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ILR / Indefinite Leave To Remain, and Savings as Part of Minimum Financial Requirement

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Hi all.  Looking at the form for an ILR application - the SET(M) form,  i'm slightly stuck at the section for entering details of any Savings to be used as part of the Financial Requirement qualification.  Simply this :  how have members negotiated the fact that an applicant might have 2,3,4.. different savings accounts, but the SET form only provides boxes to enter 1 account, and it just refers to 'The Account'.   As far as i can see, there is no space in which to put something like 'Please see additional sheets for other accounts' ?  

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I don't get involved in ILR applications, but it could be that the form is "intuitive" ?  You put in the amount  of savings in your first account, and up pops a question - "does this meet the required threshold ?".  Answer no, and you get a chance to add another account. Worth a try ?

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