweight/obese you will have less testosterone/more estrogen that can definately affect performance. Some Dr's may tell you your testosterone is normal  but it could be at the low end of normal and you could benefit by muscle building exercise, test boosters ,HGH or actual test therapy. 


Your not the man your father was.


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