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How To Stop Thai Girl From Contact My Husband


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Well, as the OP hasnt been back, I think we can safely assume he/she was a troll.

But, on the plus side, it has given us all a chance to see how intelligent bernie66 is. God help the Taliban - with that sort of brainpower stacked against them, they'll be wiped out faster than I can say 'stone me'.

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Print his emails, book a house party for his mates and then plaster the emails on the bathroom wall... with 'just enough' time for him to find them before his mates turn up.

Plaster up one sheet of paper with a big red border and the name card of a law firm stuck in the middle.

I say stick these in the bathroom because when he finds them he's gonna shit himself.

Thats right brother! If he thinks she is smart enough to get a lawyer he wont be running around again. She doent need passive options.

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All the blame seems to be directed at the husband and some girl he met on holiday. It should be obvious that it can't be much of a marriage if the wife is sneaking around behind the husbands back and checking his emails. Maybe he left the emails to check on her sneaky ways. Trust is very important in a relationship.

Perhaps the wife should see the signs; even though he may not have found Miss right this time he is certainly on the look out for her.

BTW, Bernie66, HIV is quite a serious issue and telling someone that they could possibly be infected (when the aren't) is not only a sign of a deranged lunatic but also illegal.

If they are innocent than their is no way she is infected that’s why I didn’t say "have yourself checked." so she will stay away because he has it. she is most likely a prostitute and needs to be checked anyway. And if she is not a prostitute it serves her right for messing around with a married man. This poor woman not only needs to stop her husband’s affair but she needs to feel like she got a little revenge to help her sleep at night. She needs to pull no punches. She needs to feel that she took control of the situation for her own well being. I have been where she is and I know how she feels. Concerning herself with the feelings of a woman screwing her husband is absurd. Oh hel_l no! your wrong not me.

If she is innocent of what?

What would somebody be guilty of to deserve HIV?

Are you some sort of fundamentalist religious person?

How would terrorising a stranger on the other side of the planet help this women sleep well at night?

You seem to have a very warped sense of right and wrong

Prostitutes or people who go with other's husbands do not deserve HIV. In fact nobody does.

Edited by garro
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I would only add that before you accuse him of actually cheating you should dig deeper. Some men just have contact with these women for titilation, but don't actually act on this.

I know some will laugh at this, but it does happen. I had a friend like this who flirted with every girl he ever met, but stayed true to his wife.

I agree. But some means 1 in 100, in this case.

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Men will always stray when situation warrants,

and women will always bury their heads in the sand trying to think this is not the case.

There is nothing the OP can do. Maybe say, locking him up?

See how desperate Bill Clinton was. He will have sex even on a table full of nuclear missiles buttons when the drive comes . This is the nature of male animals.

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Well, as the OP hasnt been back, I think we can safely assume he/she was a troll.

But, on the plus side, it has given us all a chance to see how intelligent bernie66 is. God help the Taliban - with that sort of brainpower stacked against them, they'll be wiped out faster than I can say 'stone me'.

Give the OP a break bendix, assuming she is a she and isn't a troll, perhaps she has been busy since this morning. Some people (unlike you and me, it appears :D) have lives outside of TV :o

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The OP most likely was not a troll, she may have discovered more than she can handle and is calming herself down.

Bernie.. I like the way you think. Actually we think alike.

Change the email account and then get more info out of her is A-okay. And then set her email to spam in his account so everything she sends (should she send back to the original email address) will be permanently erased without him ever knowing. Then mess with her. Okay.. so I am evil. An idle mind is indeed the devils workshop.. and I am idle.

What's wrong with suggesting he might have AIDS? HECK he MIGHT! Put the fear of God in her!

So.. what's wrong with reading his emails? they are married right? Open relationship no secrets? Right? My husband can read and log into my email account anytime he so chooses. I have no issues with that. And.. I maintain my right to read his emails should I feel curious. If he should indicate that he has a problem with that then I have to ask what is so private that he does not want me to see. And all men know.. you don't want your wife to feel like you are hiding something from her.

AS for privacy? There is no such thing when you are married after the first time you had sex. If he has pimples on his arse and you have seen them, then by jove, his privacy has flown out the window.

But all in all.. it is probably harmless. She is thinking big and grand.. and he is titilated at the thought of being chased again. Some guys need to have their egos stroked or need to feel desired. You may tell him all the time, but you love him, so he might have a goitre attached to the side of his neck and you would still think he was handsome. He needs outside confirmation.

Still set her emails to spam.

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I would only add that before you accuse him of actually cheating you should dig deeper. Some men just have contact with these women for titilation, but don't actually act on this.

I know some will laugh at this, but it does happen. I had a friend like this who flirted with every girl he ever met, but stayed true to his wife.

