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how to stop snakes coming in the gate area


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In our new house we have concrete fences all aound the property, the back fence & side fence near the dirt road are at leat 18" high with wire above that, the front and other side fence are concrete right up. The only open area is where the sliding gate is, it is opposite palm oil trees and  near rubber trees, we have had a couple of snakes come through it and I am trying to get a way to stop them as I am worried the dogs or one of us  may get bitten. The gate slides on the inside of the fence and is made up of open steel bars , wondering if I can attach cement sheet etc to it to just off the ground and if it would work, has anyone had a similar  problem 

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I had a couple in the garden, moto bike and the house. They use trees and plants to get in. One entered by the hole drilled for the cable TV. after that cable was removed. (30 -40 cm long thin snake)

Edited by SomchaiCNX
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On 6/19/2021 at 7:05 AM, heist said:

The thing with snakes is that if they are determined to go somewhere, there is little you can do to stop them. The best thing you can do is keep any grass nearby well maintained and as short as possible. Make sure there's no places for snakes to hide.. they tend to not like flat open ground as it puts them at risk of being attacked from above (ie birds). Remove any debris from the area or anywhere that might make a place look attractive for a snake to camp out. Even then you'll still get some.. 

Unfortunately the trees nearby mean they'll usually at least be tree snakes hanging around. They eat everything like mice, lizards, frogs and eggs. If you remove any source of potential food they'll be less likely to hang out but it's an almost impossible task. I just found it easier to catch them when I can and release them in the jungle down the road. There aren't many venomous snakes in Thailand and it's not common to encounter them. 

If you post a photo of the area you'll trying to snake proof I might be able to give you some more useful suggestions. 

Many venemonus   snakes here

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If the snake is determined to get you, there are only a couple of things you could do.


One is get a mongoose as a pet. Best to get one as a baby and train it not to bite yer legs.


And secondly; get a snake that eats other snakes, but will not harm humans. There is one in the US called a 'king brown' or something.

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22 hours ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

I had a photo, can't find it at the moment, of a snake that I found scaling my vertical garden wall. How it achieved this phenomenal  feat was by squeezing itself around a 90deg wall section. You ain't gonna stop snakes other than by letting your dogs sort out the problem. Or maybe 'snake repellant from Lazada..



Kill the snakes and maybe the dogs with this stuff?

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Heard a kafuffle in the bathroom of an earlier house, it had those open louver type blocks, maybe 1.6 mts from the ground, on opening the door there was a snake chasing a rat around. Shut the door and left them to it. after no trace of either.

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