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Hundreds Of Thai Muslims Arrested


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Hundreds of Thai Muslims arrested

July 14, 2007

THE Thai army has arrested and detained 342 Muslims, including seven women, in raids in the rebellious far south. It was one of the largest series of arrests in more than three years of separatist violence.

Human rights groups have criticised the move, saying it exposed detainees to potential abuses by the army, which is operating under martial law that gives soldiers immunity from prosecution.


nothing local yet ,

not sure if this is on top of the two hundred already reported ??

Edited by Mid
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What by violating people's human rights?????? Don't get it Mook.

I did not see where it said they were violating anybodys human rights?

what about the deaths of the innocent people who have been killed by the bombing? Are they not human?

I would rather have my rights violated than my life terminated.


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glad to see this getting some attention ,

i didn't see where it said they were guilty either ??

human rights are what it's all about , further research will disclose references to admissions of violations .....................................

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It sounded like the usual random arrests just to show the army are doing something. I am assuming that Thailand is still under a state of emergency situation which means arrests can be made without reason? Remember the bodies in the truck last time????? I tell you what, I would NOT like to be a Thai Muslim at the hands of Thai Buddist police in the current climate.

I'm not in any way advocating violence on the Muslim side either, but therein lies the truth... there are TWO sides to this tale and the issue is human rights.

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Human rights !!!!<deleted> muslim terorists have killed thousands of Thais! It is a state of national emergency. I do not know of one western government that has suceeded in dealing with terrorists with the kid glove approach.

Terror breeds terror. I also bet the Thai have not arrested anyone without good reason.

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Human rights !!!!<deleted> muslim terorists have killed thousands of Thais! It is a state of national emergency. I do not know of one western government that has suceeded in dealing with terrorists with the kid glove approach.

Terror breeds terror. I also bet the Thai have not arrested anyone without good reason.

Army spokesman Colonel Acra Tiproch said yesterday the detainees, who can be kept without charge for 28 days under emergency security laws, would be freed if found not to have been involved in the violence.

Their DNA samples would be kept on record.

reading the article before you post may assist .

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Also Paulsmithson - the Muslims are Thais too !!!!!!!!!!

They want to seperate from Thailand and have their little southern region back.

Most Thai's I know are not very fond of Thai Muslims , wonder why.... :o

Edited by JimmyTheMook
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Most Thai Muslims don't want a seperate state...

when it comes down to the crunch, the extremists can quote the koran to justify their actions - the "word of god". end of story.... thats why most thai muslims dont complain too much with the extremists. cant exactly argue with "god" can they.

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I also bet the Thai have not arrested anyone without good reason.

Is that a typo or do you actually have that much faith in the Thai authorities? :o

If they have evidence on these people then yes, it's a good thing they are taking them into custody, but if it's just arresting Muslims for the sake of arresting Muslims then it doesn't solve any violence problems, it only leads to more bad feelings against the government.

I also do not want a kid gloves approach to terrorism. If you can track them down then they need to be dealt with, quickly and severely. Unfortunately the police and military have been a little too clumsy with this whole operation and it's often just become a game of "You kill my people, and I'll kill your people"

Stupidity all around.

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I live with Muslim Thais and I've never heard such a thing Grover - and I've been here many many years

when push comes to shove, i think Muslims will side with their religion and endure the rest as best they can if at all.

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Agree CN. It's the issue that these might be random arrests that is the worrying part.

Grover, my point was about how Thai Muslims feel Thai, not whether Muslims would side with their religion. I think in the greater sense across the globe the extremists use the Koran as an excuse to back up violence but most Muslims certainly do not

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Grover, my point was about how Thai Muslims feel Thai, not whether Muslims would side with their religion. I think in the greater sense across the globe the extremists use the Koran as an excuse to back up violence but most Muslims certainly do not

Point taken seonai.

lets hope this fire goes out quickly :o

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Peace 'may be 20 years off'

Region's chief administrator urges patience with reconciliation efforts

Published on July 15, 2007

Reconciliation between the state and Malay-speaking citizens in the troubled South could take as long as 20 years, the head of the multi-agency Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SBPAC) said yesterday.

Speaking at a seminar in Hat Yai, Pranai Suwanarat urged the public to be patient with the government's reconciliation process, saying it could take up to 20 years for true reconciliation to be achieved because that was when a new generation of leaders would be in power.


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Funny, I wonder if any of you even live near any Muslims (Besides Seonai, that is :o )

So, since I happen to live in a Muslim village, I will tell you this, the people I know are my neighbors and friends and consider themselves Thai Muslims. Not Muslims and then Thai but just as Thai as my Buddhist husband. And they are by far some of the kindest, most decent, hardworking people around.

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The Koran dictates the way they will live and the Thai life style is not in accordance with the Koran

The Koran, like the Bible, has 100's of interpretations. To suggest ALL muslims believe the same interpretation and live the same style of life as all other muslims is ridiculous. I would suggest the vast majority of Thai muslims have no interest whatsoever in supporting the insurgency through illegal methods.

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I live very near, the room opposite mine in fact and I work with a number of muslims.

When I causally question them about for eg, 11 sep, I seem to get answers closer to justification and further from condemnation. This is an observation.

I wonder if we were to ask some of the villagers similar types of questions (in the context of the insurgency) and if they were to respond in a similar way.

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I live very near, the room opposite mine in fact and I work with a number of muslims.

When I causally question them about for eg, 11 sep, I seem to get answers closer to justification and further from condemnation. This is an observation.

I wonder if we were to ask some of the villagers similar types of questions (in the context of the insurgency) and if they were to respond in a similar way.

Interesting. Because my Muslim neighbor, who was doing some work for us at the time, came and apologized to me after 9/11 and told me good Muslims did not believe in the murder of innocent people. Perhaps he is an anomaly, perhaps my Muslim neighborhood is, but these people are all peaceful and do not support the violent behavior in the South. And have made that clear to Muslims who came here trying to stir up trouble a few years ago.

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