Not a bad way to go.

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This is a wee bit harder. Set her emails to spam, and then send him an email with a slightly different email address that looks like it could be her. Or if she uses hotmail, make a yahoo account with the same email address.

THEN, send him some emails pretending to be her, and see what he responds.

Do you miss me?

When are you coming back..

What do you miss about me?

Can you lend me some money?

Actually come to think of it.. is he agrees to send money, then set up an account.. and see how much money you can get out of him..

BUT.. that's not really a good way to handle a marriage.. and it might back fire on you. Too much deception...

SOOOOOO get a friend to do it..

That way you can honestly say "It wasn't me" and.. " I have no idea what you are talking about".

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Why some men can't learn to think with their big heads, I will never understand.

Same reason why men don't understand women sbk.

It is very simple@@@ Just put her on a blocked email status and the old man will think she gave up

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Men will always stray when situation warrants,

and women will always bury their heads in the sand trying to think this is not the case.

There is nothing the OP can do. Maybe say, locking him up?

See how desperate Bill Clinton was. He will have sex even on a table full of nuclear missiles buttons when the drive comes . This is the nature of male animals.

Survey Says:

Cheat Lie Cheat

Results from our July 2001 - January 2002

Three-Minute Survey

Against their better instincts. Are women staking a claim for cheating bragging rights?

Our most popular survey to date took a quick pulse on the relationship loyalties of our readers and found that cheating and lying are quite fashionable these days. Not that we were shocked to learn this. One of the biggest surprises, however, was the stronger tendency in men to adhere to the principles of monogamy—against their better instincts, if biology is considered.

The percentages of cheaters among men and women were 52% and 66% respectively. In addition, the ratio of serial to one-time cheaters was also higher among women: 1 in 3 for men, against 1 in 2 for the ladies.

So: everyone here is not like everyone else.

Believe it if you like, or not, but this says that women are worse cheaters than men.

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I really appreciate all your advises whether helpful or just chipping in for fun. I know I should approach my man to get the truth I wanted.. Yes you can say I am jealous or I am fearful of the truth...I didn't want confrontation cos I have 2 kids to consider for even though if the truth is undesired... I am really grateful for all the kind souls who give considerate advises. I do hope that this episode will end like most drama where the man returns back to his family at last. I know it a hope, mayb unrealistic.

For now, I should stay calm and observe and finally decided the destiny for me and dear babies..

Thanks all

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I really appreciate all your advises whether helpful or just chipping in for fun. I know I should approach my man to get the truth I wanted.. Yes you can say I am jealous or I am fearful of the truth...I didn't want confrontation cos I have 2 kids to consider for even though if the truth is undesired... I am really grateful for all the kind souls who give considerate advises. I do hope that this episode will end like most drama where the man returns back to his family at last. I know it a hope, mayb unrealistic.

For now, I should stay calm and observe and finally decided the destiny for me and dear babies..

Thanks all

I have never seen any of these emails that people are talking about generated for bg's but is this the type of emails that are being sent? If so then you probably do not have to worry about him leaving you and his kids for her. It is really hard for us to say how serious the situation is without reading the emails.

there was a link on another thread that led to a book about a guy that fell in love with a bg and had examples of letters that she wrote to him. Also a commentary from the bg about what she was thinking when she wrote the "love" letters. It might be something that both you and your husband should read. I read it and thought it was probably pretty accurate of the way things really are between most bg's and these crazy falangs that spend a week with a girl then fall in love. It is a business for the girl and the guy makes all kinds of excuses on why things are not what they seem.

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That's why I like not being married. All that worrying and jealousy and fear, distrust - is it worth it??

Let the man do what he wants. Set him free. Give him his choice. Make both of you happy. Tell him to take care of the kids. Go out and make yourself attractive.

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I'd kill him if I found him in bed with another woman. Problem solved :o

Where I come from, it is legally acceptable to kill a husband/wife if you catch them having intercourse. You can get away with it. There might be a case against you, but if you could prove that you caught them having intercourse, the law won't send you to jail.

I would not even bother killing a cheating fool. A guy like that is not worth it! Why put blood in your hands for some fool? I'd kill to defend my family, I'd bury a body with my friends and bring a shovel (figuratively), but I wont dirty my hands with someone unworthy.

It is best to leave things to Karma.

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Sheesh, guess I should have put the smiley in there to indicate I was kidding :o

I wouldn't bother killing my husband as I am not a violent person and have more self-respect than to do something that would put me in jail. Hope that calms a few people down :D

Anyway, OP has not caught her husband in bed with another woman but has caught him corresponding with a woman we all agree is after money. Best to set her on block and let it go, since she is unwilling to talk her marital problems over with her husband.

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I would only add that before you accuse him of actually cheating you should dig deeper. Some men just have contact with these women for titilation, but don't actually act on this.

I know some will laugh at this, but it does happen. I had a friend like this who flirted with every girl he ever met, but stayed true to his wife.

Some guys or hubbies love to get an attention from the girls. It's boosting their ego.

Otherwise why the famed 'Hooters' restaurants packed with mostly guys day in day out.

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It's an all too familiar story. He's quite possibly sending her money already...wouldn't be difficult to cover up a few thousand baht as a monthly expense. I know of a few men that send monthly money to their thai 'lady friends' and I'm sure the Thai 'lady' has more than one on the go.

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I suggest that you sit-down with him and have a talk about this issue/problem. Stay collected and calmly tell him what you know, then stop and wait for his answer. Closely observe your husband, his expression, especially his eyes for any tell-tale signs of lying. As a woman, you will know if he's telling the truth or merely bul*lsh*itting you. If you catch him bul*lsh*itting you, tell him to come-up with something better because you ain't buying it. Goodluck!

Sometimes, it is a lot easier to ignore an issue or a situation, pretend that your husband is a saint and is not corresponding with THAT woman. Can you live with the nagging thoughts and ????????????????? at the back of your mind? If you want to save your marriage, you would talk to him even if it means rocking the boat a little. That's the only way to rebuild trust in the relationship. I'm sure your husband will appreciate your level-headedness and your bravery in tackling the issue.

I can guarantee you that after you sit-down and talk to him about this, you and him will feel heaps better!

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He should never marrie, but in a nother way it's done. You should tell him that you found it out, but you should keep cool, let him do what he want, and maybe he well stop by him self. You can't tell him to stop, because he will not stop if he don't want to stop. He will change secret email adresses, go in internet cafes, and you'' never find out anymore. But you should warn him, because many ladys doesn't exist. There are organisations and Gangs sometime who send template letters to ask later to send money for visa and ticket to see him. You should warn him about this, to not waste any money. But keep cool, let him his little freedom, take your self freedom too, relax, don't make your self headache. Maybe you should contact someone too, just for a flirt, to see how he acting. Maybe he want you to stop and he well stop too. It is the better to do this the psycolocigly way than making war. Usally i don't chat in this forum, but i understand you too.

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It amazes me how people here can make an assumption a fact....

The OP has never said anything about money being requested nor has she mentioned Bar Girls...but here we have labelled this girl as a money hungry BG without any facts.

If the Hubby has business in Phuket then it is just as likely to be a co worker than a BG...It could also be a case of unrequited love....she may have a thing for hubby and he has no interest in her but finds the e mails amusing.

We just dont know....do we ????

To the OP....front the hubby...you will have to admit you have been sneaky and looking where you shouldnt be looking. If you do this then you have a chance of sorting it out before it goes any further.

To the rest of the posters....here is a woman with concerns, some of the comments here if taken the wrong way by the OP could have some dire consequences.....please think before you post.

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It amazes me how people here can make an assumption a fact....

The OP has never said anything about money being requested nor has she mentioned Bar Girls...but here we have labelled this girl as a money hungry BG without any facts.

If the Hubby has business in Phuket then it is just as likely to be a co worker than a BG...It could also be a case of unrequited love....she may have a thing for hubby and he has no interest in her but finds the e mails amusing.

We just dont know....do we ????

To the OP....front the hubby...you will have to admit you have been sneaky and looking where you shouldnt be looking. If you do this then you have a chance of sorting it out before it goes any further.

To the rest of the posters....here is a woman with concerns, some of the comments here if taken the wrong way by the OP could have some dire consequences.....please think before you post.

Yes, and I will agree with this. I know several local (Phuket) ladies who have married with foreigners and they were in no way connected with the bar trade. Also, the local girls do get educated, especially in hotel management, because they hope to get good jobs in the hotels and resorts, especially the 5 star places.

Of course, this is much more dangerous to the OP, if true, because true love or infatuation disguised as love, will be much harder to overcome than simple gold digging.

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Gburns.. its called a woman's intuition. And .. most of the time, when we feel there is something not quite right, we are 99.9% of the time right on target.

If she felt the need to post, then it was because there was something in the content of the emails, that worried her.

No, the girl may not be a BG, and if she was a co-worker, the OP would have stated that.

If everything was on the up and up with her hubby then

a. the girl would never have his email address

b. If it was innocent then he would have said something to his wife about it.. so that should she ever find something he would have the .. " I told you" factor on his side.

c. There would not be enough emails from the girl to warrant the uneasy feelings which the OP obviously is feeling/felt.

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